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The border camp had gone up in the same day that the forces of Yosemite arrived.

Elven mages, Dryads, and a number of magicians from Magi-Vale casually threw together a fortification that looked ready to withstand an onslaught. As well as a siege from artillery in fact.

Multiple sloped walls, causeways that ran along them, barricade embankments, and the fact that it stretched into the distance in either direction. No section of wall didn’t have someone watching it, either.

Undead made excellent sentries apparently.

Zathira had them spaced out every so often, from the far northern edge of the wall, where it intersected with the Portal-storm, down to the end of the line, in Spanish territory. Running the old border perfectly and not an inch beyond it.

Leaving the army with a chance to settle in for a time.

Even Vince had a chance to catch his breath.

He was now awake after having a Dryad in his grove pestering him. Pushing and pulling at his sleeping mind till he woke.

Vince sniffed once and then yawned, wondering what was going on now. Even as his brain came to wakefulness, he couldn’t help but admit he felt incredibly better.

Blinking several times, he stared up at the inside of his tent and luxuriated in the feel of being on top of an actual mattress with blankets.

Only now after reconnecting with his forces had he been able to actually let his guard down. To sleep deeper than a doze for fear of someone or something sneaking up on him.

Even with someone else taking a watch, there really was nothing quite like sitting in the middle of a military camp to feel secure. To let your guard down and rest.

Blue moved in closer to him and pushed her head up under his chin. Nuzzling and snuggling into him.

After his “religious duties” had been attended to, he’d been allowed to go to sleep, though he’d still had to take care of Blue several times. The Dryad hadn’t been satisfied with a simple go of it either, Vince had to put some effort into taking care of her needs, even as she took care of his.

Thankfully Johanna’s canteen hadn’t made an appearance, but he was fairly certain it was full after the rather quaint ceremony they’d held to formally induct her into the pantheon. Which really was just a brief statement by Ferris and Dea, then the High-Priestesses, followed by Vince sleeping with said High-Priestesses.

“Ah… Grove-Husband, good morning,” came a whispered voice, just beyond the flaps of his tent. Vince was fairly certain it was Ynes. Which meant that she likely had come with a message from Fes, or Petra. “I apologize for waking you, but I have a message from Fes and the general. They wished to see you and then give you orders.”

Vince took in a slow breath, then let it out. He’d suspected something like this.

He even knew what was probably coming.

They’d be sending him southward to finish off Spain. He would need to be there for the close-out, if only for the fact that he was the lord of Yosemite. Having him there as it all finished would be a better epilogue to it, so to speak.

“Am I going to Spain?” he asked.

“Yes. Yes you are,” agreed Ynes. “My squad and I will be going with you. As well as Renata, Zathira, and Johanna. Fes Berenga wished to join you, but she is going to remain here and act in the Francia theater of war.”

Nodding his head, Vince had to agree. That was a good place for Berenga. She’d clearly gotten a taste for being in the front lines again and likely wasn’t going to give it up easily.

“Blue… Blue will be taking my place with Fes. Apparently my squad is better suited to being with you due to combat experience and expertise that’d do well at your side. Blue is better to remain with Fes and Petra,” Ynes sounded unsure, but willing. “I remember doing similar things with people under my command, though it’s weird being on the other end now.

“Just because they were the best in position when they were assigned, doesn’t mean it remains that way. Things happen, people change, new positions get opened.”

“Exactly,” murmured Vince and then sighed.

And that’s why I need to go to Spain. Things change.

“I’ll need a mercenary band. I don’t want to be down there forever,” Vince finished. “Make sure you get that for me, Ynes.”


Renata began to lazily sink through the air. The beats of her wings generating less and less lift with each round, bringing them in toward a siege camp that was spread out around the city.

From what Vince could see of it, it was comprised of a great deal of Dryads, soldiers, people dressed in civilian clothes, and a few Dragons that were certainly far above the expectation for size.

