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Opening the door to the room, Felix waited for a moment for Evie to go in before him. Following her inside while still holding her hand, he let the door close behind him.

Every single person in the bar except for only a few, looked to him and Evie.

Not just Evie, which would’ve been understandable given the way she looked, but also him. They weren’t just looking because she was pretty.

“Anya wanted to see us,” Felix announced, then began moving to the back. Where she, Thomas, and Michael had often been.

The moment he said her name, almost everyone ignored him and Evie completely. As if they didn’t exist and were no longer worth any attention.

There were a few men who were unable to look away from Evie, which meant they weren’t likely part of the Anya-Thomas gang.

Those were the ones Felix would have to be wary of. If they were interested in Evie, then they could only be a handful of things.

Innocent bystanders were of course a possibility, but an unlikely one. They were more than likely as policemen, federal agents, opposing gang members, or something similar to those.

Taking Evie a bit more firmly by the hand, he began escorting her to the back of the area. For her part, the Red Dragon pushed in close to him and laid her free hand on the middle of his torso.

Holding to him, though also casting a bold and aggressive look at anyone who was watching her. It was an oddly possessive, yet submissive, way to move with him.

Reaching the back-room Felix opened the door, then closed it behind himself. He didn’t have to try too hard to get an idea of what’d happened.

There was a visible pool of blood nearby. It didn’t look quite fresh though, the edges had the appearance of starting to dry up.

“Not big enough to be a kill, but very wounded,” Evie murmured and moved away from him. The beautiful Dragon got down on all fours and began to sniff at the blood.

Moving around the blood, she gave him an upskirt view at one point, then a down the blouse shot as she moved around. Felix was quick to look away in both instances and began to inspect the area.

Especially since she hadn’t found any underwear of Goldie’s that’d fit.

The pool of blood looked to be where someone had huddled up on the ground. Not where the wounding had started.

There was a splatter of blood on one of the seats and table that ran along the wall nearby. There was also a very smeared bloody handprint on the edge of the surface.

“Unsure if they’re alive,” announced Evie, peering up at Felix from where she was hands and knees over the blood. “I don’t know what humans do for wounds but if it’s better than what I used to do, maybe they lived? Can follow the scent of the person and the blood. Fairly clear.”

“Yeah, right up until they get into a car,” complained Felix. He had no doubt this would just go out behind the bar, to the alleyway, and into a vehicle. Which would eliminate their ability to track it very well.

He briefly considered trying to spend enough points to grant Evie the ability to run the scent down, but he didn’t want to waste points if it wasn’t necessary. The first step was establishing if they even had left.

Michael could have easily simply taken her somewhere nearby.

“Follow it,” Felix requested. “There’re two other scents that’ll likely be just as strong in here. Going to bet they’ll be with whoever left that… pool.”

“Ah! Yes. I will follow it. I’m still getting used to this… partial… transformation, thing. Goldie was very good in instructing us, but it’s still strange,” Evie said and then got to her feet. Her clothes were somewhat mussed, though she didn’t seem to notice either.

Reaching up she pushed her fingers to her nose and then deliberately wriggled it around. Her eyes began to glow a very intense red that reminded him of his Dryads.

Then she let her hand drop and grinned at him.

“Got it! Ha. Okay. I should be able to scent just as well as I can as a Dragon,” Evie said, then looked down at herself. “I’m mussed? What’s mussed?”

She began to gently pull at the fabric here and there and managed to settle herself into her clothes again.

“Oooh, I get it. You really have a strong fixation on my human form by the way. I’m pleased to hear your thoughts echoing it endlessly, but it’s a wonder you humans ever get anything done with such a sex drive,” Evie said, her eyes looking to him curiously. “Shall we go?”

“Please,” Felix requested. If they didn’t get moving it was quite possible Miu would try to strangle Evie.

Glaring at the spot behind Evie, Felix was almost positive that’s where she was, too. Contemplating strangling the Dragon.

“S-sorry,” whispered Miu, exactly from the spot he’d been glaring at. Her voice sounded strained. As if she’d been on the verge of attacking. “Sorry. I’m b-better now. Err. I just need a moment.”

Evie was ignoring the disembodied voice of Miu. Apparently she’d known where the woman was and what she was thinking.

That or she just didn’t care at all.

She was entirely focused on slowly moving throughout the room. Likely trying to figure out which way the wounded individual had gone first.

