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Elizabeth demurely, or at least as much so as she could mange, let out everything Vince had just emptied into her mouth, into the glass cup. Letting it roll out of her mouth without spitting.

She even went as far as to move her mouth and tongue around, then opening it over the cup to let it drip down into the cup as well.

Vince was getting his belt into place and making sure it was cinched up now that Elizabeth was done draining him.

“I know it’s weird, I’m so sorry, I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am,” Johanna said energetically. Her hands held out for the cup in Elizabeth’s hand. “It’s so absolutely strange. Mortifying, even. I’d probably try to take my own life if someone else found out about it.”

“I get it,” Elizabeth murmured and let another line of drool and seed fall from her mouth. Then she shrugged and handed the cup over to Johanna. “My lips are numb, my jaw aches, and my neck hurts. I’m not sure I can go again. If you want your fifth refill, you’ll have to ask him to do it himself, or get it yourself. Four’s my limit I think.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate it. I’ll make it up to you. I’m sure I can talk you into getting a fifth one for me later. Trade, favors, or something,” Johanna said and wrapped her hands around the glass. Bringing it in close and quick to herself, she stuck her nose into the cup and inhaled deeply. “Oh it’s perfect. Thank you.”

Sniffing again, she swirled the glass once, watching the thick liquid gliding around in the bottom of it. Then she held it up and lightly sipped at it.

Vince watched, unable to look away.

The idea that she wanted to just drink him down as much as possible really itched a dark spot of his ego.

Elizabeth clicked her tongue, then laid her head down on Vince’s shoulder, cuddling into him. Her arms draped around his middle and she nuzzled his throat.

“Well, I guess I’m getting practice in. Just didn’t think it’d be like this,” grumbled the Dragon. “I’m doing good though. You keep giving me more and more every time.”

“Yeah, doing good,” Vince agreed. Elizabeth was actually really good at using her mouth. He was most certainly enjoying himself today.

Johanna took another deep inhale over the glass and once more took a small sip. Then she let out a soft satisfied sound. For all the world looking like a woman enjoying a fine vintage of wine.

Apparently she caught him looking at her.

Turning red, she looked away and held her glass closer to her chest, as if she were afraid he might take it from her. Or knock it out of her hand.

“I’m not crazy, or weird. You have no idea how potent this is. It’s filled with energy and faith. I’ve never had such strong or pure faith before,” Johanna stated defensively. “It’s… okay, it’s a little weird, but it’s not really if you understood how starved for faith I was.

“That, and I get the impression after this I might not get as many chances to ‘have it on tap’ so to speak.”

Hugging Elizabeth, Vince only nodded his head, watching Johanna take another sip from her glass, before she gestured at the distant army. The battle there was winding down and petering out.

Both sides were battered and bloodied, though neither had quit the field.

The sun would be setting in a few hours, which meant they’d have to decide it soon. That or fight till one side or the other completely collapsed.

“Prussany can’t retreat. The theater in the north isn’t going nearly as well as the one down here started off as,” Johanna explained. “Though… they clearly didn’t expect Yosemite when they planned this out.

“If I’m being honest, the rumors coming from the south were discounted entirely. They all thought it was just a new offensive from the revolutionary fighters down there.”

“I’m killing all those people, too,” Vince clarified. “They had no respect for Dryads either. No worry for their lives, no concern for their well-being. They can be slaughtered to the last as well. Not to mention, they weren’t against Nullifiers either. They would happily have slaughtered Elves, Dragons, and Dryads equally.

“No reason to let them exist when they’d go against the races I protect.”

“Lord of Dragons, Dryads, and Elves,” whispered Elizabeth, rubbing her head back and forth against him. Her horns were sticking out on either side of his neck and safely pointed away.

It was still a bit unnerving for him how close those horns came to him, and how often.

“I wonder what it would feel like to receive you directly into me if I was a goddess. If it’s that good to simply drink it while getting it indirectly, how amazing would it feel to have it planted deep inside?” Elizabeth wondered aloud. Much to Vince’s chagrin and dislike.

