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----By request, MM3 instead of RoR.----

Looking from woman to woman, Rene found that by and large they all had a different look on their face.

Irini was amused, the Alis assassin’s wide smile and electric-blue eyes with their slit like pupils were fastened to him. She was watching him as a predator with a cornered animal might.

Her short, dark-brown hair that was nearly black was pinned back behind her head tightly, which forced her triangular cat-like ears to be quite prominent.

Taking a step forward, Aurora gestured at Rose as she rubbed herself against Rene.

“Rose, get off him. You’re making a bit of a scene,” Aurora muttered. For her part, she looked unconcerned. Considering she was actually well acquainted with the Trio, that didn’t seem surprising when he thought about it.

Shaking her her head the athletic, six-foot lieutenant-captain let out a short sigh. Her short black hair was held back with the wooden clips she often wore. They held back her hair and actually complimented her dark-brown eyes at the same time.

“But this is my job. And it’s what I want to do, too,” complained Rose, pushing her head up under Rene’s chin. Her right hand slid down to his crotch and boldly began to man-handle him through his pants. “Boss doesn’t mind, he likes it. I can feel it.”

The impressively curvy and lovely copper haired woman that was Rose felt more like a warm blanket that was wrapped around him, than a woman. He couldn’t see it but he was fairly certain her warm and translucent brown eyes were closed given her face was pressed up into his neck.

Rene had a hard time focusing right now given just how magnificently attractive Rose was, and that she was more like a coat at the moment.


Everyone looked to Odelia as she cleared her throat audibly.

Except for Rose, who squeezed Rene with her right hand and laid still against him.

“It would seem we should have another meeting to discuss the roles in the family,” prompted Odelia, giving Rene a tight smile.

The beautiful, black-haired fiancée with mesmerizing emerald-green eyes was waiting for him to reply. Her arms folded underneath her impressive bosom. Emphasizing them with the movement in a way that he wasn’t certain was deliberate.

He got the impression she felt like she was competing with Rose at the moment.

“No need, Odelia,” Pinky declared simply and taking a step forward the noble-woman. “The Trio is well aware of our position. We’re the boss’s belongings. Not his wives or women. You’re of course the mistress of the family, with Aurora being public leading figure.

“Though I must confess, I’m unsure as to Olivia, Alana, Irini, and Mira’s position.”

Increasingly Rene found that Pinky was showing signs of not just intelligence, but keen intelligence. As well as a cunning and deceptive personality that was able to act quickly on only a little bit of information.

At the moment, she looked more akin to a noble-woman given her posture, the expensive dress, and her bright-blonde hair that looked to glitter in the light.

It didn’t hurt at all that she was almost as impressively endowed as Rose was and just as pretty in the face.

Odelia opened her mouth, paused, and then nodded her head.

“Thank you, Pinky. I appreciate that,” murmured Odelia. Then she made a chopping motion with her hand. “But I’ll not allow it. If you’ve come this far, I must include you in the family. It took a quick mind as well as strong will to appear here, knowing we were all present. I’ll not overlook willing hands.

“You will work with myself and Olivia to bring our family to power. She is my partner in this, as you will now be.”

Tipping her head toward Pinky the Elven maiden in question gave the other woman a smile.

“It’ll be a pleasure, Pinky,” Olivia said, her blue-black hair sliding passed her elf-tipped ears and framing her heart-breakingly pretty face. Her dark-green eyes were watching the other woman carefully. Likely already trying to pick her apart.

“I… see. Then I thank you for including me,” returned Pinky. Rene could see the hesitation on her face. This was apparently outside her expectations.

“Now, let’s speak of your people. I believe that Darla in her current work for you deals with the city. Is that right, Pinky?” Odelia said, closing the distance between herself and the other woman. Without hesitating she reached out and caught Pinky’s left hand in her right and held it in her own.

Olivia stepped up to Pinky’s other side, creating a triangle between the three of them.

“I… yes. Darla works with the city. Rose handles the Boss and all the working girls,” Pinky agreed, her fingers closing in around Odelia’s hand in return.

“Perfect. Darla can assist Irini and Aurora since they were working together already. Rose, Mira, and Alana can attend to our dear Rene,” finished Odelia, not looking to him.

“That does sound rather perfect, Del,” Olivia said, taking Pinky’s right hand in her left, then she started walking away. Dragging the somewhat flustered looking Pinky along behind her. “Let’s go. We have a lot of work to do.”

“Oh, good idea, Liv. We should bring her on board as quickly as possible,” Odelia said, catching up to Olivia. Both women were pulling on Pinky now, dragging the woman out of the room.

