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Would it be interesting to write erotica parts for stories that've already occurred, then put them in a "library" of sorts in the index?

They'd never make it to the books, but it could be interesting to have them here on Patreon.

This would be mostly for Arand books, but I imagine there'd be Darren chapters that get put up as well.

Is this worth adding? Would it retain you more firmly as a patron?

Do you think it would attract others to join?



I would enjoy it, would be a fun bonus to have those items on the side for fun. Especially if you ever pick up the HoD series again.


I mean, who doesn’t love more?


I'm not sure it would impact Patreon retention. Most people here would just enjoy seeing more of writing, myself included. Saying that I think it would be better to release these scenes as short stories in a compilation after you've written a few. Personally just some short story revists to familiar characters regardless of erotic material would be awesome.

Scott Mem

If it is all canon, then I would say any extra chapters not just the erotic ones, I mostly read for a comic book in just book form like light novels from japan


Its not a deciding factor for reading, but having 'removed scenes' or the like would be really cool. Bonus content like that is a lot of fun. Especially since the scenes tend to build character connections at the very least.

James E. Coleman

I don’t think it would make any factor on retaining as a patron or not. Not really interested unless it adds to the stories somehow. Otherwise I guess it would just be a side thing? Dunno


I wouldn't mind some more looks in to my favorite characters. I think you'd get more bang for your buck if they were one chapter one-offs that build on characters or worlds we've seen. Hell I'd love to get a side story about random sovereign-verse worlds though I know that'd be considerably more work

Matthew Paulin

Eh. I'm more interested in the story than I am about the erotic stuff. Plus I am really sick of the word 'taint' It makes me cringe lol.

Nukin Futs

Yeah, Im here till you stop having a writing Patreon. I am sure there are some characters that bedroom antics would be interesting and entertaining, and there are definitely those that would "buy" those snippets.


I'm not leaving this patreon as long as there are chapter previews, I love seeing the story develop. That said I agree that any shorts or bonus content would be wonderful. If new stories followed the themes of the second epilogues I would likely go up a tier if needed to access them.

Drew Risch

Personally, I'm here for plot not sex scenes. Although I'd def read a Mui or Andrea scene, it wouldn't be a big draw. For me.


It's definitely something I'm interested in, I really do like the characters, and I think it would be cool bonus content, I just joined, but I half hoped there would be something like that available