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Because there are people like this in the world-

"Why on gods green earth would I want to read a book where the main male character is a 5 foot 6 inch wimp. I read these books to see a main character that I want to be. For fun an escapism. I really wish the author would have put in the description that the "women were men and the men were women". I understand the desire to write something different. I really do. Just not this. If you want to read a book where and I quote "Additionally, they were considerably taller and stronger than him, each women reaching six foot five and six foot six......he was just a bit above average at five foot six..." this is for you." -1 star amazon review from Chris B.

Clearly this individual didn't read much of the book at all and is just angry. Maybe not even at my book, or what was written, but something else entirely.

But very clearly angry and lashing out.

Hopefully everyone who's enjoying the book is leaving a glowing 5 star review (nudge nudge) but this is an excellent example of -why- I made the third pen name.

Some people simply can't handle an MC that isn't Rambo, I suppose.



I'd honestly reach out to Amazon to get the review purged. That's borderline malicious especially with the impact for something newly released

Kori Prins

Hmm...sounds like maybe a touch of insecurity too


How is Philip a wimp? He has several women vying for his affection, seems pretty manly to me.

Drew Risch

Ass hats are ass hats. What’s new, lol.

Winston Smith

I could never understand people that leave terrible reviews because they don't like the premise of the story. I've expressed my views on here and I was initially not very interested, but I would never leave a terrible review like that just because I didn't like the premise.


No worries... you still got his money 😎


Lol. I thought the premise was an excellent way to experiment with the concept of "walking a mile in another man's shoes". Granted, it's a lot more than that, but it's still a great thought exercise.

Jake Minor

It’s kinda funny that he’s taking it so personally. Lots of the women in your other books are smarter, stronger, and larger then the main character. Like Alex for example.. while he is masculine in general he doesn’t care for gender roles, his fucking body guards are both women and are described as much more physical then Alex himself. Hahah. Jeez. Hope you don’t take those reviews to heart.


Most of your characters aren’t hard hitting fighters Felix had a badass streak to him but he was no fighter and Alex had multiple women as body guards so if they have read any of your books they should know most if not all the woman in your books are normally fighters or more badass than the MC minus Vince and Steve who are a one man army the rest really relied on the girls also the book is great I’m on the last 5 chap and have enjoyed every second so far


I do remember your resistance. Pretty sure Phil won you over like you were a dark horse girl.


Also question will you be starting a new Facebook account for the new pen name?


Super lame that people just won't read the description to realize they're completely wrong in their assumptions about a book, smh. I bought it today and will read it next after I wrap up my current read and I'm sure I'll love it (and I read your warnings that it would be different several times)


By the content, I assume he's referring to Reversal? I dunno, personally I stopped reading the previews for that story HERE because I thought it was just that bad. And I've bought like 90% of your stuff and pay patreon.


I thought in the beginning that he was weak, but like you said I saw what he was really like. It honestly sounds like someone who read like 1 chapter. Can't please everyone.

Crichton Vas’Moya

Welp, hes off the Christmas list then. More for us I guess.

Crichton Vas’Moya

I think the guy saw hot babe on cover was expecting hentai but got actual content with real women and real lives instead

Winston Smith

Yeah, the book came out today. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. I think the point is people trashing it over the premise rather than just not reading it if they don't think they'll like it.


Btw is this a trilogy or will it be like CC?

Lowe K. Lyesmith

I read about half of the book so far and am VERY angry! Where are the others? It's really quite interesting to always have this thought at the back of my head, that the MC suddenly will start an orgy with all the women, but then his DUTY comes into play again. And all the typical love story tropes that play in the background, really very enjoyable.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

He could be considered as such IN OUR SOCIETY. Within the world of the book, he's a prime specimen.

Michael Jackson

Bought it because I loved your work in other books, I thought mm was going out of the universe you were creating and was going to be a standalone series then mm2 was like oh wait boing we get slapped right into the universe hahaha. This book however explores a different set of ethics entirely the guy has not read the book obviously as it’s quite thought provoking, if the lead had been a woman instead of Phillip and about men in society then I probably would of not been interested in it ( bit like the flip on black people being dominant and white people being slaves in a different reality), personally I can see his harem forming he’s got the warrior the go getter the sexy minx and his dark girls he’s a behind the scenes guy (but like women in our society uses sex and libido to get what they want) who as a man has not had the blood rush to his little brain and gone fuck yes suck it and see, or as the house wives of Cheshire say there’s only so many mind blowing blow jobs you can give before they work out that you wanted that new ferrari/diamond ring /pony lol.


