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Since ancient times, a sacred caste of people known as "comedians" have told a secret joke - so powerful, so dangerous, that mere mortals like ourselves could never grasp it. The documentary THE ARISTOCRATS (2005) busts open the vault to reveal... not much at all. We analyze what this unbearably-smug and insidery documentary tells us about comedy. PLUS: fiery hot takes on Jeffrey Toobin and John Carpenter.



Borat Madingus

When I was 15 and first watched this movie, I 100% bought into the framing of this movie as a reverent portrayal of a secret ritual lol. If you tell a pretentious teenage boy something is too highbrow for the plebs, he will 100% buy into whatever bullshit you sell him.

Chris Turton

I think Zach Handel (psychicpeddles) does the best Trump impression.