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After D.VA it looks like Mercy has found the Mask too and now she's one hell of a Sexy Combat Medic. ^////^


One Day During one of her Matches against the Other Heroes from Overwatch Mercy found an old looking wooden Mask in a Room and Mercy said: What is this? An old Wooden Mask I guess I take it and bring it to my Lab for further analysis."
Then Mercy picked the Mask up and she go to her Lab. In her Lab she starts to analyze the old Mask and the Computer says that this is the Mask of Loki an old Artefact that has caused some trouble.
Then Mercy says: "Hmm, it looks like I have found the Mask of Loki but I cannot understand why an old wooden Mask can cause Trouble."

Mercy then picked the Mask up and says "It is just an old wooden Mask it cannot cause so much trouble." the Mask then suddenly glow green an Mercy feels the Desire to bring it closer to her Face, the Mask then suddenly jumps on her Face and quickly wrapped around Mercy’s Head. Mercy in her Shock tried to remove the Mask with all her Might but without success then Mercy feels a massive Pain but this was just a short Phase, instead of the Pain she quickly feels pure sexual Pleasure and she feels how a massive Orgasm is building up in her.

Mercy then suddenly was engulfed by a small Mini Twister and starts spinning around the Lab then Mercy starts to scream for Pleasure as the Orgasm hit her and Mercy screamed: "Yes Moooooore, give me more! This feels sooo good!".

Then the Mini Twister stops and a Completely different Mercy stands in the middle of the Lab. Mercy has now perfect long and sexy Legs, her hips are a little bit wider and her butt is now bigger and perfectly firm too. But that’s not all that has changed her Waist is slimmer too and Mercy has now an perfectly flat Belly with perfect trained female abs and instead of former C-Cup Breasts, Mercy now has Double D-Cup Breasts.

Mercy’s Outfit has changed too instead of her White Battle Outfit that she normally wears Mercy now wears her Uniform from the old Days of Overwatch but of course modified. The outfit fits her now Perfectly and shows off her new Assets perfectly it almost looks like the Outfit is her Second skin. But the Most notably change of Mercy was her head it is now Lime Green and Mercy has now full and Cartoonish red lips and she also wears a Pink sexy Eyeshadow and her Eyelashes are very long and sensual.

Then Mercy said: "Wow what a Rush! Whatever that was I like it!" then Mercy pulled a Mirror out of her pocket and she looked at herself and said: "I didn’t know that green suits me so perfectly and look at this Awesome Body. I know I’m Sexy but now I’m a Goddess and nobody has such a Sexy Body like me." and with that Mercy strikes a Sexy Pose and said "Looks like it is Time to have some fun and cause a little bit trouble."

Drawed by kyo-dom
Story by me



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