He really didn’t want Johanna to try and wedge herself into his bedroom rotation. He legitimately had more women in his life than days in the month, and he was growing tired of it very quickly.

Johanna for her part had raised her eyebrows at the question. She’d clearly heard it and was considering it.

All while daintily drinking Vince’s seed, looking akin to a connoisseur. The cup held possessively in her hand.

“I don’t know. Though it would be very interesting to study,” declared a voice behind them. “We should enlist others to assist us to determine the difference.”

Vince recognized the speaker instantly and turned on his heel.

Zathira was only ten or so feet away, gliding toward them smoothly.

She looked in perfect health and didn’t seem to be out of sorts in any way. She was wearing different clothes than the last time he’d seen her. As well as a pack on her back that she hadn’t had.

In fact, it looked a lot like the pack Sam had arrived wearing before, just a larger version.

“Zathira, I’m so glad to see you,” Vince said and released Elizabeth after giving her a squeeze. Moving over to the Lamia, he wrapped her up in a tight hug. Pulling her in close to himself.

Surprisingly, he felt her coils slither up around him and embrace him from ankle to torso. At the same time, the Lamia put her arms around him and hugged him in return.

“Your High-priestess of death greets her lord warmly,” Zathira intoned with a gravity he hadn’t expected. Her arms tightened around him as her coils did the same. Slowly squeezing him to the point that he could feel his heart beating harder than normal. “It’s such a pleasure to be in your presence. After you named me in such a way, it only took a day or two for the faith and worship of Yosemite, and Legion for that matter, to shift.

“There’s an entire following for death and the afterlife now. Especially since so many of our people can return to life. I’ll need to find a suitable death-goddess as well. One that you could likely incorporate into your harem. That way it’ll be easier to— goodness… are you alright?”

Vince hadn’t realized it, but he’d been slowly holding tighter to Zathira by the second. He’d been separated from so many people in such strange ways, that he had no idea if everyone was alright. Even Zathira, who held only a small part of his attention, had been a question mark.

Seeing her being fine had brought him to the realization that he had no idea where anyone else was. If they were okay, dead, lost, or otherwise.

That didn’t even include Sam, Red, or Leila, either.

“I’m fine,” Vince promised, then pressed his face to Zathira’s neck.

The Lamia seemed unsure how to proceed, and instead just hung onto him in return. Then she laid her head down atop his own.

“Your High-priestess will tell you now that none have been lost to death that cannot be recalled. Amongst your wives and family, none have been lost in any way to death, nor wounding,” asserted Zathira. “Dea, Ferris, and Yaris have been drawing back those in your forces who have fallen in the line of duty. The Elves have bound their magic up in the Dryad and Dragon they’re partnered with. Leaving a great deal of their essence in them.

“All that must be done to bring them back is to pull on that Essence locked in their partners. It is something even they can do as your domain over their deaths has already been determined. Which means they, as lesser deities in your pantheon, can utilize your own powers to a limited degree.

“I… that… all is well, Vince. Don’t worry. I can account for everyone who’s crossed over, and the only ones who have passed that we can’t call back were soldiers of the cities who died in the defense of them.”

Letting out a long breath, Vince felt better.

Closing his eyes, he hung onto Zathira.

“Will you milk me later?” asked the Lamia. “I could use some attention from you. I’m being direct and honest with you so… please.

“Also, I know Petra will ask for the same when she arrives. The forces of Yosemite are only a few days to the west. They’ve cleared the way up to Gascogne and hold the crossroads. They’re moving eastward now and are taking everything as they go. Everything south of the Portal-storm will be ours.

“Oh, and before you ask, everyone made it safely back. Only Red, Leila, and Sam are missing. Though I’ve not felt their passing, either.”

Nodding his head, Vince didn’t move away. He just draped himself all over Zathira.

More like an apron, than a person.

