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Chapter 24 - All Warfare -

“Kinda like a video game,” Felix muttered, tilting his head to one side to match the angle of the camera. He was currently looking out of a camera slotted in a Warden. It was currently being powered by one of the LSF, likely an Elf, and utilizing the magical enhancements only available to them.

The camera was odd though as it was placed in such a way that he could see the weapon held up in front as well as a portion of their arms. To Felix, it really did look akin to a First-Person Shooter game.

“Nnn, just need a sword with a chainsaw on it and rrraaaaghhhnnn, bzzzzzz!” Andrea said moving her hands around as if she were wielding said weapon. Stepping around as she did so. Then Andrea’s eyes went wide and she stood up straight. “I should talk to Felicia about that! I could promise her a perfect date night for her and Ioana if she helps me!”

Andrea then popped her closed fist into the palm of her other hand with a sharp nod. She looked excited and pleased with her plan. Turning she flicked her eyes to Faith with a pleading look.

“Yes, I’ll speak with Felicia with you as well. It sounds like an amusing weapon though it’d be difficult to actually wield,” Faith offered. “Since the idea of a sword is to slice through or cut. A chainsaw requires you to hold it in place to cut. It really wouldn’t—”

Faith was forced into silence when several Andreas pounced on her and hugged her between themselves. All of them saying thank you at the same time. The Dryad looked very similar to how parents often did when a child thanked them for something silly.

Or so Felix thought, though he was due for kids any day now.

He still suspected there was something funky going on with the time involved, or something had been done to prolong the pregnancy, but the Andrea’s were due now. If he had to guess, he’d probably put his suspicions toward the Whites and Felicia.

Maybe it was some type of device Andrea wanted to try or to do.

Or… were they just nervous that they’d give birth while I wasn’t around? Did they postpone the whole thing like that to make sure I could be there?

Knowing Andrea, that’s probably it.

“Speaking of games, I’ve hired on several assistants,” Felicity said, turning to look at Felix. She reached over and laid a warm hand to his knee. “I’m starting to feel overworked with all the titles and roles I have. I’ve already used Mirian and HR extensively to make sure everyone picked will serve correctly.

“I have to confess though, I originally was going to go with all Elves. Then I realized that would only reinforce some of the bias I’ve seen recently that’s plaguing Yosemite. I picked a number of representative roles that should be fine.

“With any luck some of my time will be freed up relatively soon. Then I can spend more time with, well, you, my dear.”

Felicity said the last while reaching out and running a hand through his hair. He and Felicity were considerably close given how they’d gone through a number of issues together.

Smiling at him, the beautiful Elf quirked a brow, clearly waiting for a response.

“Good,” Felix said and nodded his head. “I’m… ah… once we finish up with Skipper I think I want to hand off Legion to someone and just kinda go be a retired shareholder, of sorts. Hire someone to be the CEO and manage the front end. I can just step in and help where I need to otherwise.”

“A wonderful plan. I’ll make sure to book your schedule in advance so it’s all mine. You’ve neglected me a bit,” complained Felicity, staring into his eyes unblinkingly.

“Nnn, you’ve got me when he’s busy, Fel!” Andrea Prime announced and knocked Felicity right off her chair and to the ground. The Beastkin began kissing the Elf brazenly right then and there.

“That works,” Felix murmured and looked back to the screen. Andrea was a distraction and a solution all in one.

Faith had been surrendered by the Andreas and they’d apparently returned to Prime. The Dryad was leaning against Felix’s desk and watching the screen as well.

Everything was from the internal cams and views of the “drop pods” that were about to be launched out of orbit.

The attack on NORAD was going to happen any moment and it was the dead of night. There was no reason for Felix to be there for the attack as it’d be a risk. If he didn’t have to put himself in danger, there really wasn’t a reason to not make him safe.

Everyone else had gone on it more or less, other than him, Felicity, Faith, and Andrea Prime. An entire batallion of Andrea’s had joined the LSF and spread out through the forces. They were everywhere in the ranks and acting as a backstop reserve force. Each of them with hundreds of Others at their command.

Talia and Evie were currently sleeping and Faith and a contingent of CRG outside the door were on bodyguard duty.

“Task Force-one about to deploy,” Tribune reported. “Launched.”

All the internal views and blue lights were gone in a flash, replaced with bright red and yellow flashing lights. There was a lot of heavy breathing now on the communal coms on the screen.

“Legate guide me,” whispered someone over coms. A few others said the same.

“Hm. I know some worship Gaia since I’m her head priestess,” Faith remarked. “I didn’t realize some were actually putting their faith in you, Felix. That’s news to me.”

“Honestly, me too,” replied Felix. One of the screens on the inside of the drop pod had a timer counting down on it. “It’s not like I hear prayers or anything. Maybe I should ask Gaia about it. Speaking of, where’s they pretty bird brain of mine?”

“Sleeping, actually,” Faith admitted with a chuckle. The timer hit zero and the doors of the drop pod came off. “She’s been forcing herself to take up all mortal trappings. It’s also why she’s not speaking her thoughts aloud as much.”

“LSF deployed-deployed-depl—” Tribune stuttered before cutting out completely.