Felix went straight to the spot that Miu was likely to be at. Stepping into the dark shadowed spot that was against the wall, Felix reached out to hug nothing.

And caught Miu perfectly. Holding to her tightly, he pulled her into himself.

“Miu, my Miu, I need you to reign it in just a bit. I need them all. You can’t harm them,” Felix pleaded, holding onto the lightly trembling woman. “You know I love you. There’s no need for your jealousy or envy. Now is there? Just pour it all back into your care of yourself, and care for me.

“Just… ditch the negative feelings and make them positive. I know you’ll become an even more lovely woman for doing so.”

Miu grunted, the noise coming through the speaker of her helmet. Followed by a hissing groan.

Then her head dipped down, and her visor was pressed into his shoulder.

Standing there, he just held her as Evie circled the room in a mad-like way.

“Ah! Got it!” said the Dragon after a minute of wandering about. She ran over, grabbed Felix’s hand, and gently peeled him away from Miu. Taking position next to him, she crowded into his side. One hand rested behind his back, and she began pointing with the other.

“Errr, we don’t have to be so close anymore. It was just for who was wa— ”

Felix didn’t get to finish his statement as Evie began to push him along.

They exited the back area and made it into the offices. From there, she went to a door that wasn’t hidden, but was actually hard to see without entering the office.

Moving through that, they ended up in an alleyway behind the bar.

More or less exactly where Felix expected it to go. That meant they’d have to follow a car through the city.

Which didn’t really sound that possible.

He didn’t doubt Evie was likely a good hunter. That she had the ability to really track someone through scent and blood alone, but not through a city.

We’ll have to figure out what to do next then.

Maybe modify her ability to smell and —

“Up there,” Evie said, pointing straight up.

Felix blinked, looked up, and followed where she was pointing.

Damn. She’s got hands made to play a piano.

“I do? Well thank you. What’s a piano? Is that what you humans call your dick?” Evie said then wriggled her fingers in a fluttering motion. Which then made an “okay” like symbol. “Like this?”

“It’s a musical instrument,” dodged Felix, not wanting to address anything else she said. There were several open windows along this side of the apartment.

“What’s a musical instrument,” Evie prompted next, her hand opening and closing as she clearly was trying to visualize where her mind was gone.

“Which window? Do you know?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“Ah, yes, I know what a window is. Honestly, I find it strange. I know some things, but not everything. It’s almost as if someone gave me some things to know, but… not everything,” Evie murmured while slowly nodding her head.

“Do you know-which window-the scent-is coming from?” Felix enunciated. He couldn’t be angry at her. She was literally doing all he asked of her in a world she had an obviously broken connection with.

“No. It’s one of them though. Here, let’s go look,” Evie remarked and then wrapped herself around him. In that moment, he realized she was actually smaller than he was by an inch. Very few Dragons were his height or shorter, or so he’d found.

Jumping into the air, Evie gained height and then began to hover outside of the windows. She was in direct line of sight for many of them and there was no telling how many people could see them right now.

“Damnit, Evie, we need to—”

“There,” declared the Dragon, who tucked her shoulder and barreled straight ahead. They blasted through the open window, shattering the glass, cracking the frame, and breaking the slat out of the middle.

With a clatter and a bang as they struck the ground, Felix ended up underneath the Red Dragon. She had her head up and was looking around the room they were now in.

“Oh, darn. They were here, but they’re not now,” she grumbled. “There’s a lot of other scents here now, too. Lots of them. As well as… mm… as well as what smells like a lot of meat.

“Now I’m hungry. You should provide for your Nest-mate. I’m not entirely certain, but I think a human man would make sure his wife is fed.”

Looking at him, Evie didn’t seem concerned that she was laying atop him. She smiled at him and was obviously waiting for a response.

“You find Anya in the next hour, and I’ll take you to any damn steakhouse you want, and you can eat as much as you like,” Felix promised.

“What’s a steakhouse?” Evie asked, her delicate eyebrows moving lower over her eyes.

“Place that serves a lot of meat,” answered Felix.

“I’ll do it!” Evie said, her eyes widening. She hopped off him and then began to hunt about the room. Slamming her head accidentally into a refrigerator as she did so.

Then she paused and yanked it open.

