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Vince couldn’t see anything going on with the enemy camp.

They’d only barely put down the hordes of Zathira’s Undead an hour ago, and were now trying to reorganize themselves. Likely expecting another attack from Francia or the Undead.

“They really should back out at this point,” Johanna murmured with a small shake of her head, causing Vince to look over at her. “Really, they should. I know I said they couldn’t, but at this point, they can’t afford to stay either.

“Too many forces have been lost, too many high value targets. Least of which is… well… me. Even a High-Priestess of the Nullifier faith couldn’t stand up to me when I didn’t have my power scrambled. I was more than capable of holding my own against anyone in their army.

“Now… they’ve lost me, the Blue and Green Battalion, and whatever else has happened over there. This is a complete loss. They should pull to the border, secure themselves, and then re-evaluate.”

“To be fair, Francia does keep attacking them,” Vince pointed out. “They’re likely thinking that their enemies hold the land, not Yosemite. I imagine there’s a lot of misinformation going on over there.

“Not to mention, those Nullifiers are quite everywhere in the sky still. On top of that, I imagine the army of Prussany is still sieging Toulouse. There’s… just a lot of confusion going on. This is just the southern theater as you called it, as well.”

“I… suppose that’s true. That’s true,” conceded Johanna with a small bob of her head.

Vince was certain of it now when he was looking at her.

Johanna was transitioning from cute, to eerily pretty in almost no time at all. They’d only been here together for three days since Zathira arrived, and it was now obvious.

Something, or someone, was acting on Johanna and altering her. She was also starting to develop more in her waist and chest, while narrowing in her stomach and sides.

It’s like… it’s like she’s shifting to be more like the Dryads.

But why?

Ferris didn’t shift or change at all.

None of the Dryads would really even know Johanna, other than to know she joined my pantheon. I’m sure Ferris, Dea, and Yaris knew it as soon as it happened and shared that information.


Something to consider.

“Here you are,” Elizabeth murmured, coming up from behind them. She held Johanna’s canteen out to her with a smile. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I took my time and just collected all that I could. Figured I’d let myself cool down naturally while getting all the runoff for you.”

“Oh, thank you so much High-Priestess. Thank you. I’ll never begrudge you anything in the pursuit of my needs,” Johanna said graciously, taking the canteen from her. She didn’t hesitate either as soon as she had possession of it.

Unscrewing the cap, she lifted it to her mouth and took a dainty and small sip from it. As if it were an extremely high proof alcohol.

Her entire face lit up in pleasure as soon as she’d clearly gotten some.

“Mmm. Thank you. That helps,” Johanna murmured, screwing the cap back on and then sliding the canteen onto her belt. She was now dressed in leather armor, had a belted sword, and looked a lot like a soldier.

Vince didn’t say anything.

He was somewhat concerned about the fact that Johanna hadn’t quit her need to feed on his seed in any way. She now actively was asking Elizabeth to help her collect all that she could.

When Vince bedded the Dragon, Johanna was there to ask if she wouldn’t mind collecting whatever came out afterward. If Elizabeth used her mouth, Johanna was there, canteen in hand.

She’d also taken to cornering Vince whenever he was alone, had a moment, or looked bored. Offering him the chance to feed her directly by his own hand, or to fill her canteen.

The offer to use her mouth to get it herself hadn’t come back up, but he knew she’d quickly make that a possibility if he hesitated, or asked. The canteen was surprisingly full by this point and was always with the deity.

Though it did leave Vince with some questions.

“Won’t it go bad?” Vince asked aloud, unable to stop himself from asking.

“I… what… this?” Johanna asked, putting a hand over the canteen almost protectively. “No. I’ve ensorcerelled it so it’ll never… go bad. It’s also just as warm as if it just left you.”

Johanna’s words had an edge to them. As if daring Vince to say anything more.

To confront her over acting like an addict.

“Have you started to feel the glory of our faith?” Elizabeth asked, adjusting the stolen coat that was over her shoulders. Then she moved in closer to Vince and pressed her shoulder up to his.

With all the sexual encounters they’d had, the distance between them was now non-existent.

