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In 1999, The Matrix became a zeitgeist-catching, generation-defining phenomenon. A year earlier, DARK CITY (1998) traversed similar thematic terrain but failed to meet the same success. In this Superdelegate-selected episode, we discuss the similarities and key differences between the two films, and situation Dark City in its cultural moment.



Tony Mines

Surely, She's Leaving Home is the most left song on the album? I for one just think it's nice that, living in this rentiered smouldering shitscape as we do, that it was good of those tax evading bastards in the most boomer of the boomer bands to leave us with such a rich, mournful, yet scathing account of 'provider' hypocracy and self pitying blamelessness. It shows that that generation 'got it' at one time.


My favorite fucking podcast.