Rooting around in it quickly, she pulled out what looked like a packaged meat product. It was in a yellow Styrofoam half-shell and was plastic wrapped. On the front of it was a “not for resale” sticker.

“This. It smells like this. It’s everywhere,” Evie said and came over to him, holding the product out. “More than what this is putting out, but it’s on this.”

“In other words… you’re saying that whoever lives here, works in there,” Felix said, indicating the sticker, which was for a butcher

“I… what? Live in this? Felix, this is just a package. No one can live in this,” Evie said with a sad shake of her head. “Oh, you didn’t mean it like that. Got it. You know, it’d be easier if I read your mind first before listening to your words. Goldie said that’s bad manners though, so I’ve been trying not to do that.”

The sudden laughter of Miu at the window gave him pause. He couldn’t tell if Evie was trolling him or not, but he was no longer sure.

“Well, let’s follow that scent then. At the same time, Miu, go to that location. See if there’s anyone there of interest. Call me either way, I can update you at that time.”

“I understand,” answered Miu. She said nothing else, and Felix heard nothing else from her.

“Okay! Let’s go find them so I can get my steak-house reward. I want meat. Haha, no, not your meat. Not right now at least.”

Felix nodded, got to his feet, then paused. He had no idea which way to go. Out the window, or the door.

He was also doing his best to not respond to the fact that she’d pulled out his random crude thought about her wanting to eat meat.

Evie solved that by turning, tearing the door off its hinges, and exiting into the hall.

“Husband! Let’s go! Steakhouse!” she called, vanishing from view.

Off we go.

Turning into a damn Dragon Andrea.

I’m literally surrounding myself with people who are just so offbeat I might as well open an asylum. Start trying to fix them.

Though… I think I’d need a better name than Felix.


“It’s in here,” Evie said coming to a sliding stop. She’d been moving at a rather fast jog. Felix had only just been able to keep up with her.

In the back of his mind, he suspected that’d been intentional. Evie pushing him just far enough to the edge of his ability and no further.

“Of course I did! It really is a lot easier just reading everything as I go. I know it’s rude, but I promise I’ll make up for it later,” Evie said with a negligent hand wave in front of a beautiful smile. “Now, they went here. What do we do now?”

Felix came to a stop and then bent over at the waist. Taking in big heaving breaths.

Looking up sideways, he saw they were standing in front of an expensive apartment complex. One that clearly had money put into it.

“Think you can find the apartment?” he asked.

“Apar-yes! Yes, I can find their… home… in there. Yes,” Evie said rapidly nodding her head.

You’re reading my thoughts as I talk to figure out the context.

“I mean… it’s easier that way. No more confusion over me missing information. It’s just better. Now, shall we go?” asked Evie, pointing at the apartment.

Felix nodded his head and stood up. He’d been able to regain his breath very quickly. His stamina was greatly increased since he’d modified himself after all.

Evie grabbed the door handle and opened the door.

Tearing the locking mechanism clean out in doing so. It couldn’t withstand the force of her strength.

“I’m not very strong being a Red. I can’t even imagine how Goldie must feel going through life. As if everything is made of twigs,” grumbled the Dragon, going into the apartment. “Damn, I wonder how Lucille even goes to the bathroom. I felt like I almost broke the handle this morning.”

Felix moved to follow her and caught sight of her just as she went to the fire-escape stairwell. Moving into it, she started rushing up the stairs.

It wasn’t till they were at least five floors up that she stopped, opened a door, then moved through it.

They were now in the hallway of the apartment with a number of doors on either side leading down it. By the time he’d understood what he was looking at, Evie crashed through yet another door with little more than a punch of her hand where the doorknob was.

She didn’t wait at all. The door banged open as she went in.

“Okay, this is just too much,” growled Felix as he once again hustled after her.

By the time he made it into the apartment, she’d already disappeared somewhere else.

“I think I found her,” Evie called from further in. “Anya, that is. Or uh… her soon to be corpse. I guess.”

Cursing, Felix hurried forward.

Turning at the intersection, he found a bathroom.

In the tub at the back of it was Anya. She was blankly staring up at Evie. There was a significant amount of blood in the tub, splattered all over her, and up along the bathroom walls.

A confrontation had taken place here that’d ended with what looked like several stab wounds through Anya’s torso. A large number of them, in fact.

There was also a bullet wound that was right atop her guts. There was blood sluggishly pumping free from it and draining away into the tub.

