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“Alright my dear Elizabeth, it’s time to come back,” demanded Vince, laying a hand to Elizabeth’s brow. “You’ve visited the other side long enough. Time’s up.”

Elizabeth’s blank and unseeing eye blinked, followed by her body taking in a long and slow breath. Then she coughed lightly once, then took another breath.

Her eye blinked to the side and focused on him, standing next to her head.

“Welcome back, beloved Maiden Elizabeth,” Vince said with a wide grin. He moved to the side and then began rubbing his hands back and forth across Elizabeth’s snout. “Did you have a nice visit in the afterlife?”

“Met my parents,” the Dragon rumbled, rolling over onto her stomach. Both of her eyes fixed on him now. “It was a pleasant visit. They didn’t seem to quite believe I was only visiting.

“I never doubted for a moment that you’d call me back, Nest-mate. Not for a single fraction of an instant. I only regret that I died as pathetically as I did.”

“I… wouldn’t call that pathetic,” offered Johanna, standing not far away. She had her hands behind her back and was watching with wide eyes. “You died to the single strongest combat unit the southern army of Prussany had. If you had survived against them, and their weaponry, I think I’d have doubted this was reality.”

Elizabeth’s head turned fractionally, one eye landing on Johanna.

The Dragon stared at her, saying nothing.

Several seconds passed before Elizabeth’s eye returned back to Vince.

“She wants to submit and become part of my pantheon,” he offered. “Figured I should talk to a High-Priestess before I did something like that. Think my wives would mind having a lesser deity joining? Her portfolio is general magic and a smattering of war.”

Blinking slowly, Elizabeth looked like she was contemplating that. He knew she was also conferring with her paired Dryad, Blue.

The moment Elizabeth had returned to life, the tree that was Blue inside the grove had quite happily begun shunting energy to the Dragon horn it held. The two of them were more than likely sharing fragments of information as they were wont to do.

“Yaris isn’t strong enough to have a lieutenant. Dea and Ferris could. Ferris would be the better senior goddess, as Dragons use magic that is more similar to a Human’s. After all, who do you think taught Humans magic to begin with?” Elizabeth murmured, then pushed her head closer to Vince. Her jaw now pressed to his leg. “Humans took it and made their own, but that’s like saying your children aren’t you, Vince.

“They resemble you and you are most definitely part of them. They’re their own person, but all of what they are came from another.”

“Goodie goodie,” Vince responded and grabbed Elizabeth’s horn that was closest to him. He pulled on it gently, just enough to demonstrate his strength over her. Which he knew for a fact Dragons loved. “Hear that, Johanna? You get to be the lieutenant to the goddess of all Dragons, Ferris. She’s my wife. One of my wives.

“Any concerns with that at all? Sounds like your portfolio would be magic. You can leave the war stuff behind and let it go to Ferris, Dea, and Yaris. Their races act as my elite strike force anyways.”

“That… would be wonderful. How do I join your pantheon? Mind you, I would need to leave my current one and… that… is difficult. It would enact a curse on me. One that would strip me of my life force,” answered the deity.

“A curse? Hm. I dunno. I’d normally kick that stuff to Leila,” complained Vince.

“We could do what the Dryads did with Red,” Elizabeth offered. “Just time it so the curse occurs at the same time that she… ingests the breaking material.

“That’s how they did that. I spoke with them at length about it. I was curious about it, as I’d never seen such a strong curse before, and yet she’d beaten it. Even Leila would have trouble with it but… a Dryad’s magic is different.

“Thankfully you can just bless her when it happens, have her swallow, and that’d probably be that. After all, what is your blessing, if not one that encompasses Dryad magic?”

“You do realize what you’re asking me to do?” Vince asked warily.

“Of course. I’d be happy to serve as the means to make it happen as well. It would be enjoyable to have my first time be in a field of battle we shared,” Elizabeth offered with a chuckle. “We can just store it in a cup of some sort and she can take it from that after we mix in the other component.”

Oh. That’s… much easier I suppose, than how it went with Red.

