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“I don’t think we’ll learn anything more from them,” Felix groused, staring up at the ceiling of the trailer. Next to him Goldie was dozing while holding onto his arm.

“Mmm?” she asked then began to lightly nibble and nip at his shoulder. Slowly making her way back and forth.

He’d heard about this previously though he couldn’t remember from who. This was a Dragon grooming and social thing.

“We’ve learned all we can from Anya’s crew. There’s really no reason to hang around anymore,” Felix reckoned. “After a week we’ve seen all we need to. All in all it’s a really watered down version of Legion. They’re not even making as much profit as they could.”

“Anya is kind. A limiting presence as well as their brakes.

“Without her it’d have blown up in their faces I imagine,” Goldie responded as she continued to pull at his skin with her lips. “Push for too much, too soon, and end up bringing a lot more down on their heads.

“They’re not as savy as you and your lieutenants were in Legion. They’re learning as they go and are trying to figure things out.”

Felix chewed at the inside of his cheek and made a ping-ponging motion with his head. Considering what she’d said and putting his own point of view out of the picture.

I can’t reasonably hold someone accountable to the actions I’d take, especially if I’ve never spoken to them about it.

“Right. Well, this has been a useful side-trip, but it’s time to end it for now,” Felix declared. “I’ve definitely found the starting point for the League of Villains in Anya and Thomas. They could easily keep out informants and undercover agents.

“But that’s something we’ll have to move slowly on. To push them into the position I need them isn’t so easy or quick.

“Probably time to head back and check in on the Association. It… they… ugh… this world’s Kit and Lily should be coming in for their interviews in three days if the last schedule I saw hold’s true.”

“True,” Goldie said as her head began to move more towards the middle of his chest. Then she moved up and kissed him, moving her body over the top of him. Breaking the kiss she leaned back, displaying her naked glory to him. Her gold chains and rings tinkled lightly on her horns as she gave her head a shake. “Let’s have a good morning and then get going. We can be back at the Association swiftly enough that twenty minutes just for us won’t hurt anything.”


Walking up to the front door of the Association, Felix noted that there was a Legionnaire there. He’d let everyone know he was coming but he hadn’t actually heard back from them.

He imagined they were inundated with work and simply didn’t have the time.

“Legate,” came Edmund’s voice across the com lines. He didn’t salute but he did not his head to Felix. Saluting was banned outright as they were a public entity, not a military. “We’re going through more Association hiring reviews. No new supers since we finished up with all the previous ones.

“Miss Marin has been working closely with Faith to identify candidates for the Association. They’ve started up in their roles as quickly as we could so we’re moving ahead faster than we expected.”

I… what? Err… I guess that’d work. Wouldn’t it? Using your power to identify someone who belongs in the Association.

Or someone who belongs to a different organization.

Pair that with the Dryads and there ability to gauge emotions and thoughts and that makes it much easier than you’d think.

Though it does make me wonder. Was part of my own power given to me from my mother? It feels so similar.

“Understood. Though why are you out here?” Felix asked, coming to a stop in front of the man. Right now he was dressed in a normal Legionnaire’s armor. One that could be handed off to someone else once he donned his own Legate armor.

Goldie was directly beside him, wearing her own armor. While she wouldn’t be able to shift into her Dragon form with it, she could at least be “out of sight” with it on. To blend in with the others.

All it’d cost them for the two suits was emptying the landfill which was always getting more trash dumped in.

A few of Edmunds friends were currently making sure the dumping continued.

“People made a scene while others tried to access the terminals. Tribune shut’em down. We put them all under citizen’s arrest and turned them over to the government,” Edmund said with a chuckle. “Couple of them were agents for the government though so… that’s awkward. Miss Marin identified them. We labeled them appropriately as well as their names.

“You just so happen to have a meeting with the government today with an unstated subject. That’ll be funny I imagine.”

Felix smirked and shook his head.

Entering the lobby he heard a ping from inside his helmet as it connected to the wi-fi signal. There was a several second pause before her heard his speakers click.