“I have. It’s… very strong. Strange, as well,” murmured Johanna, her brows pressing together. Whenever she wasn’t completely fixated on Vince and his seed, she was an intelligent and thoughtful woman. “There’s a great deal of sexual undertones to it all. It also… also likely explains my recent craving.

“I understand how it looks from the outside by the way. I know that this behavior isn’t exactly great but… I can’t help it for the time being. I’m hoping this need will lessen as I get further into the pantheon.”

“Possible. Though… I think we’ll be meeting the rest today,” Elizabeth murmured, turning her head and looking to the west. “I can feel the deities I serve. They’re not far. Growing closer all the time.

“Ah, in fact, I can guarantee it now.”

Vince frowned, then looked upward.

The Nullifiers that were flying overhead often weren’t there. In fact, now that he was looking, he saw that they were all fleeing. Scattering to the north and north-east.

Turning and looking back to the west, Vince could see what Elizabeth did.

There was a large number of Dragons moving through the air. At least a hundred of them, in fact. Each and every one of them had Dryads and Elves on their back.

Some of the Dragons were clearly operating with their partners, though there were a few other Dragons that were absolutely loaded with soldiers that were using them as a transport. Packed front to back with Elves and Dryads in combat gear.

“Your soldiers arrive, my lord,” Elizabeth murmured. “The Praecantrix, Bellum Dryadum, and Draco Custodes are coming. That means that the regular army is finishing up with Toulouse and your personal retinue is no longer willing to serve Petra, or wait to catch up with you.”

“That’s… they all serve you?” asked Johanna, her eyes picking back and forth through the Dragons in the sky.

“They’re one of his Wings. The European one. Mine,” Elizabeth explained. “They all serve me, to serve him. The Dryads and Elves as well. They will take and sweep this field to the border, then likely rebuild this camp as the border checkpoint.

“Though… I’m going to bet on the Elves and Dragons raising walls. Very large stone walls. Ones that’ll help hold the border when the regular army arrives. Though… I wonder how many troops will be able to be called up. How much is left of Spain now.”

Probably not much.


With any luck, they’re already done with Spain and Petra has pivoted north.

“Let Zathira sleep. She drained herself to keep everyone busy,” murmured Vince.

A few minutes after having spotted them, the Dragons began landing in the fields surrounding Vince. Dragons and Elves disembarked smoothly, fitting rifles to shoulders, and spreading out in every direction.

Each team clearly had different orders, as those at the exterior were pushing fast. Establishing a perimeter that was growing by the second. More teams moved in as it did so, keeping an even spread as they went.

The larger Dragons had been holding a great number of troops. Blacks, Whites, and another Platinums all of them.

One and all, they were wearing what looked like a harness of sorts. With pieces that covered their joints, throat, and a good bit of their underside. It clearly doubled as a point for everyone to hold onto, given that there were ropes that dangled backward from the front.

Vince only noticed then that there were a number of what looked to be Human spell-casters mixed in the ranks. Everyone coming off of these Dragons weren’t paired in his Grove. They were all unattached to him or each other. They were also clearly both male and female.

Renata landed with a thump directly in front of him, Antona and Brianne dismounted quickly as well as a few other Dryads and a number of Elves. They rapidly formed up in front of Vince, more than half of them all staring at Johanna.

Brianne and Antona quickly turned off and started off somewhere else. Likely to get things in order he imagined.

“She’s the new goddess of magic for our pantheon,” Vince said simply as Renata gave herself a shake and shifted into her Human form. She was laying out on the ground in front of him in supplication, as all Dragons tended to do in his presence.

This time there was no need for clothes, it seemed.

As Renata’s form shifted, the bridal gold and ropes that’d been dangling about her, transformed into clothes and a very breezy-looking set of Legionnaire’s armor. It covered the majority of her, but left quite a bit of flesh on display.

“Your mount is here,” Renata offered, then stood up. A wide grin was on her face, and she hopped in place once, looking to Elizabeth.

Stepping away from Vince, the Platinum Dragon chuckled and made a hand waving gesture. She moved a short distance away as a rather large Dragon was coming in toward them.

One that was clearly Ferris, with what looked to be Dea on her back along with several others.