Then again, Dryads were involved with that. So, no surprise at all that it’d go that way.

Everything is overly-sexually charged with them.

“Ah, what exactly… what exactly are you two talking about? I feel like you’re talking about something I’m not sure I’d like,” Johanna warned, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

“Vince can break your curse. He’s tamed an Undead that was cursed this way. You’ll have to take his blood and semen into yourself and be blessed by him at the same time,” Elizabeth summarized. “I would facilitate the second with my body, the former would be as easy as a cut, followed by putting both into a cup of some sort. Then you’d drink it.”

Johanna nodded her head slowly, looking shocked.

“You want me to drink his blood and… genetic… material,” she paraphrased.

“Yes. Previously he would do it manually, directly into Red’s mouth, but a cup might be preferable for you. Or so I thought. Was I incorrect?” Elizabeth asked. “The alternative would be for you to return to your pantheon, since it sounds like you can’t gain your freedom on your own.”

A slow intake of breath and then holding it was Johanna’s response.

Only to be let out in a rush.

“Okay. Yes. That’ll… that’ll work. We’ll do that. The cup please. I would rather not have him do it manually into my mouth, as you suggested,” answered Johanna. “Bad enough to do this, but I suppose it isn’t… isn’t too terrible.”

“It’ll be ritualized after this,” Elizabeth remarked. “How Vince can free a goddess from her pantheon and induct her into his own. Via a High-Priestess such as myself. It’d be done by Blue, Brianne, or myself. Well, I suppose Zathira could do it as well.”

“I’m not marrying you or anything through this, am I?” Johanna asked, her brow furrowing with the question.

“Most definitely not. Vince has too many wives and women,” Elizabeth offered, then started to shift into her human form. When she finished, Vince’s hand had slipped down and now rested on her bare shoulder.

She was standing nude and very human-like, except for her horns. Her wings hadn’t been materialized.

“Far too many wives and women. You’re welcome to pursue him later if you wish but… it’s unlikely to succeed,” offered Elizabeth. She then turned and looked to Vince with a grin. “Direct your European Wing leader on how to satisfy you sexually, Nest-mate. I have knowledge, yet no experience. How best would this work for you?”

“Errr, if we need to catch it when I’m done… probably hands and knees?” he suggested. “That way I can just pull out at the end and empty into the cup?”

“Yes! That’d work splendidly. Let’s add the blood afterward, just in case we accidentally bump the cup over,” Elizabeth suggested, then dropped down in a squat in front of him. Her hands caught at his armored waist-protector and unfastened it quickly.

Before he could say anything, she’d gotten it off and tossed it to the side.

“Elizabeth, you don’t need to do that,” Vince said, though he did take one of her horns in his hand.

“I want to! This is what you often ask for from the Dryads and Elves,” Elizabeth countered, freeing his manhood from his armored pants after pushing them down a suitable way. “Uhm… I like you holding my horns, but human women don’t have horns?”

Vince realized what she meant by that. She really wanted him to treat her like a human.

Moving his hand down from her horn, he curled his fingers into her brightly colored hair. Getting a firm grip there, he pulled her head forward.

Just as he would do to the aforementioned Dryads and Elves.

With a soft humming noise of excitement, Elizabeth moved forward and took his tip into her mouth. Her tongue came up and swirled several times around the tip. Circling it with her soft and warm tongue.

Her hands came down and settled between her thighs. He got the impression her fingers were toying with her entry as she then began to move her head forward.

With her lips pulling tight at his hardened flesh as her tongue scrubbed at the underside, Vince couldn’t look away. The entire time Elizabeth had been staring up at him with wide eyes.

Just as the Dryads would. She’d clearly gotten a great deal of advice from them.

Reaching the hilt of him, one of Elizabeth’s eyes closed partly as she clearly fought her gag reflex. Her tongue was rubbing back and forth along the sides and bottom of his girth. Then her head drew back, her lips pulling roughly at him and her cheeks sinking as she sucked firmly on him.

A wet swish and squelching noise became audible as Elizabeth slowly got into a rhythm with her head bobbing back and forth along his length. Her lips and tongue working him over wonderfully.

