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I'm aware of chapter 22, I've already submitted a correction to Amazon. :) Thank you to those who reported it to me.

Otherwise, post away!



What's wrong with 22? How long does it take for the fix to get released? Should I wait to read it into then?


Yep. It just repeats itself. It isn't actually a big deal. more of a, "uh... what? skim skim, oh there's chapter 23."


I'm still worried about whether Victoria will turn into a plot hole. Last we saw, she was alone, ambushed, with no supplies, in powered body armor, stuck for weeks inside a forcefield that prevented teleportation and that Felix himself couldn't escape, and surrounded by undead. And now she's being treated like nothing happened to her. I was hoping Rene would either rescue her (like all the other forgotten ones), or at least recover her dead body for Felix to reanimate.


That's fair. I can tell you that she's alive and fine. It's why she was selectable at the start. She's just... kind of a minor character.


How can Dryad children born to either Felix or Vince produce more dryads. First seeds are given by the mother to the daughter right? But no seeds will grow inside Vince or Felix.


You usually mention the power requirement coming from the tree to generate a seed pod. I always thought that was the essential element needed. The dryad simply shapes the power into a seed pod in Vince's or Felix's case.


Looks like Felix can't help himself. Legion is becoming a visible player in the Supers game with Legate garnering serious attention. That all makes sense if his businesses, legal and illegal, are the driving force in controlling the government. If his businesses are too visibly tied to Legion. there goes is anonymity out the window The biggest surprise has been Gaia. Very Nice! Seems that she understands what Felix is doing and may be able to replicate some of his power. I suspect he might be able to empower her to manage landfill reclamation projects for him to expand his garbage business. Gaia uses Felix' power to turn garbage into points at designated landfills. Gaia is happy as the landfills become near virgin land and Felix gets his points. I wonder what sorts of her children will end up living in those reclaimed areas?


I wonder if nuclear waste can be turned to benign dust like Felix does with gold? Other toxic chemicals? If that's possible with Gaia's help, he can really clean up in his garbage/reclamation business.

Nicholas Donovan

I feel like Felix, liking it or not, is going to end up with a Vince size grove of dryads based off how Gaia acted... Gaia is going to end up brow beating Felix as a Eco centered moral compass, or she is going to be a very scary God that he will have to placate constantly, with the earth mother pushing more dryads on him.

Nicholas Donovan

Was that from the only explanation I remember(which to be fair might be wrong) Was that the dryads lost faith in nature's power/ the words pollution?


Finally managed to sit and read the whole book. Was a fun trip. Just gotta ask one thing though. In chapter 33 it says he discovered he can only bring the girls who came with him back if they die, figuring it's since they were part of the original legion. While Alma and Carlota who he found in this world can't be. That being the case, then why is he talking about searching for dragon bones a page later? If he can't bring anyone back from the dead with only Andie, Miu, Goldie and Faith being exceptions, what's the point in searching for bones? Figuring that out should have put paid to all plans to go about resurrecting extinct mystic races, shouldn't it? Feels like a plot hole unless Felix already has another hack in mind to give Ryker another breakdown.


Nope. Not a break down. The Dragons are not part of any nation and existed before they were governments. They would be like finding a dinosaur bone. You can very much own a dinosaur bone given the right conditions. You cannot own a person, regardless of anything else. Slavery laws and all that. :)


Ah. So it's because of ownership, while being that died before human laws existed wouldn't be affected. I didn't realise it was a matter of whether he owns them or not. I thought it was just another difference in how their powers worked in that world. Okay then. He'll be giving Ryker a breakdown by abusing his powers some other way then~


Or worse. He will find a loophole or other workaround. Giving Ryker fits… after all marriage can be viewed as a kind of contract. Lol