The Lamia didn’t seem to mind. Her arms bunched up around his back and she lifted him up off the ground, casually setting him down on the upper most part of her coils. Then she glided forward, bringing him up to Elizabeth and Johanna, without putting him down.

“Greetings, High-priestess Elizabeth,” Zathira said, her head turning fractionally while holding onto Vince.

“Greetings, High-priestess Zathira. May I introduce Johanna? She’s a goddess of magic that’s joined the pantheon,” Elizabeth announced. “Johanna, this is Zathira, High-priestess of death.”

“A pleasure, deity Johanna,” greeted Zathira. “I look forward to working with you. We’ll have to find you a High-priestess if you don’t have a suitable one amongst your followers. The religion of Yosemite isn’t too hard to follow, so I imagine you’ll not have a problem.”

“Yes, thank you. A pleasure, High-priestess. I’d have to agree with you as well. So far it seems as if the pantheon of Yosemite is quite free and easy to work with,” Johanna murmured, followed by what sounded like her emptying her glass in one large gulp. Clearly trying to get rid of the evidence, but not wanting to waste it. “Ah, that’s better. I’m just going to put this away in the wagon. Do you need anything while I’m over there?”

“No, thank you for offering,” Zathira answered, her hands moving back and forth across Vince’s back.

Sitting on Zathira’s coils, being held, feeling quite warm, and considerably more at ease after learning that Petra was on her way, Vince felt his mind go blank.

Then he fell asleep.


The sound of distant screams and people yelling roused Vince out of his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he found Johanna standing above him. Elizabeth wasn’t far off either.

Both of them were gazing off to the east.

Blinking several times, and feeling a lot better, Vince sat up slowly.

He was laying in what felt and looked like a sleeping bag. All around him were clearly a number of things that’d been used to make a camp. One that even included a small fire-pit that clearly had gray ash in it.

Shit. Did I sleep through the night?

Now upright, he saw what the other two were looking at.

A well as where all the noise was coming from.

Undead hordes were tearing apart the remains of whatever army was across the way from them. Using the weapons they’d used in their life as well as their hands and teeth. Bringing soldiers down to the ground and laying into them with abandon.

Zathira was clearly utilizing her necromancer abilities right now. Her arms upraised in the air while holding still otherwise. There was a shield of power encircling her as well as a dark and grim aura that was everywhere.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Johanna murmured, getting down on one knee next to him. She gave him a bright smile and glanced to Elizabeth, then Zathira.

Leaning in closer to him, she was practically on top of him. In getting that near, he realized she somehow was better looking today. Small changes in her face and complexion that had obviously shifted and changed since he’d seen her last.

“Any chance you can help me out today?” she asked in a near inaudible whisper. “I could use a couple… a couple refills. If you don’t mind. I have a canteen that I’d really love it if you could fill it up for me. That way I can just take little sips over time.

“If that’s not possible… if not, then… we can do it manually without the canteen and just straight into… into my mouth, I think I can manage that. You doing the work for it and I’ll just take it? It’s ah… err… you don’t mind, do you?”


Yeah. This was a mistake.

She’s like a Seed Zombie, isn’t she?

“I’m sorry, I’m being a bit inconsiderate aren’t I. How can I help make this happen? I can try to get someone to help me get it out for you, if you like. Is it a motivation thing? Just tell me what I can do to help this happen,” offered Johanna, likely because Vince hadn’t said anything.

Sighing, Vince lifted a hand up to his head and covered his eyes. This really wasn’t something he wanted to deal with. The last thing he needed was to be dealing with a Seed Zombie.

They were always a problem, even if he had fond memories of almost every single one of them.

But the fun never quite lasted because they were eternally hungry.

It required time to satiate them then hand them over to another Dryad to help solve the issue.

Right now, he didn’t really have the luxury of time or an available Dryad to help get them off the addiction. If he did have the time, he’d rather be back home really.

“I-I-I I’d be willing to r-retrieve it myself if I have to. If-if-if there’s no other options. I’d prefer the c-canteen but… I could do it. With my m-m-mouth.

