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You may know him as a movie star, as Russia's special envoy to the U.S., and as one of the worst people in the world, but did you know that Steven Seagal was also a deputy sheriff in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana? Of course you did, because this side of the Aikido Ace's career was the subject of STEVEN SEAGAL: LAWMAN (2009-2014), his racist, fascist reality show. PLUS: discussion of David Cronenberg, #Hopepunk, and another beloved fascist action star, Jackie Chan.

"The Painful Price of Becoming Jackie Chan," by Ryu Spaeth - https://newrepublic.com/article/152848/painful-price-becoming-jackie-chan




I just happened to watch Existenz last night, for the first time in ~10 years. I think it's tragic that The Matrix stole the film's thunder and became the dominant paradigm for "skepticism" in our age. Whereas The Matrix primed its audience to trade in one form of propaganda for another, Existenz acknowledged the fact that "taking the red pill" does not and cannot immunize one against deception. Wouldn't it be nice if that particular message had reached a wider audience? This next bit is only tangentially related to the first: I'm pretty sure that Existenz is the reason we see Jennifer Jason Leigh in the new TWIN PEAKS. Her Existenz character goes through various hairstyles that are mirrored in Chantal's. Hutch is a less exact analog, but his denim "uniform" recalls the grey one worn by Jude Law in Existenz.