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Vince shifted against the rock and let out a slow and somewhat relaxed breath.

He was feeling incredibly wound up, but in a very good way at the moment. As if the tension he was feeling right now was entirely under his control.

Which it was.

Glancing down to Blue as she slowly and diligently tongued at his sack, both of her mismatched eyes glowing brightly from within and without a pupil. Her breath was coming out in soft huffs, partially curled up and over his leg.

Her hands were tied behind her back, her ankles bound to one another. A thin line of pre-cum was dribbling down from his very erect self and trailing down her cheek and face. There was quite a bit of it covering her cheek and jaw.

She’d been working at him for the better part of thirty minutes. Vince had already gone from ready to action to deflated, and back again several more times.

Blue would let it wilt, only to build it back up eagerly and with a hint of her personal Dryad magic. That and a lot of effort with her tongue and lips.

“You okay, my Grove-wife?” asked Vince. He asked her every fifteen or so minutes. Just to make sure she was alright.

He could guess as much from her eyes, but he wanted her to know that he was concerned for her.

“Oh yes. This is wonderful. I’m having so much fun,” whispered Blue in a husky whisper. Then she shifted a bit so that Vince had a perfect view of her chest. All the way down to her bare thighs.

Her tongue started to move up the base of his shaft and stopped halfway up. Using her lips she nipped at him and then went back down to his sack.

Another glob of pre-cum dripped down from his tip and landed on the bridge of her nose. It oozed down and joined the rest on her cheek.

Have to take care of my only Dryad wife. Humilation tuned to personality, sexually pleased and stimulated, though also mildly shamed with those they trust or care for.

All the things a well cared for and loved Dryad needs.

That and a lot of personal attention.

Long ago he’d discovered that Dryads thrived on just that.

Personal attention.

It didn’t take much, or even that often, but it had to be something that showed care for them. Care, respect, and a little thought.

Presenting them with a flower, oil, seed, or scent that would match their tree in some way. A ribbon for their hair, a wooden ring, a simple carved amulet.

Charms and things made out of seed pods, branches, roots.

“I’ll brush your hair out later, sweet Blue,” promised Vince, wrapping his fingers into her hair and pulling her a bit close into his privates.

Blue’s eyes crinkled at the edges, smiling as she tried to take the entirety of his jewels into her mouth. Her eyes managed to actually grow even brighter.

At that moment, Vince finally felt what he wanted.

Red was here.

At the edge of the firelight, stalking him from where he wouldn’t be able to see her.

“Red, my beautiful lovely feral Beastkin,” Vince called. This wasn’t the time to let her hunt. He needed to act on her immediately. “Perfect timing. We’ve spent some time cooking your dinner. Would you like to come over for a quick taste-test? I think it’s just about perfect.”

Vince sunk his fingers into Blue’s hair more firmly. Holding her where she was even as another long drip came off his tip and fell into the large pool of it on her cheek.

As soon as he started speaking, Red’s eyes flared to life. Glowing hot and bright. Then she obviously stood up as her eyes went from low to the ground to a normal person’s height.

She’d been planning on stalking him.

Walking forward she eyed Blue, then her eyes flicked to the bindings across her wrists and ankles, only to move back to her face.

“Come, take a taste, Red. We’ve been working at this for a bit. If I’m not ‘full’ I don’t know how else I could make it so,” offered Vince, easing Blue’s head back from his privates. The sticky mess of her face was extremely obvious now.

Pre-cum had literally coated her from chin to eyebrow.

Red took in a hissed breath and came over much more quickly now. She leaned in over the Dryad and then began licking everything off her face. Her tongue dragging across her skin one strip at a time.

For her part Blue looked like she was getting more excited by the second. Gazing up at Vince as Red licked her face clean her eyes were as bright as he’d ever seen.

Slowly they started to roll back into her head as Red continue to lick at her repeatedly. Till she finally closed them and let herself be used like this.

“Red is… this… it’s delicious,” said the feral Beastkin finally after licking Blue almost entirely clean. There was a distinct edge to her voice that sounded like she might be out of breath. Her eyes moved to Vince’s tip where a glob was clearly there. “You… made Red dinner. Thank you Blue. Thank you Vince.”

“Red, you’re welcome,” whispered the Dryad and then let out a low and deep moan when the Beastkin licked the Dryads lips and up to her eyebrow.

