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Per request, spoiler thread.


joshua hampton

Dont know why but renmant for some reason makes me think of Srits fight with the super-virus and that steve is an outsource wildcard to change the balance.


Haha i just finished the book when this post popped up on my notifications bar

Kenneth Darlin

So my only question is what happened with the forestry wife who was going to get the fruit/nut trees for them!?!? She just disappeared......


Disposable wife just got thrown away off-screen. Probably the character I felt bad for the most since Minecraft Steve didn't have time to go on long romantic walks in the forest with Cyclopes waifu, hence she's deader than Steve's interest in her.


1st off was there any links to other books people caught?


2nd does anyone other than me think there is a good chance he has lost a daughter before?


Interesting thought, that might make Zeus the Creep, or at least the creator of the Creep. Which would make the Creep Witches something of a subversion of Zeus...


He HAD a girl before, that much is apparent. If he lost her or not, that's NOT apparent. It's not clear to me if this is the only Steve, or if there are other Steves out there in some way. If there are others out there, one of 'em might be a precursor to protagonist-Steve (maybe it's even Shitty Steve) who would have had (and may still have) that mystery daughter.


Anyone else find it fascinating how Steve's amnesia works? It's actively redacting 'forbidden' memories, even though Steve still has the memories. This seems to me to indicate that the game he's in is rather more than it appears to be - some sort of psychological healing construct? Some sort of political alternative to physical battles, or betting? Not sure, but - interesting to watch.


Saw someone referencing a knock on Ryker somewhere in the book, but I missed it and can't find the link again.


Two concepts that strike me hard. Fae court, one of which is "unseelie", and no iron/steel weapons or armor. I REALLY think that'll be a rude shocker to the queens. I also wonder if steel in some form (any steel touching the skin? Steel helmet? Full body steel armor? something else?) might affect the brainwashing regarding the 10 women per men and the 'duty' to have kids. I am also very interested to learn more as Steve goes deeper into the world's history to learn more about this goddess of fertility. That may tie back into some of the other books, if anything does.

Scott Mem

I think everything comes down to the enchanted minecraft tools! I bet it has something to do with rike and felix! Or just runner saving another person from a failed realm.

Rafnar Caldon

Still betting he has some admin privileges on this server.

Ben Foard

With the powers that Steve has, like naming the cat general oathbreaker and slaver and whatnot I wonder if Steve is a Royal of some kind. Someone mentions he has the abilities of a citadel commander with the pregnancy off switch thing, but the other citadel commander we meet seems shocked when he adds titles to her.

Brian McDonald

The way it’s been working has me thinking Steve is one of runners crew and not an AI like ryker and Alex either way he’s not native to this world I’m pretty sure runner or maybe AL sent him there to find a way to fight zues

Brian McDonald

I agree they said at the end he seems to have citadel commander privileges but then again the commander of the citadel that conveniently fell right after he gained his memory’s was human I wonder if there’s a connection


Brian - assuming it's in the Runnerverse that's a possibility. An alternative is that he's a plaything of Zeus and was placed there to upset Runner's otherwise-stable apple cart. I have no evidence for or against either, other than it seems more likely to me that Runner & Srit would be the more interested parties in breaking the queens' static power blocks and improving the state of the commoner vs Zeus, but we really don't know much about Zeus's predilections other than it is fighting Srit to a standstill...


Great book, especially like Kassandra and Nia. Looking forward Steve's future nation building and interaction with greater powers like one particular goddess or at least her local priesthood.


Same issue I had with wild waste 2 and 3, but I actually don’t like the books with a huge harem. The members I like end up not getting enough screen time because they’re the fifth or sixth member to join and it becomes a slog of adding new wives over and over while regulating the older ones to the sidelines. Not a fault on the author, but an inherent consequence of having 10+ secondary characters you are expected to care about without the book being the size of The Stand from Steven King. The plot itself was good and I liked the world setting. Story wise I have no issue, but tbh probably not gonna read the next one if it’s going the way of wild wastes where the dude ends up with 100 wives and I can’t remember half of them.


No problem my dude. I love you’re writing since sfs, but even then that series took 3 books for Felix to get what? 5/6 girls by the end. The first two books were mostly contained to his smaller group. I could actually keep up then. Keep doing you, regardless!