“Welcome back, Legate. Should I transfer all commands to you from Dryad Faith?” Tribune asked.

“No, don’t transfer them back. Leave Faith with all the powers, but also listen to mine as well. If they’re in conflict, notify me,” commanded Felix as he moved through the lobby.

There was a large number of people sitting in chairs, looking at phones, watching TV, or just rehearsing for their interview. Standing at the podium was a Legionnaire.

“Welcome back,” Carlota said with a nod of her head. “As Edmund said, you have a meeting scheduled. We accepted it because you said you were on your way.

“It’s supposed to be in thirty minutes. We’ve set up the Sulla conference room for it. Everything is just as Edmund said otherwise. Though… in three days we’re expecting the next batch of Supers. We’ll need you there for it.”


Can’t run from that.

Felix nodded his head. He needed to go change into his Legate armor then get into the meeting room.

It only took him twenty minutes to make the change and get to the room. He was the first to arrive though he knew he’d never been alone.

Even when Goldie had stepped out to use the restroom while he changed.

Tribune had been updating him endlessly on minutiae the whole time. Of all the work they’d done and what had been accomplished while he was out.

Sitting down in the chair Felix let out a sigh and set down his laptop in front of his seat. He didn’t want to take off his gauntlets for the sake of safe-guarding his fingerprints and DNA.

“— changed the thermostat controls accordingly. So long as I maintain this program we’ll be looking into saving money while still meeting everyone’s needs on comfort,” Tribue droned on.

It’s just a VI but it feels like they need recognition. So hit that then pivot.

“Good job, Tribune. Very good job. I’m proud of you. Remind me to do something to show that gratitude for you.

“Though… I have a request for you,” Felix interjected before it could keep going. “I don’t want to take my gauntlets off to protect my safety. Can I rely on you for note taking and dictation?”

“I’ll be recording the entirety of the conversation and save it for later analysis,” Tribune stated. “My request for your gratitude would be to accelerate your plans for the heuristics program for verbal and non verbal communication you have the programmers developing, Legate.”

Er… well… that’s not a terrible request on her part, I guess.

It’d help as well to have Tribune running an analysis on everyone we bring in for an interview or otherwise.

“Push it up on their agenda as the item next in queue for them,” answered Felix. “I think they were working on the facial identification program, right?”

“Yes, Legate,” confirmed Tribune.

Goldie folded her hands in front of herself after sitting next to Felix. She began to slowly twiddle her thumbs, looking for all the world like a very bored Dragon.

“I wish I had something to sew,” she said suddenly, turning her helmeted head to look at Felix. “I have so much to do as a house-wife and I don’t like it when I waste time like this.”

“Dragon Goldie, I believe your presence is vastly under-estimated by your own statement,” argued Tribune. “I have noted that Felix is extremely comfortable when you’re around.

“On top of which, this doesn’t take into account your ability to pierce the minds of others. Your presence is required. As is Andrea’s.”


A moment after that and Andrea came in through the door. It was obviously her given the way she carried herself despite the fact she was wearing Legionnaire armor.

At her hip was a holstered pistol and slung across her front was an SMG. It looked very similar to the one she preferred back in their own home world.

He imagined the armor she was earing, was likely the very same set he’d just put away, in fact.

“Feeeelix!” squeaked Andrea through the com system before rushing over to him. She slammed into him and held onto him. Hugging him tightly. “Oh it’s so good to see you! So so good! I missed you!

“Also, hi hi Goldie. I missed you. I don’t like it when you’re away, just as I don’t like it when Felix is away.”

“Hello, dear,” Felix said with a chuckle. Then he patted the chair next to himself. “Sit down before they get here.”

“Nnnn, I can’t! I’m your bodyguard. Just in case things go sideways. Tribune asked me to be here,” Andrea said and finally released him. “Tribune promised me she’d help me get some alone time with you if I did it!”