“Oooh, there’s so many Blacks and Whites. I’m always a little jealous of how big they are. But then I’d lose my speed,” Renata said, turning to look at Vince over her shoulder.

“You’re exactly what I want as my mount, Renata,” Vince countered with a smile. He was riding her alone, while Ynes and her squad were on the back of their partnered Red Dragon, along with Zathira and Johanna. The Red had been quick to promise it wouldn’t be too much for her to carry. Vince had had his doubts, but the Red had clearly held up to her promise and her duties. “I don’t need strength, durability, magic, or anything else. Speed. Speed was key for my existence not long ago, and I’ll keep betting on that.

“Betting on you, to be more specific. You, my mount, are what I want beneath me. So hurry the hell up and get permission from Elizabeth.”

Renata let out a loud cackle at that and looked ahead again. The boisterous and joyful Orange was always a pleasure to be around now after her first death.

Or perhaps more accurately, after saving Vince from the end of his life.

“Sure, sure,” Renata grumbled good naturedly while laughing. “You just want to plow me into a bed after riding me all day. Should I just lay around in your bedroll until I’m needed, one way or another?”

“That’d probably be easier. Go ahead and do that,” Vince agreed, smacking his hand into Renata’s thick scales. To which the Dragon began laughing again.

Landing with a light bump, Renata bowed her head forward and dismounted Vince without his say-so. She instantly shifted into her human form, her hands grasping him around the ankles. She held the pose for a second, then stood up without saying anything.

Her Dragon Legionnaire’s armor had rapidly refit itself to her, even as she got to her feet.

No sooner had she stood up than she stretched herself out. Bending one way, and then the other. Putting a lot of her very smooth and delicate-looking skin on display.

No small number of the soldiery were watching her as she did it, too. There were a great many of the locals who were part of this siege. They’d been brought here specifically to wage this war and see it finished.

So that the people of the country were truly part of its change in government.

Which meant there were far more people in this army that weren’t part of Yosemite until recently.

They’d need to be wary of them.

At least until Spain had been a province for two generations. Then they’d be more likely to identify as being part of Yosemite, than their previous government.

A group of people came over.

In the lead was an Orc in heavy Legionnaire armor. They could wear considerably heavier grades of equipment without a concern, and Mr. White had been leaning into that trait.

Flanking him was another Orc, an Elf, and a Human with a Ratkin sitting on their shoulder.

“My lord,” said one of the Orcs who then saluted, crossing his arms in front of himself. “We’re pleased to have you. I received word that you’d be coming here personally but… we honestly didn’t quite believe it. We hoped, but didn’t believe it.”

Vince grinned and offered the Orc his hand, which the Orc immediately grasped.

Shaking his hand firmly, Vince shook his head.

“I indeed am here for the fall of their last city. Once we have them done and set to rights, I’ll be finishing this off so we can all go elsewhere,” Vince explained. “Most of you will end up going north. Though… probably not the locals. I imagine they’ll all remain here in their own country. It wouldn’t do to send them northward to die in a war that they didn’t want to be part of.

“It’s not like we’re defending our territory up that way either. We’re quite far north of the original border. Making a new one, but still, not the original.”

“I think you’ll find my soldiers here want very much to prove themselves,” countered the Orc with a huge grin. There was something in him that reminded Vince of Berenga and his brother-in-law, Duke Berten.”

“You’re of the Ber, aren’t you?” Vince asked and released the Orc’s hand.

“I… yes. Yes I am. I earned my commission through the Legionnaire’s drill-yards. Came over with the Praecantrix. Spent a great deal of time learning on Legion,” admitted the Orc. “I’m Bersert. I was part of the group you brought back to Yosemite.”

“Perfect. That makes you family. I’ll be honest with you, Bersert. We need more who are willing to go learn and come back for us. You need to make sure you add more children to the clan so that they can do the same,” Vince said and gestured at the camp ahead of them. He was sure the general had some place to take them, he just didn’t know where.