The latter looking somewhat perturbed now and concerned.

“Hmph,” Aurora said, lifting her chin up and looking to Irini then Darla.

“We have our own work to do,” Darla said as one corner of her mouth curled up in a smirk. “Those three can go think themselves smarter than the rest of us while we do the dirty work. The work that has to be done.”

Darla’s pitch black hair was perfectly arranged in her customary ribbons and clips, artfully pulling her hair back and highlighting how lovely she was. Her blue eyes moved from Aurora then to Irini.

“We could go back to the Tail,” Irini suggested.

“I… yes. That’s a good idea,” agreed Aurora, turning to look to Darla. “Darla?”

“I agree. Let’s do that,” said the woman with a wide smile.

All three women pulled their masks out from their person and then fit them to their face.

“Can we get some lunch on the way?” Irini asked. “I’m hungry.”

“I know exactly where to stop, Dark,” Darla said with a wave of her hand.

“Irini. Call me Irini when we’re in private,” corrected the cat-girl assassin.

“And Aurora for myself when we’re in private,” added Aurora. Then she gestured at Darla’s hair. “And now that we’re on a first name basis, can you tell me where you get your clips? They’re lovely. I’d like to own some myself.”

“Of course! It’d be my pleasure. We can first go get lunch, head to the tail, then go over what our goals are and go from there. We can get the cl-”

Darla’s voice was cut off as the three left the room and closed the door behind them. Rene was mildly surprised with the situation though as it seemed to him that Darla had managed to command both Aurora and Irini.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re not wearing their masks anymore. Perhaps that anonymity of a mask had played into their own beliefs.

“Good,” Alana said with a frown.

The Elven warrior’s bottomless black eyes looked to Rose curled up on Rene. Her short brown hair was arranged in a few braids today that drew attention to her ears.

“Rose, I-”

“I’ll work for you, Alana,” Rose said, interrupting the ex-Elven royal guard. “I don’t really care about the pecking order. I can be at the bottom. I just want to be with my Baby and be at the bottom of him. To make sure he’s happy and take care of his needs. Whatever Baby wants me to do to him, or for him, I will. He’s given me so much. I have to give back to him.”

Rose once more emphasized her point by squeezing his obvious response to her presence and touch with her hand.

“I also will serve you Alana. I’m only here to attend to my Master,” murmured Mira with her heart melting smile. “I’ll tend to whatever I believe he needs while also servicing him in any way he requires or wants.”

Maid turned mistress, Mira was a beautiful young woman who had long ago decided she wanted to be safe and secure. To imitate a real life heroine by the name of “Seven” who had done the same for herself.

Her thick brown hair was immaculately styled and laid out behind her. Held by a white strip of fabric. Her large brown eyes that seemed ever bigger were watching him warmly.

Only now did he notice her maid outfit had once again been modified. It was more of a dress that she could work in now. It really pulled in quite nicely at the right points to push and pull the lines of her body into showing off her lovely hourglass figure.

“I accept your loyalty from both of you,” Alana said with a complete one-eighty in her tone. Raising right up to something he’d heard when they were fighting Elves together. “You will both serve me, and serve our husband. I’ll take care of his needs tonight. Rose, you come tomorrow night. Mira will handle his day-time needs.

“And I should warn you two. I might kill a few of the others depending on what the needs are. We must have strength and intelligence in the family.”

“Okay. Please spare Darla and Pinky if possible,” Rose said rubbing her cheek against Rene’s chest.

“I understand. If you must kill Odelia, please make her last. That would make me feel better about my oath of service,” Mira said just as accepting of that statement as Rose was.

“I’ll do what I can for you, both,” Alanna said, watching Rose and Rene. “Rose, I order you to take care of our husband’s needs with your mouth. Mira, let’s go start on setting together a meal. Then we can give him a chance to relax after he’s been properly relieved and fed.”

“Ah, yes Mistress,” Mira said, moving over to the Elf.

“Okay, I can do that Mistress,” Rose purred, her hand moving up to start working at Rene’s belt.

Did… they just break into teams of three?

Pretty sure they did, yeah. Kinda funny to watch.

One group for us, one for the city, one for the family.

Rene’s thoughts were dashed when Rose started to work his pants down.


Laying in the recliner he’d been ambushed in, Rene was feeling considerably better.

Rose had taken Alana’s order quite seriously.

Then Mira and Alana had returned to feed him, than the three of them left.

They were outside the room discussing their plans. What they would do and how they would bring more power to their own group.

From what he could hear given his heightened senses, they were going to lean on the fact that they took care of his carnal needs. That they could use pillow talk and their closeness with him to facilitate their own plans.