“Just… ah… could we go elsewhere? Then I’d be happy to get what I need f-from you personally. Where people wouldn’t see me do it at least. That’s all I’d ask. Behind the wagon?

“I don’t think I’ll be as g-good as Elizabeth but I’ll m-make it happen,” Johanna promised with absolute conviction and also sounding somewhat frantic now. “Just a quick shot? Please? I’ll p-pull it out and just ta-take it all then.”

“I’ll take the canteen and do what I can for you,” grumbled Vince, letting his hand fall and looking to Johanna. “Weren’t you going to be independent? You sound like an addict.”

“I know. I know! I… know. Just… help me get through this and I’m sure I can quit later,” Johanna promised, looking at him with an odd glint to her eyes. She held out the canteen to him and there was a slight tremor to her hand. “Err… could you… do it right now? Then maybe add more in a little bit? I need it.

“I think I’ll drink the first serving too fast. So could you maybe just help me out and get me a few real quick so I can make it through the day?”

Closing his eyes, Vince decided he’d need to nip this in the bud later. With any luck a Dryad would show up he could trust, or Dea even, and then he could hand Johanna off to them. Get her fixed up before it got worse.

Taking the canteen, he stood up, shedding the sleeping bag off. Johanna smiled at him beautifully and nodded her head quickly. She reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

“I need to go take a quick nap near the wagon. I was on watch last and my turn is over,” she explained. “Elizabeth will be guarding Zathira for now. Just… just wake me up when it’s ready so I can just take a quick sip of it.”

Vince didn’t say anything to that but instead moved over to Elizabeth while Johanna walked away.

“Good morning,” purred the Dragon, giving him a smile. Her eyes darted to Johanna’s retreating back, then back to him. “Wouldn’t worry too much. There wasn’t anything wrong till you woke up. Pretty sure it’s just you being not just her own senior deity, but her senior deity’s, senior deity. Receiving your… faith… directly is likely too much.

“She mentioned you just giving her a trickle of power the other day made her drunk.

“And before you ask, not much going on. Just Zathira causing problems for the Francia army. They ended up winning the fight and just took over the camp directly. All those corpses were too much to leave alone for her.

“We’re expecting Prussany to come back, which of course will just add more to the madness. Our only real goal is to keep this all going on till Petra comes up to take the border.”

“Indeed,” Zathira agreed from where she stood. “And look at that. More enemies. That’s wonderful. I was running out of those.”

Looking off to the east, then south, Vince saw that there were indeed more soldiers rushing to the battle. It was in the exact same spot as the battle that’d been there yesterday.

“Those fields won’t be the same after this,” Vince guessed with a shake of his head.

“Oh, most definitely not. I’m sure there’ll be a number of curses on anyone who tries to use that land for anything. We’ll likely have to have a number of warlocks and other types come out to appease them,” theorized Zathira. “Even then, we can’t build anything there. We won’t have to worry about wandering spirits though at that point. If anything, we can let Prussany try to build there. That’d be an issue for them that’d never clear up.”

Vince nodded his head to all that, then realized he needed to use the restroom.

Glancing to the canteen in his hand, he realized he could at least take care of Johanna’s needs after he finished up and cleaned off a bit as well.

Then his gaze went from the canteen to Johanna as she continued to the wagon.

Or… we could go ask her to help me out with it after all.

“I’ll do it,” Elizabeth offered, apparently catching what he was thinking. “I don’t mind. It’s good practice anyways. You just need to return the favor to me later.”

Which meant she was still sore on the inside, but didn’t want him going to Johanna. Which realistically was a bad idea. He just couldn’t help but let his mind go that way.

“Sure. I’d love to do that,” he said as Elizabeth came over and got down on her knees in front of him.

Apparently she meant right here and now.

Vince had no reason to argue, and he was really starting to enjoy his time with Elizabeth. He hadn’t expected her to be so sexually charged.


Jeremy Patrick

Lol poor little goddess is going to be so sad and likely unhinged when she cant get more 😭