“Of course! Please follow me, my lord. I have a tent prepared for you. I didn’t do anything elaborate, as I didn’t think you’d care or want that,” Bersert said in an almost apology-like way. “Standard Legion issue.”

“That’s exactly what I’d want. Exactly it. Now… get me up to speed, but realize I’m not here to give you orders,” Vince said, following the Orc as he began to trod into the camp proper. Behind them, Vince could hear and feel Ynes’ squad, Renata, Johanna, and Zathira.

Bersert didn’t dilly dally and said no more. His entourage came with him and didn’t seem to be concerned either.

As they moved deeper into the camp, they took a number of turns. Moving with certainty until they ended up in a small sectioned-off area of the camp. It wouldn’t be obvious from the outside that this was where the leadership of the camp was either.

“This is where we gather to discuss,” Bersert murmured and indicated a large pavilion. The Orc then gestured to a small grouping of Legion tents. “Your tent is there, my lord. Your attendants were set down around yours. My own tent is just over there.”

Vince nodded at that as Bersert than led him to the pavilion.

“As to our situation, it’s very simple. We’re just waiting. We’re not really attacking them even,” explained the Orc, gesturing to a small map on the table. “If we can take the city whole, I’d prefer that. I don’t want to turn it into a smoking ruin, as it’d be a shame to torch such a historic place to the ground.

“While the current leadership isn’t in favor, the city itself has a long history for them. Even if it means we have to starve them out… it’d be preferable to destroying it.”

“I can see how that’s a preferable option. Petra asked for it?” Vince inquired, looking at the map. It was a map that’d been made on the fly and didn’t have much detail for the city. There was far more for the surrounding areas, but that was it.

“Queen Yaris did. As soon as she did, Fes Petra and Fes Berenga both approved and requested the same,” growled Bersert who then chuckled. “We’re doing what we can. It’s just… difficult. Thankfully most of the citizenry left before we got here. Only people in there are those loyal, stupid, Nullifiers, or soldiers.

“Not too much of an issue to let them die to the last. It’s just… frustrating. I want to serve the Fes and my queen, but… I’d rather just knock the wall down with the Dragons and move our way in slowly. Let the Crown’s Guard squads I have on loan take care of it at a walk.”

Crown’s Guard… is that what they’re calling the collective forces of the Praecantrix, Draco Custodes, and Bellum Dryadum?

Ugh, their names are a mouthful.

Crown’s Guard is better than all of it together.

“What squads?” asked Ynes, moving to stand next to Vince at his right. She and Dionara were the squad leader and assistant squad leader for their group. Their High-Elf and Wood-Elf, looked very much like their kin, and quite lovely. The Red Dragon was incredibly pretty to look at and had a wonderful look to her.

As a group, Ynes’ squad was almost too attractive to exist. Almost in a way that made him want to question his reality and the world around him.

Only for his mind to quickly skitter away from that unnerving line of thinking.

He also knew they were all quite lethal with their weaponry.

“First and third,” Bersert replied with a grin. “They gave me great tools, but no ability to use them effectively.”

“Oh! Antona is here,” Dionara murmured, looking up at Vince from his left with a smile. “That makes this a lot easier. Though… I see what you mean. Only easier if you’re allowed to use them.”

“Yeah, that,” growled Bersert. “I’ll end it here so you can get some rest. We’ll be doing lunch in a few hours. Should get your kit shuffled then sorted in the meantime.

“Not much to do but hurry up and wait while you’re here. We’ll have a formal meeting after lunch. Can have everyone introduce themselves at that point. Get everyone’s acquaintance and what not.

“We have live fire drills in the early afternoon today. Keep everyone practicing with their weaponry and keep reminding those inside the wall that we’re waiting for our own reasons. Not due to any lack of anything.”

“Course,” Vince agreed and then watched as Bersert and his people left. The Orc was clearly no-nonsense, which certainly wasn’t something Vince would disparage the man for.

Worked to his favor, if anything.