Thankfully they didn’t seem to consider the other two groups a problem and had said neither a word against them, or how to hinder them.

Alana’s version of power primarily seemed to reside in time with Rene, presents, and his affection. To which Mira and Rose readily agreed to.

It’s sweet. They just want more of you and from you.

The other two groups are just… competitors, not enemies.

Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

I have no idea? When was the last time we were in a harem, hm?

Your question makes no sense.

Uh… yeah. Sorry, sorry.

Good point.

It’s better when they’re competitors not enemies. If they’re enemies they end up causing a lot more of a headache than they’re worth.

Or at least, that’s what I’ve noticed.

Thankfully all of mine are allies.

I’m the enemy.

They even made councils to watch over me and make sure I’m not doing something stupid.

Pausing, Rene considered the words of the Watcher.

His personal benefactor.

“I mean, we’ve only worked together a short period, but I can kind of see that being a need,” Rene admitted.

Laughing, the Watcher materialized into being a few feet away.

A younger man who looked to be in his twenties, with dark hair. A trim goatee adorned his chin, and his eyes were a chilling blue. He was fit, but not athletic. Dressed well, but not expensively.

Rene was mildly surprised to see his god in person.

“You’re not wrong. I really am an idiot at times,” said the Watcher, flopping down into a chair. “Don’t worry, your harem members are all going about their own business. They won’t be bothering us for a bit. We have more than enough time to get this little bit of business done.”

“Ah, you did say you had more jobs for me,” said Rene, feeling somewhat excited at the thought.

He’d been allowed to really let loose in his protection detail. To go all out in any way he saw fit to accomplish his goals.

“Before you ask, no. I can’t let her help you either. So don’t ask,” grumbled the Watcher as he got comfortable in the chair.

“Who, Cinnamon? I wasn’t going to ask,” admitted Rene.

“Oh? Oh. Good. I’ve already taken care of your request anyways,” Runner said with a wave of his hand.

“My requ-”

“Now, forgive me for being rude, but on to business. While we have some time, we don’t have enough to chit-chat,” apologized the Watcher. “Yes, I have some jobs for you. A few in fact. Though… I’ll probably need to explain more, I imagine.”

“If you want. I honestly… well, it doesn’t matter,” said Rene with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s nice to know information, but it doesn’t usually change my job or what I have to do.”

The Watcher watched him, then chuckled and nodded his head.

“Fair enough. I’ll keep it simple then. Ah… let’s see,” mused the Watcher, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling. “A lot of my worlds run at different… speeds? What would be one second on one world, is a year on another. This can change whenever I want, however I want. I can even freeze time completely.

“Your own world has often been frozen. Though I can’t lock the time as often as I’d like. It causes problems with my enemy.”

“Ah. And that’s who Fearn was-”

“No, don’t-”

Before Rene could finish talking, or for the Watcher to interrupt him, a woman appeared behind the god.

She was a beautiful Elven maiden. One that had an eerie similarity to Olivia in fact, just more beautiful and filled out than even the Oracle.

“Oh Rene, I’m going to make sure my Oracle gets exactly what she needs,” said the goddess of the Elves, laying her hands to the Watcher’s shoulders. “To make you a very happy man. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rene.”

Closing his eyes, the Watcher lifted up his hands and pressed them to his face.

“I swear to fuck, Rene, I’m going to… hurt you,” the Watcher growled.

“I’ll fight you if you do, Watcher,” said Fearn, leaning down over the Watcher’s shoulder. Then she kissed his cheek and her arms slid around him. Tightening around him possessively. “He’s your champion, but I’ll name him mine as well if you dare raise a finger against him.”

“You know this’ll make her angry. She’ll try to kill you,” the Watcher said into his hands.

“Mm. She’s tried before a number of times. She’s obviously had very little success,” Fearn said, kissing the Watcher’s cheek again before nuzzling him. “Now, get back to work. Your champion is waiting.”

Wordlessly groaning into his hands the Watcher sounded extremely annoyed.

“Fine, fine. Okay, fine. If you die, I can’t do anything though, Fearn,” the Watcher said, letting his hands drop into his lap.

“I know. That’s fine. I don’t think she’d actually kill me though. I think she’d just hurt me a lot,” Fearn said, rubbing her cheek against the Watcher’s.

“The next job I want to give you could be problematic. So I have a few different ones for yout o pick from. Two of them I can… freeze, as we were discussing earlier, so you can take care of them at your leisure. The third I cannot. It’s now or never,” declared the Watcher. “The third job is in a world that’s… incredibly hostile to me. To the point that I won’t even honestly be able to see you or assist. You’ll be in a blind spot.”

