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Chapter 25 - Deus -

“Contact,” whispered a voice over the coms. “Light ahead. Faint but obvious. Slight turn obfuscating it.”

“Slow, ease up to the right wall. Come to a halt,” ordered Faith. There was a collective response from everyone that they understood.

Lucille dodged to one side and slowed down to a stop. Her head dipped down and she opened her mouth, her jaw resting on the ground.

Or Felix realized after Lucille lifted her tongue and he could see more than just the inside of her teeth and gums. Rather than get out, Felix just laid there. He didn’t see a reason to get up or out.

He shifted around under Lucille’s tongue, then got comfortable again.

“Felix, we could use your help,” Evie stated after Lucille stood there with her mouth hanging open. “Besides, Lucille would be better used as a combatant than a personal transport for you. Wouldn’t she?”

Sighing, Felix couldn’t argue that fact. He got up and then stepped out of Lucille’s mouth. As soon as he got his feet down he could see the light at the slow turn up ahead clearly built for trains.

“Liked being in the pretty Black Dragon’s mouth that much? I’m sure I’m better,” Talia got out in a rush with a strained laugh.

Lucille let out an embarrassed chuckle and lingered around Felix. Hovering over him, in fact.

“I’m going to move up and use a Nature Golem,” Faith stated. “I keep some weeds with me since they’re so hard to kill. Won’t be an issue. It’ll give me an idea of what we’re dealing with.

“Andie? Give me a hand? I could use the backup.”

“Of course,” answered an Andrea that turned and went off with Faith. Andrea Prime eased herself over to stand near Felix. He could tell it was Andrea prime as she had a gold ring that’d been painted over where her left ear would be.

Evie and Talia were quite close as well.

“A-Net reports the HQ is almost completely lost. All defenders have fallen back to defend the train station entrance,” Andrea reported. “As well as where we made our entrance. Given their reports… I don’t think they’ll be able to hold out for very much longer.”

“Right, in other words, we’ll have to figure out what this is, push ahead, and get going,” summarized Felix. “The longer we linger here, the closer the enemy is coming up behind us.

“And yes, Talia, I’d be happy to come up behind you if you linger. Don’t even make the joke.”

Talia laughed loudly, and ever nervously. His comment had clearly nailed the nail on the head. She was going to make that comment, or something very similar to it.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized before anyone could speak further. “I’m just-it’s just-I-I already died once and-it’s-yeah. Yeah. Just… I worship the Legate and I slept with him and it’s just-it was inside me and—”

“It’s fine. Stop,” Felicity interuptted Talia, reaching out and putting a hand on the armored woman’s shoulder. She was the only person not in armor at the moment. “We all get it. Most of us have died at least once at this point. It’s okay.

“Now, what do we do next? We obviously need to get moving. We can’t stay here.

“I propose we wait for Faith to report back on enemy forces, then move forward once we figure out how to do this. We can’t—”

“They’re coming this way. They’re just moving slowly. We’ve only got five or ten minutes,” Faith interjected in a stern and somewhat lost voice. “It’s… wall to wall soldiers. All in armor that looks a lot like Legionnaire equipment. Not our LSF stuff but the original Legionnaire armor. It’s spooky.”

“It’s Skipper,” growled Felix. “She must have gotten her hands on a suit and started making her own somehow. I didn’t think she’d be able to reverse engineer anything Felicia made, though.

“Alright, ah… can we rush by them? If we all loaded up with the Dragons and bolted, could we get through?”

“Unlikely. There’s a lot of what looks to be anti-armor weapons. The type that get shot out of those tubes with a whump,” answered Faith.

“We can’t rush by,” Andrea confirmed with conviction. “We can try to fight our way through but… we’re outgunned. The losses will be extensive. Even then, I’m not sure we could punch through.

“The weaponry they’re packing is possibly strong enough to knock through even the Legate armor despite it being as tough as it is.”


Felix closed his eyes and let his face tilt down till he faced the ground. He was thinking. Trying to figure out how to get out of this and what to do.

“A-Net lost communication with the entrance defenders,” Andrea added with a sigh. “Last reports were that it was a horde of soldiers. Some magic users spread through-out as well.”

“But no anti-armor?” Felix clarified.

“It wasn’t stated if there was or wasn’t but… if it was there, it would have likely have been mentioned,” Andrea offered by way of answer.

“Sounds like backwards is our best bet but that only sounds like prolonging the problem,” Felicity advised, though she sounded upset about that.

“We can go back the way we came, then try to go in the opposite direction? Are there other tunnels that are less likely to be broken into?” asked Evie.

