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For 78 days in 1990, a group of Mohawk protestors withstood a siege from the Canadian armed forces. The root of the conflict? A town in Quebec sought to take over their land to expand a golf course. The Oka Crisis is the subject of Alanis Obomsawin's acclaimed documentary KANEHSATAKE: 270 YEARS OF RESISTANCE (1993), which offers us an opportunity to consider how Canada treats its First Nations. 

Watch the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yP3srFvhKs



Jeremy Hawkins

If anyone is interested, I recently saw a movie from 1989 about the residential schools called Where the Spirit Lives that's worth a watch. It was a Canadian TV movie that seems like it was mostly forgotten but my local arthouse theater worked with some Indian activists to screen some stuff for November and this was my favorite.

David Dunnett

Never saw the documentary, although I will look for it now. I remember the event well - all that for a golf course! Wish I still had this t-shirt here : https://guitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/propagandhi-1@1400x1050-1392x1044.jpg