Renata moved in close to him and wrapped Vince up in a hug, holding onto him.

“I’m very annoyed. Very annoyed. If I had been your mount, been with you, you wouldn’t have had these problems,” grumbled the beautiful Orange Dragon. “In the future… in the future you will not be leaving me behind. Even if another Dragon must go to carry the others, I’m going with you. I’ve gotten that approved by all three of the goddesses, as well as the European Fes, the North American Fes, and the North American Wing leader.

“You can’t escape me ever again. Going forward, I’m your mount. You will mount me regularly.”

Vince grinned and dipped his head to her.

“As you like,” he conceded. “I’ll mount you frequently. As often as I can.”

“Yes. I’ll also be responsible for you flying about. So when you’re not mounting me, you’ll be riding me,” Renata stated and then thumped his chest with a balled fist. Then she turned and looked to Johanna. “I was instructed by the High-Priestess, Blue that is, that you’ll need whatever comes out of me when Vince is done.”

Johanna went from looking curious, excited, and eager, to shocked and embarrassed in a flash. To the point that he wasn’t sure she was breathing.

She barely managed a small nod.

“Okay. All the Dryads and Dragons know of this. It was shared with everyone,” Renata offered then stuck her horned head down on Vince’s shoulder. “It won’t be an issue. If I can talk Vince into mounting me tonight, I’ll make sure to collect it.

“But… how should I do that? Are you going to be using your tongue to get it out of me? Should I bring a bowl? Something else?”

“Can… canteen,” whimpered Johanna, pointing to the one at her hip.

“Gotta go,” Vince whispered into Renata’s ear while grinning.

Leaning his head to one side, he kissed Renata’s brow, hugged her tighter for a second, and then left her there. He needed to go speak with his people. He’d spotted Blue, Ferris, and Dea all standing near one another.

Walking over to them, he watched as all the eyes in the group turned toward him. Locking to him and remaining there. Blue, Dea, Elysia, Ferris, and Elizabeth were all looking at him.

Johanna had come over with him and was right on his right.

“Alright. Time for a six way, right? I’ll start with Dea and Ferris, then have you all rotate out. We can have Ynes and Dionara play sponge and lick everyone clean while I’m done. That or let Johanna do it. I’m sure her canteen is damn near full at this point with how often I added to it,” Vince said, coming to a stop.

“Yes. Immediately,” Blue agreed with a sharp nod of her head and a bright intensity starting up in the depths of her eyes. At the same time, Dea had nodded her own head, her eyes starting to glow just as a Dryad’s would.

Elysia, Ferris, and Elizabeth looked amused. Elysia was even nodding her head after a brief pause.

Johanna for her part was choking on what could only be her own spit next to him.

Reaching over, Vince took hold of Johanna and pulled her over to stand in front of him.

“Johanna. Goddess of magic with a smattering of war. She’ll move into Ferris’ domain,” Vince introduced her.

“Ah, yes,” Blue murmured, then stepped forward and kissed Johanna’s cheeks, one after the other. “Greetings to you, goddess Johanna. I’m Blue, a High-Priestess to the goddess Dea.

“We’ll need to find you a suitable High-Priestess soon. I’d recommend Leila once she returns. She’s a Warlock but very experienced in general magic as well. She’s also discovered how potent and addicting his seed is to magicians and the like firsthand.”

Johanna nodded her head woodenly as Elizabeth, then Elysia, all greeted Johanna in this clearly formal way.

“I made sure to instruct everyone in Vince’s retinue that you need whatever seed can be spared afterward,” Blue murmured with an idle wave of her hand. “We should be able to keep your canteen full at all times. That way you can function well beyond what you normally would have.

“I think that’s all we needed for introductions from the High-Priestesses.”

Blue looked to Elysia and Elizabeth who both nodded their heads.

“Alright, we’re going to go meet up with the Crown’s Guard heads and discuss worship. We need to have a few religious events since we’ve returned to him,” Blue offered with a wide smile. Her glowing eyes moved to Vince, promising him exactly what he was thinking about with her words. “We, your High-Priestesses, look forward to communing with you. Soon. Repeatedly.

“We’ll take Johanna with us and start introducing her to everyone. She’ll need to catch up quickly if she’s going to be of use in this war.”