Andrea stepped away from him and took up position behind him. He heard a soft clatter that sounded like her picking up her firearm and holding to it.

That belief was confirmed when he clearly heard a round being cycled and a click of a safety being turned off.

Well, at least she didn’t hug me with a live weapon.

Though I’m nervous about this promise of alone time.

Tribune is a VI, right? It’s always been listed as a VI.

Felix called up the ownership window for Tribune and found it was exactly as he expected. A virtual intelligence owned by him and therefore Legion.

“Oh, oh, they’re coming!” Andrea said rather excitedly. He could practically hear her bouncing around behind him. “Okay. Okay. It’s… it’s Myriad time. Myriad. Myriad. Myriad. I’m gonna be—”

“Andrea Elex. Who was only nicknamed Myriad,” interrupted Felix. “Myriad was Andrea Elex. Who all became Andre Campbell.”

There was a heavy silence followed by a long sigh.

“I’m Andrea Campbell. Once known as Myriad,” Andrea said in a much more firm voice. “Thank you, Felix.”

The door opened and a Legionnaire that was likely Edmund led a group of people inside. Felix didn’t recognize any of them but that wasn’t much of a surprise.

People would likely be coming and going as fast as a light change in his sphere of influence. Especially for the government types.

“Thank you for meeting with us. I hope you can forgive us but we have no time at all,” said the man at the front. The five people sat down on the opposing side of the table without bothering with introductions. “We had two topics we wanted to talk with you about. The first is one you’re probably expecting.

“The… agents… we sent to infiltrate the Association. The handlers in charge of them have been educated better and those who approved it have been spoken to as well.

“There shouldn’t be any other issues from our side going forward. We’d very much like to sign the contract you presented with us as well.”

Felix slowly tilted his head to one side considering what’d been said. They were trying to push through as quickly as possible and then confirm the contract.

If he had to bet, he’d bet they were afraid he’d end the contract due to their interference. Even if the operation had been completely approved, it’d now be treated as if it’d been a rogue operation.

Such is the life of covert-operations, I suppose.

“Fine. Though I expect a penalty payment for the attempts to infiltrate my organization,” Felix stated firmly. He briefly considered alluding to the fact that he was aware of those they’d sent to be hired by the Association as well.

Then decided against it.

It’d be better if they at least had a partial insight to what was going on, rather than nothing at all.

Besides that, if he did it right, he could pump them for information as well.

“Of course, not a problem. We assumed you’d want to enact that part of the temporary contract and already prepared a payment in accordance to that,” said the man whos name Felix still didn’t know.

“They’ve already sent the payment, Legate,” confirmed Tribune.

“Fine, we’ll accept the contract. What’s the second topic?” Felix agreed. It was faster than he was expecting, but not something he hadn’t planned for.

Signing now or at the end of the temporary agreement wouldn’t change his plans in the least.

“We need you to act as the investigative force when it comes to Supers. Just as you suggested. We made sure that it was still in the contract you gave us as well,” the man said with a nod of his head. Followed by the rest of his people nodding their heads. “There are several groups we want you to go investigate.

“To confirm if they’re using powers, how they’re using them, and to what end. We need to know if they’re committing criminal activities with it and if so, how.

“What to look for as well, really. We don’t even know where to really start such a thing. We’re looking into something that’s more or less a black hole.”

Makes sense.

I wish Miu were here for it but… Andrea and Goldie should be fine for it. The others can all hold down the fort here.

“That’s fine. Please email me the details. I’ll move on it today. Any special powers or privileges during this?” asked Felix.

“We enacted special legislation specifically to you and your role in this. The Association Investigative Act,” the man clarified. “You’ll have the right to enter, search, question, and collect any evidence in the pursuit of illegal super activities.

“You answer to the president alone and your power cannot be stripped from you except for a full majority from all branches of the government.”

Felix felt his eyebrows go up at that.

That was a lot of power to give him and with almost no controls against him.

“I’ve read the full act. There’s some loopholes they can use, but nothing that’s problematic. Especially with us being on the look out for it in advance,” Tribune supplied. “I’ve also just received the data for the groups in question.”