“No, honestly… honestly it’s likely they broke into all of them,” Felicity suggested with a shake of her head. “That just means—”

Felicity’s words broke off as her head jerked forward. The front of her forehead strangely opened up and her beautiful eyes blew out of their sockets in a weird way. Her brain was ejected out of the hole and her body fell towards Faith, landing in a heap at her feet.

“Cover,” blurted out Talia who stepped in front of Felix. She jerked him to the side and behind Evie. “Evie, take’em. Get the fuck out if you can!”

Evie’s head blurred down and she snapped up Felix around the waist. She flicked her head to the side and let go. It flipped Felix head over heels and she caught him with her mouth. She engulfed him and then pushed him down under her tongue just as he’d done with Lucille.

“—response B!” called Talia. Felix had lost whatever had been said at the start. “Lucille, punch a damn hole for the Legate!”

There was a sudden jolt to the side and a lot of deep thrumming booms. He could feel Evie getting shaken one way then the other. It even felt as if at one point they were upside down.

“Arrgh!” screamed Tali over the coms. “Get-get the wounded behind the barriers!”

“Heal those that can fight again,” ordered Faith. “Triage fighting capability!”

“Evie! I need you to stay close so—”

A massive boom that shook everything, even Evie’s head, left Felix feeling as if his guts weren’t attached correctly anymore. A second such jolt was shockingly even worse.

Felix could suddenly see out of a hole that’d opened up in the top of Evie’s head.

A smoking hole appeared at the back of her head. As if the top of her skull had been removed and there was faint light coming in now.

Which was definitely what’d happened as Evie made a strange motion, slammed into the wall or the floor, and went still.

“Evie’s down!” called someone. “We need to—”

The voice was cut off with a crackling explosion.

Okay, okay.

Ah… what… to do. I’m not a combatant. I’m just a support guy.

I’m in the rear with the gear when I can be.

What do I do? How do I solve this?

Okay, first.

How many points do I have?



















100,000*   Avatar Limitation





~Dragon Wing (96 total)












+Loyalty Bonus



+Marital Bonus



=Daily Total



Banked Total


Not many.

Way too many projects, too many needs, too many… too many everything.

Okay, err… then what—

“Legate, forgive me. I can’t do this. I can’t-can’t fight to get you free,” whimpered Talia over the coms. There wasn’t anyone else speaking at all. “Forgive me. I’m here. I think I’m the last. Everyone’s dead, Legate.

“I’ll die here with you at my side. I fought my way to you but-I can’t… there’s… forgive me, Legate. Please be kind to my soul in the after—”

There was an explosion that sounded as if it were right outside Evie’s corpse. It was paired with Talia screaming, then falling silent.

I wish I was a damn, God, because then I’d— I’d… I would.

Blinking, Felix remembered he was a god. That Gaia had said he was.

“As the owner and CEO of Legion, husband to Lady Gaia, the Legate, and the unofficial god of Legion, I name myself the recognized supreme god of Legion All faith will be converted to points and given to me directly that are mine by right,” Felix growled. “I reserve the right to later establish a Pantheon for Legion.”

There was no noise, no change in his vision, and nothing was altered in any way as far as Felix could tell. Nothing at all was different.

Chewing at his lip, laying under a dead Dragon’s tongue, Felix felt a lot like this was a situation that was ridiculous. This was something that could only happen in a bad movie just to build tension.

Felix felt his brow come down and he tried to call up his point value again.



















100,000*   Avatar Limitation





~Dragon Wing (96 total)












+Loyalty Bonus



+Marital Bonus



+Faith Bonus



=Daily Total



Banked Total


Oh fuck!

It really happened!

“As-as the god of Legion and CEO, I declare all existing Legion technology, technology based on Legion technology, all Legion technology that was cloned, as the religious property of myself!” Felix called to nothing and no-one. Whatever laws governed this world was clearly still working. “Additionally, all equipment owned, operated, made from, or developed off of Legion equipment, is the religious property of myself! The technology and equipment are the implements of my faith and religion, to which my blessings and belief is attached.

“Additionally-additionally, I will now strip all equipment and technology that isn’t currently in the possession of those in the service of Legion and convert it to faith, which in turn is points!

“Then… then use all those points and whatever else is required, to put everything back to how it was ah… just as the attack on NORAD began! From the Legionnaires, to Tribune, to the building. Everything as it was. I do so declare as Legate, the god of Legion! Legion First!”

Felix said the last with a firm proclamation. Much in the way he’d heard Gaia speak at times and put his full force of will behind it.

There was no noise, no change, nothing that seemed to be responding to his command. Nothing was changed and there were no new coms.

Everything was as it had been unfortunately.

“Immediately,” Felix offered lamely.

No sooner than he said it then Evie’s skull began to regrow. Felix could tell because what light he could actually see a bit by was rapidly fading.