Possibly, or possibly he's the only PC in the game we've met this far.




If you recall he did blow off thw arm and leg of Vincent's fes

Robert Hammack

kinda brings to mind a comment by one of my other fav writers, Lois McMaster Bujold- something like "think of the worst thing I can do to them and then do it" when asked how she comes up with plots :) then the story becomes about how they react, adapt and overcome. Always thought that sounded like a good strategy for writing, lol


Hmmm HMMMMMM, indeed. Though I seem to remember her having a bit of an open ending.

Rafnar Caldon

well we have the bonus chapter to help us get through Nadine. .... we have nothing here yet

Brian McDonald

JB It’s definitely the runnerverse wills said so multiple times and the creep is to similar to what happened to the world at the end of ssosh3 so it makes me think this was runner experimenting with ways to beat it back or it’s Al using a proxy to fight zues as part of his plan to free Srit


Brian, Mr Anand did say so after my last reply, so yeah, I clearly agree w/ the author. :)


I believe you would have us at your door as an angry mob if you dared kill Nikki... 🤣


He's apparently on his at least second playthrough - his former harem and probably young ins all bit the big one... add the fact that former Steve gave him a message that he needed to build a town...

Dayne Mayes (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-25 09:27:36 Let me preface this reply by saying that I am in no way an author, but I am familiar with several different authors who have discussed the topic of how they write stories. Anyway, some say that the story will almost write itself sometimes, in unexpected ways. They may have a general idea of how they want the story to go, or a brief outline, or even a detailed plan for how they want the story to go. They envision it progressing from point A to B to C to D, but as they write, the story just ... steers itself in a certain direction. Instead of neatly arriving at point D, the story has somehow arrived at point &$@?, in a different universe, and the antagonist is now the protagonist. And it works for them. I suspect Will has an infinite army of intelligent hamsters that churn out stories according to his vision (or at least I wish he did so that he wrote even faster). Regardless, I love Will, and will gladly read his work, even if he dares to mar the unharmed skin of my favorite character.
2019-04-17 05:12:47 Let me preface this reply by saying that I am in no way an author, but I am familiar with several different authors who have discussed the topic of how they write stories. Anyway, some say that the story will almost write itself sometimes, in unexpected ways. They may have a general idea of how they want the story to go, or a brief outline, or even a detailed plan for how they want the story to go. They envision it progressing from point A to B to C to D, but as they write, the story just ... steers itself in a certain direction. Instead of neatly arriving at point D, the story has somehow arrived at point &$@?, in a different universe, and the antagonist is now the protagonist. And it works for them. I suspect Will has an infinite army of intelligent hamsters that churn out stories according to his vision (or at least I wish he did so that he wrote even faster). Regardless, I love Will, and will gladly read his work, even if he dares to mar the unharmed skin of my favorite character.

Let me preface this reply by saying that I am in no way an author, but I am familiar with several different authors who have discussed the topic of how they write stories. Anyway, some say that the story will almost write itself sometimes, in unexpected ways. They may have a general idea of how they want the story to go, or a brief outline, or even a detailed plan for how they want the story to go. They envision it progressing from point A to B to C to D, but as they write, the story just ... steers itself in a certain direction. Instead of neatly arriving at point D, the story has somehow arrived at point &$@?, in a different universe, and the antagonist is now the protagonist. And it works for them. I suspect Will has an infinite army of intelligent hamsters that churn out stories according to his vision (or at least I wish he did so that he wrote even faster). Regardless, I love Will, and will gladly read his work, even if he dares to mar the unharmed skin of my favorite character.

Robert Hammack

Oh, I agree, that seems to be a characteristic of the best auhors, or at least the ones I like the most :) I've had discussions with quite a few Authors, Including such Luminaries as Eric Flint over at Baen's Bar, where they talk about how characters take them in unexpected directions. I haven't discussed it with him, but I suspect John Conroe had it happen to him with the Demon Accords, where Half way thru, a previous supporting character kinda took over the series, becoming the main character for most of the books, while the previous Main character became a supporting character when he appeared at all.