“My pleasure, Red. Now, let’s feed you dinner. Put Blue down on her back, then get down on your knees on her face,” commanded Vince. “You’re going to get your first experience with a Dryad’s tongue, while I feed you. All you need to do is just kneel there and… receive.”

Vince handed Blue off to Red who took the Dryad and laid her out on the ground.

The cursed one stripped off her clothes quickly in seconds, then awkwardly positioned herself over the Dryad’s face. Slowly lowering herself down till her privates were resting on her mouth.

“Good. Perfect. Blue, can you eat her appropriately like that?” asked Vince, stepping up in front of Red. His member dangling before her pretty face.

She was gazing at it with wide eyes and an open mouth. She was clearly hungry for her meal.

“Yes, Grove-husband. May… may I? I want to eat it,” begged Blue.

“Enjoy yourself,” Vince allowed, then grabbed Red by the head. He put his hands to the base of her ears and held tightly to her. It wasn’t going to cause her pain, but he knew it’d hit a strange spot in her head.

Dominant but also intimate.

Taking in a quick breath, Red looked up at him with wide and eyes that were lit from the inside. Then she opened her mouth wider and leaned forward toward him, all while letting out a squeak as the Dryad set to work beneath her.

“Good girl, Red,” murmured Vince as he guided his tip into her mouth. He let her close her mouth around it and gave her a chance to lick him clean. Then he began to thrust in and out of Red’s mouth.

“Mmooorhh,” moaned Red in surprise, her eyes widening further as she looked up at him. He had the feeling she was excited, incredibly turned on, and hungry all at the same time.

With a grin, Vince held her head still and began to pump himself back and forth. Slowly and completely, working himself from the tip to hilt and down till she had to hold her breath.

When her throat was filled with him.

As he drew back Red would breathe in quick, let out a little moan, and look like she wanted to chase after him. Her hands were bunched up on her thighs as Blue worked expertly at her from below.

“Eed ooves et!” let out Red around his shaft and began to rock her hips back and forth slowly against Blue’s face. She was now very into this situation.

Vince started to thrust faster now. Pushing it down Red’s throat even as she moaned, swallowing at him as he did so.

“Hungry, Red?” asked Vince even as he kept working at her beautiful face. His jewels were patting up to her chin every time.

In fact, he could feel something dripping off his sack. As if there was too much flowing out of him or Red was drooling heavily.

“Mm, eeed ehd!” Red said in an almost pleading way. Her hands were now in Blue’s hair as she literally humped the Dryad’s mouth. Rolling back and forth against the busy and happy Dryad’s face.

Glancing down he saw a lot of what was dripping free from him was landing on the ecstatic Dryad’s face. She’d even been forced to close her green eye as there was a pool of something forming in the corner of it.

“Then swallow it all you beautiful thing. My Red,” ordered Vince as he hit his peak. He pushed himself down past Red’s lips and till his hilt was hard-stuck to her teeth. There was nothing left to get into her as the first wave hit, splashing down into her throat.

With a grunt, Red let out a hard and very loud swallow. Her eyes sparked to life as she did so, little glittering freckles flying through her very red iris.

Vince drew back and then thrust again as he felt the next spurt, putting it down her throat and coating it again. To which Red greedily swallowed with a moan, even as she grinded her hips against Blue’s mouth.

Who was also moaning now.

Holding tight to the Beastkin’s head, Vince kept thrusting as he came. Trying to time it so each and every spurt was put down the back. Giving her no chance but to swallow everything, including his tip.

When he finally ran out of seed to give her, he eased back and began to simply thrust himself through her mouth. Enjoying it for pleasure now rather than anything else.

After ten or more seconds, all while Red just looked up at him and made little whimpery moans while swallowing, he finally stopped.

Pulling himself out with one hand he pushed his jewels up to Red’s face. His saliva coated member resting across her nose and one eye.

The Beastkin happily began to lick at what was there, as if she might get just a little extra.

When it felt like she was down, Vince sat back down and looked to Blue.

The Dryad was only licking very slowly at Red now. Apparently the Beastkin had climaxed as well.

Letting out a breath, Vince smiled at the pair.

“Good meal, Red?” he asked.

“Best… best meal Red has ever had,” whispered the cursed one who shuddered suddenly. She couldn’t seem to handle Blue’s ministrations anymore.

Delicately, she pulled her hips off Blue and scooted away a bit. It was obvious she didn’t know how to feel about what Blue had done to her. “Red would like-that is ah… Red requests Blue and Bringer feed Red like this when… when they’re willing. Red will repay the favor in whatever way she can.