And im just here wondering if you are going to create a new universe with the new pen name

Michael Jackson

Oh read it and left a glowing review five stars now write number 2 mr arend

Christopher B.

Had me going when I saw B as the last initial and I thought “wait, I’m still reading and never left a review” While I’ll admit this isn’t my cup of tea, it’s still well written and enjoyable enough for me to read through.

Kenneth Darlin

I believe he is probably mad because he lives a 5 foot and 2inch(in specific area) life and likes to imagine himself as a Rambo...but he really missed out on a good book...


Oh fuck that guy. It's a really enjoyable book.

Zachary Nahrstadt

If the guy had read it he would get Phil is more bad ass and honorable than almost all your other characters who gives up everything they have for there family for just that he may not be strong but he is great at making money at finding what the right path is even if it hurts him idk that guys a prick with a small dick complex and has to have manly characters to make him fell like he isn't a looser

Zachary Nahrstadt

I left a 5 star and an honest review hope it helps with how it should be viewed


This book is in my top 5 books of the year

Yitzhak Brill

This was easily my favorite Arand book yet, and I’ve already left a review and recommended it on my usual haunts online. Wow, it was very different than most books in the genre, and satisfied me in a way I didn’t know I needed. Keep up the good work Will! I think your “experiment” will bear good fruit 🙂


I hate people like this. "Why would I read X book?" G'dammit, why DID you read it then? It was pretty clear what it contained in it. No one tied him to a chair and forced it on him - HE selected it, downloaded it, and read it. What do normal people do when they don't want to read X? They choose another book. AND, if he didn't read it, I'm to believe his life is that sad, pitiful, and boring that he has nothing better to do than leave reviews for books that he wouldn't read?! And he says he seeks escapism?! >_<


Who hurt that poor man? But seriously, it's a damn interesting. This can easily be escapism if you let it concept especially if you put yourself in those situations and imagine how you'd react.


The reviewer was probably upset that it didn't match his (imagined Gorean) lifestyle ... I thought it was an interesting premise very well executed ... Jane Austen would be proud :-) Ready and waiting for the rest of the series ...


I'll add my own opinion that the reviewer is a fool who probably didn't bother reading it. Did my part to drown them out and put some time to make a full review rather than just a rating. Eagerly await the next time installment of Phillip's love life.


To be fair that review was the only review that wasn't 5 stars at 13 total reviews so far. While I did enjoy this story it really isn't my cup of tea so I only gave it 4 stars with a written review just before posting here. In that dudes defense I can see where he might not have read much before venting in his review as I have read some really shit reverse harem stories that felt like I was being force fed by some liberals arts philosophy professor who is single with a dozen cats and a chip so large its only eclipsed by the writers inflated sense of justice. If that reviewer was a regular reader of your other books, he would have given the book a chance and probably realized that it's a great story no matter his preferences.

Jaymes Wiles

Well, I just wrote the 26th review, don’t know if having 26+ reviews in one day is considered fast or not, but I really enjoyed the book and hope I get to read the second and third books.


I'd suggest adding one line to the beginning of the blurb, to weed out people like your negative reviewer. Something like "Try to imagine a world from several hundred years ago, but with the genders reversed. Women are strong and warlike; men are domestic, and protected."


Loved the book. It’s an interesting premise and thoroughly enjoyable. Can’t wait for the sequel. I “think” I can see what’s coming next, but you have been known to make some sharp turns.

David Morrissey

It's funny - Remnant book 3 pissed me off, but too bring out that emotion it had to be well written. I can see that even if I was expecting a more formula following book. For that reason I gave the series good reviews (loved book 1). To be so closed minded and willing to put it in print you are does kind of rate a special type of stupid for the reviewer that flamed your work the way he did.


I don’t get the Rambo reference on 2 of your MC could be a Rambo and that Vince and Seville I also don’t understand why anyone is complaining about bigger women all the MC has strong females around then I haven’t had time to read it yet but it’s in my library maybe then I guess why people are being crybabies about it

Dennis Palsson

Spoiler----- The MC kills with a spoon.... A SPOON. Badass enough for me.

Nick Cartwright

Essentially the women being men and men being women is accurate. Essentially the world is a genitalia swap. However the story is very well written and far from 1star. Phil is very strong mentally, emotionally, and far from a wimp. The story is not my cup of tea but I wouldn’t bury because of that.