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Happy New Year Michael and Us Nation! 

It's been a wild ride in 2018 and, between my day job as a cryptocurrency tycoon and Will's new enterprise as a cannabis care-trpreneur, we'll definitely be spending lots of time in the content mines bringing you the best of political cinema and irony 2000s nostalgia culture over the coming lunar cycle and beyond. 

Unfortunately, it's that time of the month when our overlords at Patreon seem to bleed our ranks by making payment of the Al Gore tithe a bit overcomplicated. Which is to say - if you've been booted off because your card has been rejected, re-entering the information should get you re-admitted to Michael and Us Nation right away. 

And if you're still having problems, shoot us a DM on here and we'll see what we can do. 





Interesting to learn that Will is a capricorn, that explains a lot...

A. Sanchez

Happy birthday, Will!