“Red would do to Blue what… what Blue did to Red. Red’s heart feels weird but is happy. But not… not others. Blue is special. Mouth and Meliae were just… food trays,” said Red with a very relaxed tone, though she sounded confused. “Red might love Blue like Vince. Red is… very satisfied but confused. S-sorry Blue. Thank you, Blue.”

“It’s okay. I love you too, Red. And yes, please, more three-ways and you can use your mouth on me,” offered Blue, breathing hard. “I’d love that. I can barely handle you two, but I want more of you both.”

Reaching down, Vince gently dabbed at Blue’s face with a handkerchief he pulled from a pocket, cleaning her of the run-off.

“You okay, my love?” Vince asked sincerely.

Blue looked up at him and it was like staring into the sun.

His words had touched off something inside her at a deep level.

“Mount me and love me,” she whispered in a very uncharacteristic Dryad way. Her arms flexing against her bindings as if she wanted to hug him

It was absolutely sincere and she needed him to do just that.

Love her.

“Of course,” he agreed easily and with a smile.


Walking up the road, Vince could see everyone had been incredibly busy.

A wooden palisade and fort had already been put up. All the trees in the area had been brought down, piled, and utilized. There was no approach that could be made without being spotted.

Petra was clearly utilizing every single word that Felix had sent over in that tactics and strategy skill-book he’d given to her.

Long before he was close enough to actually hail anyone, Vince could see Petra heading his way at full speed. Scuttling across the ground at a speed that was akin to a cavalry officer.

I… wonder if I could find a soldier-ant colony.

Shooting along right above Petra was Sam, who was clearly starting to outpace the soldier.

Surprisingly, there was a third person heading his way.

Someone Vince had seen only in passing a few times.

Zathira the Necromancer.

A Lamia species Vince had never heard of.

An Apophis or more widely known as a Dark Lamia he’d been told. A type that had an extremely venomous bite that could kill within minutes.

Vince had never actually met one and had wanted to talk to her, but she’d been sick the whole ride over. Laying in her room unmoving.

He couldn’t deny that watching Zathira move was actually rather interesting. Watching how races moved in the world always made Vince wonder about how different they were all.

Right as they were meeting up in the middle, Vince grinned at the three of them..

“Good morning. I’m glad to—”

Sam slammed into him at maximum speed. Blasting into his chest and causing him to actually take a step back.

“I’m so sorry! I couldn’t find you! I had the book and everything but you weren’t where I expected you and when I got close to the city they could have seen me and—”

Pulling the rambling Fae out of his chest Vince held her up in front of himself.

She was red faced and had a look of absolute panic. Dark bags under her eyes and a tear stained cheeks gave him all the context he needed to know she’s been up all night.

“Not sure how you would have been able to find me while I was in the city. If anything it’s my fault for not leaving someone behind to communicate with you,” stated Vince when Sam took in a sudden breath. “Didn’t do anything wrong. At all. I promise. We got caught up in a few things.”

Sam curled forward and pressed herself into the front of Vince. Her small hands clutched into his jacket.

Petra and Zathira were watching him quietly as well as Sam.

In the back of his head he was wondering if he’d screwed up and was going to be getting a lecture. As far as he was aware though, he hadn’t done anything the matter.

Vince paused to look at the Lamia for a few seconds. He hadn’t actually been able to see her up close like this.

Her hair was as dark as midnight without a moon. It was as if light entered it but never escaped. An inky dark that spread about without there being any reflection to it.

Inside that curtain of hair he could see long patches of red hair dotted throughout.

Surprisingly her eyes were a burnished orange that bordered on yellow, with thin slits for the pupils. Tight and narrow which warned him off as her being likely venomous. They were quite narrow at the moment and stuck to him.

There was no revealing of whatever emotion lay behind those eyes as she was as blank faced as Petra at the moment. Though surprisingly she did seem attractive to him. She fit somewhere more on the Draconic side of things, though not exactly.

Her lower body was that of a snake though it didn’t seem as huge or muscular as the constrictors he’d come across in his past. She seemed far smaller and more agile as well. The sides of her were a mottled-black with dull blood red sections running along the sides, as well as yellow bands that crossed over her. Her scales were as brilliant a warning that she was lethal as could be.

Though her underside was a very pale white. What he’d call fish-belly white, in fact.