“Let’s have a chat with their leader,” Vince murmured, turning to look at Ynes. “Prep it for me and get everything ready. We’ll bring it up to Bersert after lunch.

“For now… let’s get sorted out like he suggested. No reason not to utilize what’s available to us.”

“Understood,” Ynes murmured. Then she turned away and took Dionara with her. Her squad fell in to a group and began conversing.

Vince turned to look at Zathira and Johanna and gave them a smile.

“Well. Next, you two,” said Vince.

Zathira raised her eyebrows at that as did Johanna.

“Dear High-Priestess of death, I know part of the reason you were sent down here was to retrieve your Undead forces. Is there anything in the nearby area we could use for this siege?”

“Quite a few, actually,” answered Zathira with a slow nod of her head. “It shouldn’t be much of an issue at all to collect the ones nearby. I can summon up a few of them and use them as touch points to collect more. I’m growing quite capable with my abilities.”

“That’s rather fascinating, honestly,” Johanna said, unclipping her canteen and then taking a drink from it. “I had no idea you could do such a thing. My necromancy is quite average, I’m afraid. As I am associated with all magic.”

Zathira’s nose twitched, and her eyes fastened onto the canteen in Johanna’s hand.

“You mentioned that before. You really can use all magic?” asked the Lamia, lifting a hand and pointing to the canteen. “Also… what’re you drinking, exactly? There’s a strong scent of magic and something else coming from it.”

“Ah… err… it’s… just an elixir that’s now tied to my faith aspect,” muttered Johanna, screwing the cap back onto the canteen and putting it on her hip once more. “And yes, I really can use all magic. If you don’t mind, I’d love to watch you work your own. I may not be able to replicate it, but I’m sure I’d be able to learn a great deal from it.”

“I wouldn’t mind at all, that’s not a problem,” Zathira allowed with a small wave of her hand. “Let’s head back to the tents and we can work from there.

“And you said it’s tied to your faith? Is that something that your priests and the like partake of as well? Is it a ritualized event like what the Dryads have been doing?”

“Not quite. It’s hard to explain, really,” Johanna deflected, then began leading Zathira out of the tent.

Dionara came back in that moment and laid a hand to Vince’s chest, gazing up at him with a wide smile and partly glowing eyes.

“Grove-husband. I’ll need you to attend to me briefly before we continue,” purred the beautiful Dryad. “I’ll need to commune with Dea just to make sure there’s no Dryads in the city. That’s always done best after a strong coupling with you and praying to her during the heights of it.

“She listens far more intently at that moment, and we can share some of the joy of it with her. If she’s willing, that is. I know for a fact that she never says no when we try to share with her a coupling with you.

“Though I’ve heard from a number of non-grove Dryads that she declines outright to everyone else. While it may sound a bit petty, and maybe meanspirited, that sounds true and correct for a deity that’s your wife.”

What she really means is she just wants to have sex, I’m betting. That’s all just an excuse.

Not sure I ever married Dea though. I guess that’s part of the religion now.

And speaking of that.

“You got one of those religious books I wanted made up for my pantheon?” asked Vince, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth. “I want to make sure we spread some of that belief in the city. Get them really believing in it. Make them afraid of it.

“Because fear is as much a faith and belief as anything else. Believing through fear is still believing, and I’d just as soon have my enemies fear me as I would have them worship me.”

“I can write one up myself real quick,” Dionara said with a slow tilt of her head. “Be sure to make my prayer to Dea especially strong, and she might be able to manifest one directly for us?”

Everyone else had left by this point, leaving him along with the gorgeous Dryad.

“Yeah… I can give you an especially strong one,” agreed Vince.

“Good. I’ll just meet up with you in your tent in a minute. I need to go get the goddess of magic’s canteen,” Dionara whispered, then gave him a quick kiss. “See you soon.”



Hah. Johanna is becoming the image of an alcoholic goddess except it ain't booze she's drinking. I can already imagine if people make shrines of her and her statue inexplicably must be holding a canteen in one hand and yet most people dunno why