Leaning his head to the side, Vince looked down to Elizabeth’s lower half. He could see her fingers pushing into herself while also toying with her entry and the pearl at the top of it.

“Mmm?” moaned Elizabeth around him, as she got him down to the hilt. Pausing there, she sucked at him, then once more pulled back.

“Just enjoying watching the show. You’re doing amazing,” Vince admitted, looking back to Elizabeth’s beautiful, upturned face.

“Mmm mmm mm,” cooed the Dragon happily, the corners of her mouth turning upward around his shaft.

She kept moving for a handful more passes before she came off him.

“Time for you to mount me like a human wife, mmm, dear Nest-mate,” murmured Elizabeth, pausing in the middle to kiss the tip of his manhood. “I’ve been so eager for this. So very eager.”

Elizabeth continued to fiddle with herself, staring up at him. The sounds she was generating were quite loud now. Giving him a smirk, she pulled her hands away then turned around.

Putting herself down on the grass, she got down on her elbows, then rotated her hips. Her rear end sticking up at him and her stomach much closer to the ground.

Not hesitating, Vince dropped down into the grass. Reaching down, he grabbed himself, guided the tip to her entry point, then pushed forward. Entering her smoothly and in one go.

He didn’t really feel any resistance as he did so. She was smooth, warm, and quite wet.

Elizabeth didn’t make any noise as he filled her. When he hit the end, he paused for a bit, then pulled back, gliding back out of her.

He could tell Elizabeth was enjoying herself, enjoying having sex to be more specific, but she was being absolutely silent. Only the sound of her panted and short breaths came from her.

Holding firmly to her hips, Vince carefully made love to her. He was treating her as he might do with many of his Elven women. Where he needed to be delicate to not harm them.

Pushing too hard and too deep would bruise them on the inside in a way that’d make sex uncomfortable for a few days. To the point that they were a bit leery coming back for more the next time.

“Yes,” Elizabeth murmured quietly, her horned head raising upward and her back arching further.

Realizing that was the only confirmation he’d get, Vince lost himself in the enjoyment of having sex with her. Feeling her tight, slick walls gripping at him as he pushed in and out of her. Enjoying the way her insides pulled at him and tried to keep him out when he went in.

She was tight to the point that he was sure she’d be able to squeeze him out if she tried. So incredibly so that honestly Vince couldn’t actually keep going much longer, or he’d run the risk of finishing inside of her instead of in the cup.

“I forgot the cup,” groaned Elizabeth as Vince continued to roll in and out of her.

“What?” Johanna asked from not far away in an aggrieved voice.

“Forgot the cup. Just catch him with your mouth,” Elizabeth got out in a breathy voice. She was pushing back at him now. Forgetting that he was supposed to finish in something other than her.

“I’ll find a cup,” Johanna offered and darted away toward the wagon that wasn’t far off.

“Damnit. I can’t-I can’t—” Elizabeth moaned softly and her body trembled wildly. She kept pushing back at him as he went forward, her insides quivering and pulsing around him as she clearly hit her peak right then and there.

Unable to help himself, Vince pushed harder into her, pulling at her.

Even as he himself reached his climax. Spraying seed deep into Elizabeth. Completely forgetting the whole point of this. Pumping into her without a care in the world as he pulled back on her hips.

“Okay. I’m back. I have a cup and… and… the cup,” Johanna murmured, appearing next to them. It was more than likely obvious to her Vince was still finishing inside Elizabeth.

In Johanna’s hands was a small glass tumbler.

Elizabeth whimpered, then reached up and took the cup from the woman. Shivering once more as Vince pushed into her, she just held onto it.

Feeling empty and greatly relieved, Vince pulled out of the Platinum Dragon.

Pushing herself up into a kneeling position, Elizabeth put the cup between her thighs. She began to let out soft grunts that were timed with held breaths.

Doing that for twenty seconds, she let out a slow breath and then slumped forward into the grass. The cup was held below her privates.