“Petra, Zathira, you both look lovely,” Vince said looking between them. Then he decided to focus on Zathira first. He’d certainly picked up a valuable lesson from watching Ryker and his flirting. “You look like you’ve either just given yourself a thorough scale cleaning and check, or you just shed. There’s no way you’re naturally that iridescent.”

Nodding his head to the Lamia he then moved on to Petra, walking up to her. Standing in front o fher he gave her a wide smile.

“And you, my beautiful soldier. My Petra. I wish there were a colony of soldier-ants just like you. I’d take the world in a flash,” he lamented. “Perhaps I’m not allowed to meet any more like you as I’d become a threat to the world. Though maybe I already am with just you at my side.”

Petra’s mouth tightened up and he saw she was clearly battling a smile that threatened her face. Complimenting her prowess in battle was always better than her looks.

“This one… this one appreciates your words,” murmured Petra. “Though this one must ask her master for her report first before responding as his wife. Her duties take primary interest.

“She would also ask that you please do not attempt to woo the Lamia any further. She will likely try to bite you regardless of how you succeed. It is in her nature, just as it is in this one’s to sting.”

“I mean, she can try. Venom doesn’t do anything to me. I bet her’s would be a good tingle, but that’s it,” Vince said with a quick look to the Lamia in question. Her eyes were pin-prick slits at this point and she was looking at him a bit strangely. “Actually, Zathira, show me the fangs? They as big and lovely as Petra’s mandibles?”

Both Petra and Zathira looked rather shocked now.

The latter seemingly unsure how to take his words.

Slowly she opened her mouth in a way that was a lot like her jaw unhinged. Just as Petra’s did in fact. There was a wet swishing noise followed by two very large fangs being moved forward. Jutting forward out of her upper jaw. That had a clear hook to them that would make it hard for something to escape once she’d hooked in.

“That’s impressive. I think Petra’s a bit prettier when she throws out the mandibles, but that’s not bad either. Rather attractive, honestly,” Vince murmured, impressed with the look of her. He turned and handed Sam to Blue since the Fae was now sleeping.

Working his jacket off Vince tossed it to the side then rolled up the sleeve of his shirt.

The Lamia reared up slightly at his approach and gazed at him in a way he recognized. It was right before a snake would strike. Building up energy in their body so they could lash out.

“Right here please,” he said and held up his forearm.

As if the instruction was all she needed Zathira lashed out at him. Her mouth slammed into his forearm and her fangs sank into him.

Grabbing her by the back of the head he held her in place against his arm even as she jerked to break away from him, as if realizing what she’d just done.

Vince ignored it and turned to look to Petra.

“She’ll feel better after she gets that out of her system,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “In fact, can I milk your stinger later Petra? We haven’t done that since just before the we boarded. You could use it I imagine. Probably feeling like you want to sting someone and eat them.”

Petra, Red, and Blue were all staring at him as an extremely venomous Lamia was latched to his arm. He’d already felt her try to jerk away one more time, then went still after realizing she wouldn’t be escaping.

Instead he felt her gnawing at his arm now. Pumping ever larger amounts of venom into him. Her hands were locked onto his arm at the elbow and wrist.

Holding to him.

“This… ah… yes, please, husband. I’d like that but… err… wait, this one must ask for your report,” demanded Petra, looking somewhat unnerved at what she was seeing.

“Simple answer and a stupid one,” Vince answered. “Bunch of shitty people abusing Dryads that need to die. Dictatorship overthrew the royalty, now there’s an ugly behind the scenes civil war going on.

“Magic and sorcerers are considered unclean and unwelcome. They’re hunted down frequently. Those who use aspects of life, death, or curses, are allowed. Nature types, like Dryads, are property. It’s all a serfdom otherwise with contracts from the peasants to the land-owner. Very… disreputable, all in all.

“Red found a few very small enclaves of Wasters but most of them live in the cities or villages. All beholden to land-owners like the humans. Everyone’s treated quite terribly at an equal level.”

As he spoke Vince moved his hand around behind Zathira’s head and forcefully bent her neck slightly. Forcing her jaw to stretch a bit further and her head tip backward. Then he moved his hand around to the side of her jaw and started to actually massage the venom gland there.

He’d helped his mother do this sort of thing a lot with regular snakes when he’d simply drink the venom for breakfast. All part of her somewhat sociopathic testing of him.

