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D.VA from Overwatch has got her hands on the Mask this Time and it looks like she enjoys her new Look to the fullest. ^////^


One Day in Busan D.VA was on her Daily routine as Officer D.VA when she suddenly sees a Gangster trying to break into a jewelry Shop of course D.VA chased the Gangster and arrested him, then she decided to search in his Bag for Robbed jewels and Money. But instead of jewels or Money D.VA find an old Wooden mask in this Bag she takes it and starts to examine it. D.VA looked puzzled at the Mask and said "This is just an old Wooden Mask why would a Gangster steal this normal piece of Wood!". 

Then suddenly the Mask Glowed and D.VA said "What was that? The Mask has Glowed" and she brings the Mask closer to her Face to examine it further, then the Mask Glowed again and jumps suddenly on her Face and D.VA said in shock "What the...". The Mask started to wrap around her Head and D.VA feels an extremely strong Pain but this Pain faded quickly away and instead she starts to feel an incredible amount of Sexual pleasure which causes D.VA to moan in pure pleasure besides that she starts to get really wet and she feels that an massive Orgasm was building up in her. Then just before D.VA reached her Climax she was engulfed by a small Mini Twister and she started to Spin around the Police Station and as she spins around, she was hit by an extremely massive Orgasm and she screamed "Yeeeeeeesssss! Moooore! This feeels great! I neeever have get such a great Orgasm! Yessss more! Give me mooore!". Then the Twister stopped and a completely new D.VA was standing in the Police Station.

D.VA`s breasts increased from her small 74cm B-Cup Breasts into a massive 92cm D-Cup. Her legs are longer and her hips are a little bit wider. D.VA`s already nice and firm butt is now even bigger and firmer. Her waist is now slimmer and her belly is now perfectly flat and she have perfectly trained abs. Her Police Outfit has changed into a much sexier Version instead of her pants she now wears and sexy mini skirt and her uniform jacket is now much shorter and revealed her sexy slim waist and perfect abs. Also, her jacked now shows of the cleavage of her massive Breasts. But the most different Part was her Face which is now Lime green and feels like Rubber. D.VA has still her face marks but her Eyelashes are now much fuller and longer which gives her a more sensual look and she wears a Sexy blue Eyeshadow. Her lips are now fuller and more cartoonish and she wears a Pink Lipstick.

Then D.VA said "Wow I don't know what that was but it looks like I Leveled Up!" then she pulled a large full Body Mirror out of her cleavage and she looked at her reflection and Sayed "Wow! I look totally marvelous. With this Sexy Body I will win anything I want! But now it’s time for some Halloween fun!". Then D.VA strikes a Sexy Pose and said "Happy Halloween! I hope you’re ready for the Halloween Gaming Party because I play to Win! See you there <3"

Drawed by kyo-dom
Story by me



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