The three left at that point, Elysia and Elizabeth bracketing Blue.

Ferris clicked her tongue, grinned, then looked to Vince.

“She’s going to need a vault, you know. Her need to nest will grow very quickly,” she warned.

“I know, I know. We’ll get it sorted out soon I’m sure,” Vince dismissed with a hand wave. “Now… other than Johanna here, I have nothing new to report. How about you two?”

“I’m pregnant,” Dea deadpanned with a flat look at him. “That’s new.”

Snorting at that, Vince went over and hugged the beautiful goddess, crushing her into himself. Holding to her, to the point that he heard her actually groan.

Releasing her after a few seconds, he leaned back and looked into her face, then proceeded to kiss her. Even going so far as to contemplate getting her down onto the ground right then and there.

Something which Dea apparently agreed with, as she started to moan, her tongue pushing into his mouth. Her hands roaming across his torso.

“No, no, I know how you feel,” Ferris murmured quickly, pulling Vince and Dea apart before they could start in on each other. “And you, Dea… I know you’re the goddess of Dryads and you’re far more Dryad-like by the day, but do you really want to do it in front of everyone?”

Ferris had slipped an arm around Vince’s waist and was holding to him. One of his arms draped around her shoulders.

“I don’t care. It’ll be fine and—and… no. I can wait,” Dea sighed and then nodded her head. “Thank you, my Dragon. I appreciate you being cool-headed about this. I’m still… in flux.”

“Of course, my Dryad,” Ferris allowed with a nod of her head. “As for news, yes. Dea is quite pregnant. I look forward to having my own clutch of eggs soon, though I’d like to postpone that till the end of this war.

“I’ll leave that up to you however. I wouldn’t say no to it happening early, either.

“As to the war itself in Spain, Petra ran everything left of them down to Madrid. They have it under siege and are grinding it down. She herself has moved to the northern theater and left the remnants of Spain to Cristina. All the Dryads in that country are free now.

“You’ll need to take a number of Dryad seeds and Horns into the grove. The Elves are now bound through the Dragon and Dryad bond directly and won’t need anything from you for it. They’ll be fine.

“As to this front, Petra is commanding it as I mentioned. She’s already taken everything to the west and is currently cracking Toulouse. Once that’s finished, she’ll move the rest up to the border here and settle in. We don’t want any of Prussany’s land, so we’ll re-establish the borders and go from there.

“We’re also not pushing any further north. We’ve stopped at the portal-storm. We want to use it as a natural boundary and let it be at that.

“Also, I should say this up front and firmly. Thank you for providing me with a lower-deity to serve me. That’s rather thoughtful of you. I’d like it if you please could recruit more. We aren’t strong enough as just a three-person pantheon, we could always do with more.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Though, I’m glad that everything else is more or less what I expected. That’s all good news,” Vince murmured, looking into Ferris’ face. Pulling at her, he eased her closer to himself. He could feel Dea’s Dryad powers working at him right now.

As Ferris had pointed out, Dea was becoming more and more Dryad-like. Her power was growing stronger as well.

“How’s everyone? Everyone alright?” he asked, easing Ferris over to the front of himself.

“Everyone is accounted for except for Leila, Sam, and Red. The rest are all safe and sound,” reported the goddess of Dragons, peering up at him with wide eyes. She wasn’t trying to pull away or move back.

If anything, she looked a lot like a bird staring down a snake.

“Wonderful,” murmured Vince and leaned in, kissing Ferris eagerly. His hands slid down her sides and back.

He might not be able to take either of them to bed right now, but he could at least wind both of them up. Just as he was right now.

Ferris leaned into him, kissing him in a hungry and explosive way. Her fingers curling into his tunic.

Dea was there then, prying the Dragon away from him. All the while grinning at Vince.

Doing exactly what Ferris had done for her.

“Bad boy. Leave my poor Dragon be.

“For now… for now, go get ready for services, your religion has a need of you,” Dea warned. “Pretty sure there’s more forces of Francia nearby. Saw a number of Nullifiers on our way in.”

Ah… yeah.

They’re out there.

Never did get rid of them.


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