“I-what?” asked what sounded a lot like Talia. “Legate? I thought I died… but… contact!”

There was the sound of sudden gunfire nearby. Followed by multiple voices pitching in one by one. Then more and more gunfire.

“Fire breath attack!” shouted Lucille.

A second later and Evie shuddered, then got to her feet. Her tongue flicked over Felix twice, then secured him down in the bottom of her mouth. He felt the Dragon spin one way, then the other.

“Ferish?” Evie asked, keeping her mouth mostly closed. It sounded like she was trying to determine if he was alive.

“I’m here,” Felix answered. Then realized he should clarify. “Still in Evie’s mouth. I’m safe.”

“Adj-adjusting, rear,” Faith stated. “Team three and four, with me. Take prisoners if possible. HR has always been generous with rewards.”

“A-Net reporting that all non-Tribune defenses are activating. All defenders… defenders are up and fighting back,” Andrea muttered. She sounded very confused. Though she was obviously getting a hold on herself very quickly. “Most opponents are naked or in very minimal gear.

“Legate, did you do something? Is this your doing?”

“Yes. I ah… I became the god of Legion,” Felix answered, feeling rather awkward about it. The very idea of it seemed stupid but that’s what’d happened. “I declared that all Legion tech and equipment are implements of my faith. Any derivative tech or equipment is also mine.

“After that I just… I just proclaimed that all false tech and equipment would be turned into faith points, then rebuilt everyone. Everything.”

“Tribune online,” stated a calm Tribune over the coms. Then there was a beep. Followed by a long bout of static. The sound of gunfire continued though it was starting to fall off.

“Activating all defenses,” growled Tribune. Despite being a program she sounded insanely angry. “Linking to all unused equipment, moving to support and assist all Legion forces. Launching c-suite in it’s entirety.”

“Ugh, humans do taste awful,” sputtered a Dragon. “Goldie was right. Blegh, ugh. Ahhhhhgh, Lucy, is it stuck in my teeth? It feels like it’s stuck.”

“Yeah, you’ve got like… a bone… in between your front teeth,” answered the Black Dragon. It sounded as if everything was calming down. That things were settling out now.

Everything went quiet.

“Zone of conflict clear of active hostiles,” Andrea reported. “Sending Others to police, tie, and sort prisoners. What do we do otherwise?”

“Remain in position,” Faith stated. “Continue the magical defenses, hold, defend, protect. The rest of the CRG will come to us, no reason to go elsewhere. Felix can… just… stay there, I guess.”

“I’d keep myself in Evie’s mouth if I were him,” Talia offered up with a high-pitched and anxious laugh.

Felix wasn’t going to argue with that. He was quite comfortable here in the dark and protected by Dragon bones and scales. As things had changed around him he’d moved down from Evie’s molars and wriggled back under her tongue. He felt like she was able to hold him there easily enough and it didn’t feel like he was being crushed.

“A-Net reports that the NORAD raid is still ongoing. They met heavy resistance. They were wearing similar cloned Legion equipment that we fought here,” Andrea cut in, everyone ignoring Talia. “Information coming back is they suddenly lost it all. All their weapons and armor vanished. Or if not all of it, most of it. Now the raid forces are just mopping things up since they didn’t have any way to really fight back.”

“In other words,” Felix muttered. “Skipper has a way to mimic Legion tech. Somehow, someway, she was able to make a knock-off that was good enough to not get instantly rolled by the real thing.

“There’s obviously more here, we’ll have to look into it. Is there anything else we should be aware of?”

“Hero Kit and Hero Lily were among the attackers,” Tribune deadpanned and without any inflection. “Hero Lily is the reason the front of the building was torn clean off. This is an assumption at this time, but given the information at my disposal it is extremely likely. To the point that it not being them is mathematically improbable.”

“Kit and… Lily?” asked Felix, not really processing that statement. “Kit and Lily were part of the attack?”


Nicholas Donovan

Huh, thats going to be a almost heated discussion with "Don't worry everything will be fine with that" Bianca... likely because it ends up with Skipper finnally getting skull fucked by a bullet, maybe Sam would be interested in helping? Oh and Warner, he would be too, but probably not Steve (even if he would be all for it) he is probably helping Vince not die to the hungry god thing on his world in europe, or spending time with his family on hell australia land of zombies.

Darwin Baide

Well that was a lot, god Felix is a nice upgrade and the faith being points does make sense for who he is, a natural power progression , but that ending was random, last I heard hero kit and lily were put into a different story or world, ur I guess them being enemies would count too , but a nice story twist


Hero Kit and Hero Lily? No. They asked for a meeting from Felix at the start of the novel, but that never happened. Then Felix kinda forgot about them.