Felix glanced to a woman on the end. She’d been tapping at her cell phone. Likely she’d been the one to send the information.

“Right, we’ll get right on that. Let’s sign this contract and move along,” Felix said, doing his best to fight the smile that was blossoming on his face.

The first step was done and made.


Several Andreas were bouncing around in their seats. The straps of the seat belt straining against them as they moved about.

Another Andrea was in the driver’s seat and a third in the passenger’s. The back of the large delivery truck was also filled with Andreas other than Felix and Goldie.

“Andrea dear calm down,” Goldie said with a chuckle.

“I can’t help it! I’m Andrea Campbell! I was Myriad. I’m both at the same time. I’m… I’m just me!” every single Andrea declared at the exact same time. Followed by them all clapping their gauntleted hands together.

It’d been expensive to get all their armor sorted out, but Felix reasoned it was worth going down to only having a few hundred points. He needed them with him in case something happened, but also had to keep her out of the public eye.

The more faceless the Association was, the better. Especially for public facing things.

“I know, and I’m happy for you… I just wonder if maybe you’ll burn up all your energy before we get there,” Goldie said, trying a different approach.

The Andreas went still, clearly considering the Dragon’s words.

“Okay, Goldie. Only because you said it,” said the Andrea closest to them.

“But also because we have a funny feeling for you,” said a second Andrea.

Felix was having a much harder time identifying which Andrea was which in their armor. Without being able to see them in person it felt more like a guess.

Goldie snorted and then laughed with a shake of her head. For a while now Andrea had claimed an attraction to the Dragon.

Who said it was more a feeling of puppy love and infatuation.

“Do we need a recap?” Felix asked, deciding to clear the air. “Seems pretty simple to me.”

“No need!” an Andrea announced. “Kick down the door, declare who we are, flash badges, and arrest everyone!”

Felix audibly sighed.

“Enter, announce, investigate, report,” a different Andrea said. “You shouldn’t have had that second energy drink Four.”

“But I waaaaaaanted it. They taste yummy.”

“Yummy,” came a chorus of Andreas.

“I’ll be with Felix,” Goldie said. “Its a shame Tribune can’t really be with us. She’s very helpful.”

“Agreed. Her being restricted to the servers and what she can connect to is part of the reason we’re safe though,” Felix lamented. “Hardened network, closed to outsiders, lets us do what we do. It is a shame though.”

“We’re here!” an Andrea said after the truck whipped into what was likely a parking space. “I get to declare who we are!”

There was a mad-dash of Andrea’s crawling over everyone else, bumping equipment, and then exiting the vehicle.

It’d looked uncoordinated and chaotic at first, but by the time they’d started to exit it had more the look of a highly-trained military detail.

Felix and Goldie got up after they’d all exited and followed behind. Closing the rear of the truck up before moving to rejoin the rest.

They were heading inside the front of an impressive looking building. On the side of it was a simple and straight forward name.

Global Co.

The government had asked them to investigate to determine what was going on as it was a bank. A bank that had a number of regulatory problems that kept vanishing or having those in charge suffer from accidents.

Hm. I guess to them that’d be worth sending us in for.

Any situation that can no longer be explained by happen-chance or coincidence.

Even if this is a pointless trip, it’s good to establish our right to do this. It’ll be handy for later.

Like when we raid Anya.


Alex Lindsay

Keep up the excellent work!

Drew Risch

Lmao poor Anya. Also, calling it now, Tribune is going to end up in an artificial body and Felix is going to fuck her, lmao


Perhaps a virtual body and Felix "mind fucks" her? :-)

Paul Bystrom

Because Tribune is either controlled by Runner or is Runner's AI wife Sunshine?


I just want to register a baseless prediction that tribune is Srit returning part of herself to her early AI roots to influence things from the backend.

Eloren Koori

Yes, very much an interesting prediction Spellmonger. Also that’s a great series.