Seed was dripping down from her and into the cup. He could see the bottom of it held a decent amount of his material in fact.

She’d apparently been squeezing it out of herself.

“Fill it with… some of your blood, Nest-mate,” moaned Elizabeth as a long line of thick seed dripped down from her and into the cup. Staining the rim and the inside of it.

Taking it from Elizabeth, he hesitated for a moment, then deliberately took his member in one hand and flicked the tip against the rim of the vessel. A glob dislodging from him and vanishing inside into the rest.

He wasn’t sure if it would be enough to break the curse, given he’d put most of it inside of Elizabeth, but he could hope for the best.

Standing up, he held the cup out to Johanna who looked disturbed, but also willing.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” grumbled the woman, looking into the cup. “But… freedom is worth this. Very worth it.”

Vince couldn’t relate. He could only help her break free as he’d done for so many others.

Looking to his chest, he could see that the place where he’d been stabbed was completely healed up. Then he looked to Elizabeth.

Grabbing a horn, he dragged the tip of it along the inside of his palm.

To which the Dragon let out a happy noise at being handled that way.

Holding his hand up above the cup, Vince squeezed his hand into a fist and flexed it. Blood began to drip down into the cup from the rather wide and open wound.

When it stopped bleeding, he shook his hand over the top of the glass.

It looked half filled with semen and blood now.

“Alright. Are you ready to bless me? I only get one shot at this,” Johanna asked, swirling the glass oddly and peering into it. Vince could see the two different fluids were most certainly not going to mix together.

“I’m ready,” Vince said, feeling still quite great about getting off.

He couldn’t deny watching Johanna swallow him down like this also did something to his libido. She wasn’t beautiful like many of his women, but she wasn’t unfortunate or bad looking either.

Watching a goddess knock him back like an exotic drink was going to be fun.

Reaching out, Vince laid his right hand to Johanna’s shoulder and held onto her. He brought forth a great deal of his power inside of himself and readied it as a blessing. Just as Elizabeth had suggested.

Johanna took in a short breath, then held the glass up and began drinking. Swallowing loudly, she drained it all in several big gulps.

There was an audible crack in the air, followed by all the color draining from Johanna’s face as she held the glass up higher and shook it. Trying to get everything out of it she could.

“I bless you, my goddess Johanna. I welcome you into my pantheon as the goddess of magic for Yosemite. To serve me through my wife Ferris,” Vince said with some seriousness to his words. He knew he needed to keep pushing the ritual angle to make sure everything grew in power. “Accept my blessing as you’ve accepted me as your over-god.”

Johanna licked at the rim of the glass once and then let her hand fall to her side. Holding the glass and looking to Vince. His blessing filled her whole body, traveling thru her while scouring something else entirely, washing her clean while at the same time imbuing her with his power.

“I accept you gratefully, my lord,” Johanna said even as his blessing had suffused her with strength and vitality. “At least your power isn’t making me drunk this time. When you gave me some of your power last time, it felt far too pure. It was far too much. Didn’t know how to handle it.”

“Then I welcome you,” Vince said and let his hand drop away from her shoulder.

Johanna glanced down to the glass again as if she were checking to make sure it was empty.

Frowning and then turning bright red, she set the glass down beneath Elizabeth’s privates. Right below where a long goopy string of seed was starting to dangle down.

“If you can manage it… if… that… I’d be willing to have a refill if you can manage it. That is, I’d like another glass,” Johanna requested smoothly, despite the fact that her face couldn’t be even redder. “It’s uh… uhm… really… filled with power. Almost addicting, really. If nothing more comes from our High-Priestess, could you just… do it manually into the glass?”

Err… did we just make another Red?

I think I missed something here.

Probably going to regret it.

Although, it’s not like it wasn’t kinda fun to watch her enjoy it in the end.

Maybe I’m a bit darker myself than I thought.



I thought elizibeths mom was the dragon goddess, didnt talk about not wanting to share vince with her mom. Then she was talking about meeting her mom and dad in the after-life....?


I think Ferris was Elizabeth's grandmother but raised her so she calls Ferris mom