“Tribune?” Felix asked.

There was no response.

At least from Tribune.

What Felix did hear was an earth-shattering kaboom that made everything jump about. The building shuddering wildly in every direction.

Faith leapt to her feet and snatched her helmet off Felix’s desk. She slammed it down on her head. Andrea rushed up behind Felix and rushed him over to where his armor stand was.

A dozen Others popped out of her and he was quite literally being forced into his armor at a hurried pace.

“Architect? Bianca? Any chance of a perfect co-op moment?” Felix asked. He knew Bianca was insanely busy at the moment but it wouldn’t hurt to try. “Runner?”

Neither Bianca or Runner responded.

Wherever they were, whatever they were doing, they were busy. Perhaps even in a similar predicament as he was.

Felix couldn’t hear anything from Faith. Nor did it seem like she was getting a response given she’d tapped at the side of her helmet several times.

The entirety of the CRG came in from the outside hall and entered his office. Local coms were working at least as Felix heard a number of orders being issues by Faith to the CRG.

“— my way,” reported Talia as Andrea stuffed Felix’s helmet on his head.

“Picking up a portable armory, on my way,” Evie stated as well.

Felix flinched away from his own helmet. The volume felt almost too loud for some reason. Then he realized what it was.

Tribune wasn’t actively monitoring everything and adjusting things live.

“It’s a heavy attack,” Faith stated, appearing in front of Felix. “The A-Net is reporting an extremely heavy assault pushing it’s way into the HQ. The front of the building is just gone. It’s been torn clean off somehow.

“They’ve already activated all the defenses they can, pushed defense and evacuation orders, as well as attempted to activate cut-off protocol for all computer systems. Anything related to Tribune has failed outright.”

“Shit,” hissed Felix. Andrea slapped him on the chest once and then they all moved away from him. Taking that as a cue that he could move now, Felix went straight to his desk.

Opening the bottom drawer he fished out all the fake work folders he’d put on hangers there and tossed them to the side. Then he ripped out the metal slats they hung on and pulled up the false bottom.

Fishing out the device he’d put at the bottom, one he never thought he’d have to use, he snapped the cover off it. He jammed the red button once, then the green button.

Flicking it back down to the ground he didn’t give it another thought.

He’d just initiated a self destruct that would do it’s best to get rid of any information, systems, or hardware that would be problematic to fall into other people’s hands.

I can always turn it all into nothing for points later, but for now, this solves all the issues I need it to. Tribune assured me she’d be okay with it’s activation but… we’ll see, I guess.

“Escape then. There’s no reason to stay here if they’re throwing that kind of firepower at us. Who is it? Do we know?” Felix asked, moving to the back of his office.

Unfortunately they weren’t actually along an exterior wall. The window at the back of his office was once again fake.

Standing near the back Felix looked to the ground. Given that the enemy wasn’t afraid to annihilate the building, he discounted using the safe room. There was no guarantee this attacker wouldn’t just vaporize the building.

What Felix was actually thinking of doing, was going through the wall to get to the exterior of the building. Then going from there.

I have Dragons. Dragons have wings. No sense in being stupid about this.

The walls are thin enough that we can just move through them. Then get to the exterior, then see about getting to one of those big stupid windows that made me scared of snipers.

“Also, how about we knock some walls down and just fly outta here?” Felix finished, tapping the wall.

“Building is surrounded. The forces look strangely like Legion but not. Clone tech or stolen tech. Unknown. Looks eerily similar,” Andrea ground out then sighed. “We need to get out one way or the other, but I’m not sure flying is an answer. A-Net is reporting multiple contacts from the satellite. A large ring. Some even look like they have some of our anti-air tech.

“Sewer might be our best option. Or the trains. Those routes are our best options and the most likely to not have been spotted.

“For the sewer we could-actually, nevermind. There’s a large number of vehicles where the sewer meets the drains at the highway. They look suspiciously like they’re waiting for someone to come through there.

“As far as the A-Net can tell, the trains are clear and without a problem. Should be able to utilize it. Biggest issue though is once we’re on it, there’s really no other option. Forward or backward.”

“It’s fine,” growled a Dragon walking up to Felix’s side. “One way or the other we’ll get the Legate out.”

Felix was fairly certain it was Lucille but he couldn’t tell. Black Dragons tended to be the first to physical answers.

Which only confirmed his thoughts when she punched a hole in the wall, kicked her leg out to make another, then bodily forced herself through the hole she’d made. Knocking more of the wall apart and to the side in the doing of it.

Several of the CRG Dragons followed her through. In short order the hole was more than big enough to fit anyone through that needed to.

Talia and Evie entered through the door along with several LSF members as well.

Moving into the next room, Felix watched as the Dragons knocked a hole in the wall and moved through to the next room once again.

Repeating it only once more they made it to the exterior wall. Several of his CRG were peering out the window from the edge of it.

“Hostiles all over,” said one. “Definitely those with very similar weapons to our own anti-air platforms. They were expecting us to try and fly away.”

“Train it is then,” Faith said with a growl. “Someone knock a hole in the floor. Let’s work our way down. We can get to the train operations if we go straight down through here.