“Ah,” Petra said with a nod of her head. She looked very thoughtful. Reaching behind herself she stuck her hand in the pack that she carried with her. Pulling something out he realized it was a language skill book. Two of them, in fact. “That does make it easier. If we don’t have to fret over destroying a nation then this one need not spare them. We’ll need to scout much further afield and find military installations. Take this and learn it when you need to. I’m sure it’ll help. There’s only two copies there so you’ll have to decide if Blue or Sam reads it. Zathira and I already took one each.”

Blue stepped forward and took the books from Petra.

“Not a lot in this area. Red found a few, I forced an officer to tell me of others,” Vince responded and then reached around Zathira’s had to begin massaging the other gland. Her eyes were locked on him and watching from only a foot away. She looked to be very happy with the situation at the moment and was even still gnawing at him. “Lean in just a bit Zathira. I need to… there we go, thanks.”

Getting his fingers on the other gland he started to rub at it. She’d done exactly as he’d asked. Pushing in closer to him and practically beneath him now. Gazing up at him as she gnawed at him and whatever venom was left into his arm.

“It’s because they have no other foreign enemies here. The coast lines are patrolled by sea-beasts and there’s only one way in. To the north where there’s a mountain range, separating them from the war up there,” continued Vince, feeling like Zathira was finally empty. Putting his hand behind her head he just hung onto her. She was gnawing at him and didn’t seem like she wanted to let go quite yet. Sometimes they’d just hang on for a while. “They use a lot of… a lot of sterilized Dryads as defenses up there. They force them to plant a tree, sterilize them, then use them as a front line defense.

“Like a living hostage wall. The city-lord of the nearby city is a real shit-heel. I’ve made contact with the grover-mother, a woman by the name of Flora, who’s in the city. She’s asked for refuge. I think freeing her would send the city into disarray. I want to do this if possible but I’m unsure what your own thoughts are. You’re the general after all.

“So it goes back to you, Petra my dear. What would the general feel is the best course of action? I await your command. And before you ask, my face was covered for the majority of the time. I only showed it to a bartender whom I asked information from. Though I’m fairly certain Blue was noticed. We were run down by a patrol of guards who wanted to keep her for themselves.”

Blue ducked her head at that, looking somewhat nervous and ashamed.

Looking back to Petra as Zathira practically hung on him like a coat over his arm, he waited.

“This one would order you back into the field. Split into two groups. Free the Dryads, leave a trail of destruction, make them look to the south and south east,” ordered Petra. “From what has been gathered, his neighbors are most certainly not his friends.

“At the same time, this one asks that you entreat with the city-lord. Tell him we’re a band of refugees who were using a magical boat and arrived. We offer taxes and tribute if he’ll leave us to our own devices.

“If you can complete both that would be ideal but do not risk being caught for the Dryads. Take Zathira with you as well as Sam for a messenger. Red and Blue will remain with you of course though this one would advise you use them for the Dryad mission.”

“Great,” Vince said and then looked back to the Lamia. Her eyes were just starting to open again and her grip on his arm was relaxed.

Pulling her head to one side and forward he got her to release. Her fangs sinking back into her mouth and her jaw going back to normal.

Then she made a yawning like motion as if settling everything into place.

“You ready to go, Zathira?” he asked, smiling at her. He gently brushed his hands over the puncture wounds. They were bleeding minimally and looked to be sealing up already. “Ooh, you do have an itchy venom. I wonder if it’s as spicy as a copper-back’s.

“It kinda went good with pork, honestly.”

“I’m… ready, yes. Thank… thank you. That was needed. I hadn’t bitten anything in a month or more.

“Though… my venom would be spicy?” she asked in a curious and cool tone. There was a slight sexy huskiness to it that made Vince want her to talk more.

Hm. Well.

They want me to bring back wives. No reason to not try my hand at snake-taming if it comes up.

Wow, that really is itchy. I’ll most certainly need to dry milk her into something later and then adding it to some food. I bet I can gain from it.

“Well, most were. At least to me. Mixed it with a bit of salt and pepper and added it like spices. Anyways, off we go then,” Vince said and turned around.

He’d rather be traveling around anyways, honestly.

Sitting still in the fort as it was being built sounded incredibly boring.

A quick switch into the military uniform in my pack and we’re good to go.


Drew Risch

Hurry up kill the baddies!


Yeah a venomous lamia necromancer, i would probably be swimming back to Yosemite i rather take my chances with the sea monsters than that 😂

Alex Lindsay



Yeah but think about it this way: lamias are just land mermaids and mermaids are hot