Sighing, Felix knew that she was indeed going to become a corpse. That wasn’t really a question.

“You,” she gasped, her eyes having slowly moved to Felix.

“Yes… me. I came when I heard there’d been a disturbance. I didn’t think Michael would act so quickly after I visited Thomas,” Felix conceded, taking a seat on the toilet next to the tub. “I did try to warn you about Michael a while back. I take it he didn’t really like it when he got called out?”

“Thomas, too,” whimpered Anya, then gave him a weak smile. There was a sheen of sweat that coated her skin as well. “Hurts. Dizzy.”

“The man named Thomas was angry at her for scorning him,” Evie reported with a grumpy look on her face. “He’s the one who shot her. Michael stabbed her a few minutes ago. We just missed them.

“They decided they could run an organization without her after she tried to defend Michael.

“Thomas was sick of her constantly giving in to Michael. Or so he said after he shot her. They’re now working as partners with equal power and shares. Michael was all too happy to be rid of her. Or so her memories say.

“He has his sights set on Goldie, I’d guess, from what he said. He wasn’t very happy she got away.”

Anya was taking short shallow breaths now. Her end was drawing ever nearer.

“Damnit. I had plans for you, Anya. Your ability to charm anyone could have opened every door for you,” Felix lamented with a shake of his head. “Now all you need is prayers.”

Felix stopped dead in his thoughts with that statement.

It’d been an idle almost flippant comment, but it also sparked an idea.

“Hey, give your soul to the goddess Gaia. Ownership of it,” Felix demanded, meeting Anya’s eyes and moving forward off the toilet. “Quickly. Say you give all of yourself to Gaia. Including your soul. Your spirit. What would go to the afterlife. You give it to Gaia, goddess of Legion.”

“I-give-my soul-to-Gaia,” wheezed out Anya. Her eyes weren’t looking at him anymore. Her skin was as pale as bleached white sheets. “Give-everything-to… Gaia of-Legion.

“Give it… all… all to…”

Anya continued to breathe shallowly, her eyes staring off into nothing. Her body was still trying to cope with what was coming, but her mind had checked out. Passing out with her eyes open.

“Hm. Well, she died better than me,” Evie remarked, looking to Felix. “I died looking like a skeleton. Deep in a cave, with nothing to show for my efforts or my life, whimpering for my mom. I died badly.”

Clearing his throat, Felix decided to test his little plan out.

“Gaia, goddess of Legion, your Champion would like a word. Could you perhaps… join me? Or speak with me?” Felix asked, looking up to the ceiling

There was a heavy feeling in the air. One that gave him pause, and he hesitated continuing.

Then Gaia appeared right next to Evie. Dressed in her Legionnaire armor, helmet under her armpit, and a wide smile.

The radiant and beautiful goddess of earth looked to be at the peak of her condition. Young, full of vitality, and radiating health.

“Why of course I’ll come here for you. How can I deny my champion anything? I’m your personal goddess after all. Not to mention, I was just cleaning up a few landfills. Nothing that important, really,” she said with a wave of her hand, turning to look at Evie as she spoke. “Oh… look at you. You’re so pretty. I wonder if Felix prefers red-heads. I should have made my hair red in the end I bet.

“Though… he is looking at me a bit intently right now. I wonder if he noticed I’m at my peak health now. I bet he did. My figure is all squished in this armor though. He doesn’t seem to mind it though?

“It’s always so disconcerting when he stares at me like that. I wonder if I should just ask him to have sex. I bet if we had sex we could move past this awkward part. Sex clears up a lot of things for most species.”

“Huh,” Evie said with a wide grin, staring at the goddess. Then she looked back to Felix. “At least I’ve got a better handle on being alive and mortal than my goddess.”

“Oooh… I was talking aloud again, wasn’t I?” asked Gaia with a pout on her lovely face. “It’s so hard. I have to balance being a deity at the same time as a mortal. It’s a lot to juggle with a physical brain.”


David Fletcher

What is it, a home for ants?! So many great lines in this one. Thanks for the update!


Such a great chapter. I laughed a lot, but the comment Evie made about whimpering for her mom definitely hit right in the feels.

Eloren Koori

Awesome. Both the new WW and SS series have been the best ones yet. Outrageous


Was that asylum part just a joke or a set up for the running name gag for another book not named yet?