“Though when we get to the basement slab one of you will need to go full Dragon to claw it out.”

“I’ll do it now, actually,” Evie offered as her armor began to shift around her as she transformed. The new armor made specifically for Dragons did a fair job of covering them from head to toe when they wanted it to.

In no time the armored Dragon was wedged between the ceiling and the floor. A great deal of furniture had been shoved to the side by her growth.

Her large reptilian head inched to one side before she grunted, apparently stuck.

“This is rather tight. I’m not a fan of enclosed spaces like this. I died in one,” complained Evie. There was a creaking noise coming from beneath her now.

“Felix likes it tight. Trust me,” Talia offered up with a nervous laugh. “He remarked on it a lot.”


Then Evie’s arms shot forward and she blew out the floor beneath her. She’d been straining against it, it seemed.

“Haha, really? That sounds fun,” Evie flung back, her upper half down in the floor below them. Her bottom half and wings were still visible for Felix.

There was a crash and Evie slithered out of view.

“Time for me to go down. You know. Like I did last time,” Talia said, once again feeling the need to remind everyone possible Felix had slept with her. The nervous edge to her voice was obvious though.

This was just how she acted when her nerves got the better of her.

Everyone dropped down into the hole even as Evie moved a bit to the side and kept going. Knocking hole after hole into the floor and keeping them moving.

They reached the ground floor and Felix heard the unmistakable and sudden roar of gunfire. A great deal of it.

“Ah, fuck, that hurts,” groaned Evie. “Okay. Someone else go and get us into the basement. I’ll hold all this back.”

Another Dragon grunted, moved past them, and dove into the whole. The shift from human to Dragon was rapid though most of it unseen. Felix only saw a large black tail tip before they vanished completely out of sight.

The boom of them blowing through the ground.

“Basement open, digging,” growled Lucille. Felix was gratified that he’d properly identified his Black.

Dropping down the hole, Felix found Evie. She was standing with her front facing him. Her back was facing where the sounds of gunfire was coming from. Her wings were spread and it was obvious she was being shot repeatedly.

Felix dropped down into the hole, not wanting to hesitate or risk her. It was only a matter of time before they figured out normal caliber weapons couldn’t do the job at all on her.

As he fell through the hole, he got a glimpse of their opposition.

It really did look like Legionnaire armor though in blue and black colors. Everything looked to be cloned from his own tech.

The hell? Did we have a saboteur or something? How?

Reaching the basement he found Lucille digging and clawing at the concrete floor. Large chunks of it being shoved out to either side.

“I’m through. It’s dirt now I’m… I’m too fat for this,” hissed the big Black. “Christina, please? Help me?”

Another Dragon moved up to Lucille’s side and transformed as well. Becoming a lovely Green Dragon.

The name was familiar to him though he wasn’t quite sure why or how. He’d have to check his memory when they weren’t fleeing for their lives.

Lucille got out of the way and the Green dove into the hole. Dirt, stones, and other things began to practically fly out behind and to her sides.

“You’re not fat,” Felix said, looking to Lucille. “You’re just my big bad Black Dragon. Only Carol and Goldie can keep you down, right?”

“Uh… yeah. Carol can get me to a draw, Goldie wins,” Lucille admitted.

“See? It’s fine. I need all sorts of Dragons. All the colors. I need a toolbox, not a tool,” Felix explained quickly. Christina vanished out of sight though more was being thrown back out.

Lucille bent over the hole and started shoveling out dirt and rocks as well. Working to shift the load out that Christina couldn’t clear on her own.

“Through!” came back a voice. “Everyone in.”

There was a crackle and boom from below and then Lucille dove into the hole completely. She got stuck for a moment, her tail thrashing around, then punched through somehow.

Everyone began to dive through now.

Slamming to the ground atop a train track, not too far from the station.

“No trains,” hissed Christina. “We’re getting a workout today after all.”

“Me and my not-fat-ass could use it,” growled Lucille who turned her head to the side, snapped Felix up in her jaws, then began running at full speed down the train tunnel.

He was pushed up against the front of her teeth with her tongue. He didn’t feel like he was being smothered by a wet blanket this time given he was wearing his armor.

Reminds me of Goldie.

Then again… Goldie… hm.

“Mount up on squads, go,” called Faith.

“On the double Dracos,” Evie ordered.

“Haha, you took it in the mouth, Lucy. Be gentle about it. When the time comes, don’t swallow him, but play with it all a bit,” Talia teased. “Mount up everyone! Someone hit that transformer to kill the tunnel lights.”

Lucille grunted, and her tongue eased up off him a bit. As if she were actively thinking about how much force she was using after Talia said something.

Felix rolled up under her tongue, stuck his helmeted face down, and tried to just stay there like a pill to be dissolved.

As far as he knew, they were all sprinting down the train tunnels now. In which direction he had no idea.

“What fun thoughts you have, Grove-Husband,” purred Faith inside his helmet. “I’ll take care of it later for you. I could use some attention, anyways.”

Regretfully, he’d been thinking of Lucille’s mouth given Talia’s teasing.


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