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Hello everyone!

Welcome to April, which means Remnant is out, the newest Randi Darren book.


Go out there, and share it with all those lovely groups. Spread the word of sexy monster girl books with everyone you can :D

It's going live tonight/tomorrow. Here's the normal questions-

-Same universe: Yep!

-KU: Yes

-Audible: Andrea Parsneau/ ETA: Eventually

-Book 2 and 3: Yep, we'll get there in time.



speaking of audible eta's, any timeline on DD2?

Josh rush

Can’t wait to read remnant then listen again later..yours are the only books I can do that to

Scott Mem

What is KU??


Yo the cover is amazing




Really enjoyed Remnant good title for the book by the way!


Good read

Avoid Shisnos

That bit at the end was so sad especially in context of the note at the beginning "we've screwed this up once already"


You're got a helluva story machine built into Remnant. Very much looking forwards to the brute in the Fae courts - so far we've not seen any 'weakness' to iron or steel, but I can just taste it incoming. . . :) Yet another series of yours I find myself awaiting more from, damn you for teaching patience! :D


Not patience...repetition....when I've read everything, I find myself re-reading from the beginning to see where there may be hints and bread crumbs....


LOL - glad I'm not the only one who deals with it that way!

Carlos Torres

I just finished reading and is there a way we can get a spoiler thread going. I've got so many theory's.

Robert Hammack

It's a library type amazon service wher for $10 a month, you can "borrow" up to 10 KU books at a time for no further cost. Authors get paid according to pages read, from what I understand it's very close to what a books purchase gives them if they read the whole thing. I've had a few Discussions with William about it, and one thing you should know is that if you both read on KU and buy the book later, the Author only gets paid for one of them if it's in the same calendar month, so for example if I first use KU to borrow a new Arand or Darren because I'm an impatient idiot, then buy it a week later when I have extra Money, he only gets paid once - BUT, if I wait until the following month to buy it, he gets paid twice, a win-win for us both. it goes by calendar month, not elapsed time so if I borrow (and read) on the 30th, then buy on the 1st of the following month, he gets paid twice. I try to always do that so I can maximize the actual money William gets from me, since I have my KU subscription mainly to let me read things I wouldn't pay for directly (new Authors, books that sound somewhat interesting but don't seem worth $4.99 just to try, etc. It's how I discovered him in the first place, lol

Robert Hammack

Well, I'm only a single data point, but in my case it worked, and, while everyone's different, and one person's contributions are negligible to William's bottom line, with a little thought, I can maximize my support for no extra cost to myself. example is waiting for the next calendar month to purchase after using KU to read - I have my KU subscription regardless, so making sure he gets paid twice costs me nothing but waiting a month to buy it, which I would do anyway so I can re-read a year later :) I also buy other books I borrowed on KU if I want a permanent copy. Also speaking to the discovery aspect, I became a $10 a month Patron here AFTER discovering him thru KU, so KU is the beginning of me supporting him via making sure he gets his per-book payment twice from amazon, + whatever % he gets from Patreon. I can't imagine I'm completely unique either, and as I said my contribution to his bottom line is negligible, but if he gets 100's of people thru KU exposure, it starts to add up :)

Robert Hammack

I agree it's a great cover, but it's worth noting that it is also inaccurate. describing Niki, steve says "And she had what he’d describe as reverse-jointed knees, legs covered in fur from the knees down to her hooves." kind of like the Satyr dude from the Percy Jackson movies. But as William has noted, the cover is a marketing tool, and "Sex Sells!" so sexy covers are the norm, and better than Accurate covers. :)

Robert Hammack

He's one of the very few Authors I don't mind reading 3 times in a few months or quicker, a few books 4 times 1) Patreon Chapters (about 80 % of the book) 2) beta reader, compleat book ( only sometimes, I've been lucky) 3) Kindle KU 4) published book It's worth noting that things can often get rewritten after the beta readers comment, so if you get the kindle after release and only read following the patreon chapters, you may miss some important things....