“Which is also why you can’t freeze it. Its not your world,” Rene finished. “This goes back to that story you told me.”

“Exactly,” agreed the Watcher.

“What’s the job there?” asked Rene.

“Well… that’s the problem. I don’t know. I’d put you in touch with someone. Someone who knows what needs to happen. But I don’t know the specifics of the job,” answered the Watcher.

Grimacing, Rene really didn’t like that. That’d be more like being on loan to another agency, rather than doing a job.

“Pass on that for now. What about the other two?” asked Rene, his eyes moving to Fearn as she continued to snuggle and love all over the Watcher.

“The second one is another protection detail. Make sure the VIP doesn’t get wasted,” replied the Watcher.

“Uh huh, and the last?” Rene asked. He’d had fun in the last job, but if he could avoid a babysitter job he would.

Sighing, the Watcher looked to Rene and held his gaze for several seconds.

“Elimination of several targets,” the Watcher confessed. “The problem is you’d have to do one, wake up, go about your business, then do the next a little later on.”

“Ah. Alright. And would I be able to keep my gear, equipment, and what I’d set up between the hits?” asked Rene with interest.

He wasn’t going to lie and say he didn’t want to test himself and his new abilities. To see what he could do given what he had at his disposal now.

“Yes, that’s fine. Though… no more strays. Remember?” clarified the Watcher, holding up a finger. At the same time, Fearn nibbled at his earlobe, causing the Watcher to hunch away from her. “Stop it, Fearn. You’ll enrage her. She’s already watching.”

“I know she’s watching. I can feel it,” Fearn said. “It’s not going to stop me. She’s already going to hunt me, regardless of what I do.”

The goddess of the Elves was sliding her hands down the Watcher’s torso now.


Hm. Well.

I mean, she is beautiful.

Very. I don’t think we could say no.

“That’s alright. Can I keep any of the gear?” pushed Rene.

“We’ll talk about that later after you show me what you want to keep,” said the Watcher. “I take it that’s the one you want?”

“Of course. It’s what I did for a long time. How could I say no?”

Rene couldn’t help himself but chuckle after he finished talking.

It was the truth.

“Fine. We can-”

The Watcher froze in place, staring at nothing. Staring through that nothing and into something far beyond.

“Actually, Rene, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you choose. I need you to do this protection detail. And now. Are you ready?” the Watcher asked, his tone having become something all together different.

“Send me,” Rene said without a concern. “Same equipment as last time please.”

This was his job and duty. What he’d traded for so that he could continue to live here in this world.

He appreciated that the Watcher did what he could to give him options, but it wasn’t Rene’s right to expect them. It wasn’t something he was entitled to.

The Watcher was being fair with him.

Not giving Rene anything beyond that, the Watcher instead flicked his hand through the air in front of himself.

It reminded Rene of how they used to show someone moving a virtual interface in science-fiction movies.


Rene knew nothing more after that thought.


David Hoerner

Haven't actually finished the chapter yet and probably will add to this comment but I had to type one out real quick. The fact that Mira is wanting to imitate Seven is fantastic as well as solidifying the swirling ideas that her actions were familiar in a way to me somehow. --- Update: Just finished and what a great chapter. I wonder who Rene is going to protect this time. Should be good. I'm enjoying seeing the scenes we've already read from a different perspective. Quick question though, after Rose takes care Rene is he talking with the Monster or the Watcher? Cause it looks like Monster dialogue but it says Rene "considered the words of the Watcher."

Jaymes Wiles

Freaking awesome. Can’t wait for the next chapter. Feels like Christmas came early getting some more MM chapters. I wonder if the planet he can’t see into or interfere with is Sam, Gus and Warner’s planet?

David Hoerner

Oh that's a good thought... Maybe but i think it would probably be before Sam was summoned in Inc Inc 1 if it was though.


Or during the jenaphilla fight

Tanner Lovelace

I believe the Monster’s words are bold and italic while the Watcher’s words are simply bold. That caught me too at first.

James E. Coleman

I got a bit confused when the trios were splitting up and Alana/Alanna was talking with her crew about who to kill and who to save.... I.e. Rose said save Darla and Rose. (I’m guessing Darla and Pinky?).


Think of it this way: 3 leaders 3 warriors 3 lovers Of the lovers or aka those handling rene's "needs" Alana is an elf. In this world, elves are described as competitive for mates. So, Alana was telling her group of her racial "eccentricities" of killing romantic rivals...

James E. Coleman

Love this series btw. Would definitely love see more