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Let's find out what we will make for the Deluxe Monster Miniatures for March!   

We will make the top 2 minis in the poll! 


Tyler Hurst

Please, almighty god of rockets and pigs, let this time be the month of the Leshen.


amazing wokrs , pls for future more scifi, cyber ... model . i love your works is very cool

Tyler Hurst

They have a special patreon that specifically build scifi, cyber, etc. models.

scott busbee

havent you already made a leshen?

Tyler Hurst

No sir, I’ve been asking for this for literally the past 6 months.




Not another dragon! Please for the love of all that is holy!

Tyler Hurst

The Leshen pulled ahead!

Tyler Hurst

Alongside the gem dragon :-/, cmon guys no one makes a leshen anywhere. These things are gnarly and super dope. Do you need a picture to persuade you?


i hope the gem dragon gets it, i need them for a few campaigns i'm running

Joe Kushner

Which gem type of Dragon?


Guys, come one, can we give the dragons a break already? We’ve had a Kickstarter full of them and then at least a dragon each month since then. Please, just...anything other than yet another dragon!