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Howdy everyone.

As some of you have been expecting, we're at our cut point for the current three books. I try to make the jump at the point that the last arc really starts. We've got maybe one chapter left of the Farm. Maybe two.

After those get posted on Monday, we'll be starting up with three new novels.

Fostering Faust 3, Dungeon Deposed 3(this won't start till after the 1st though), and a new series, tentatively called IncInc.

We should be back to 2 chapters every day relatively quickly. Or so goes my hope.

We're looking at these finishing up somewhere in May.


Joshua Toennis

So much to read so little time

DJ Johnson

incinc sounds interesting is it randi doing it or arand? Can you tell us anything about it like is it paranormal? Fantasy? Sci Fi? ;D

Zachary Johnson

Sweet. Any idea on when you'll start on CC2?


Oooh I'm excited for IncInc if C&C is any inclination to the story. I'm really excited for SS, and DD2. This new schedule of yours is really cool!


Neat. Knew it was coming. Am excited for new stuff to start and current books to be released. :D

Darwin Baide

Great to hear new books are already thought out !


Yep. new book a month. 3/1- DD2 4/1- Remnant(The Farm) 5/1- Swing Shift 6/1- FF3 7/1- DD3 8/1- IncInc(?)

Avoid Shisnos

just curious why so long between the three that are already done is it because of Editing? or just marketing

joshua hampton

Noice to see you have a plan and schedule. To help keep things moving.


Such excite!


Editing, to a degree. That and Amazon went after a few people with a faster release schedule than 1 a month.

Robert Hammack

My guess would be marketing. I was a beta-reader, and without giving anything away, all 3 were completed as far as writing goes within a short time period, so unless there are significant time constraints in the final editing , proofreading, etc. I would expect it's a marketing and income-related decision. It's probably better from those standpoints to have a release every month, rather than 3 at once every three months. also from the income perspective, I'd surmise that regular monthly releases is better, as many people, excepting die-hard fans like us Patreons, are more likely to buy a book a month than 3 books every 3 months, plus I imagine the sales peak soon after release, so the income is spread more evenly doing it every month, rather than a big peak every three months. I know which I'd prefer personally :)

Robert Hammack

Looks like I spoke to soon.William and I must have answered at the same time, or near enough. of course, his is the definitive response, I was just guessing.. I could just delete my response, but I'll leave it as evidence that I'm often wrong when I guess, and to leave a clean history.


lol. Your guess wasn't wrong. it was well thought out, and definitely something I considered. I could have rushed and gotten all three books out if I made some waves. In the end, taking much of what you said into account when I made my plans, I decided once a month was better.

i shteynberg

I am looking forward to FF3.

Avoid Shisnos

seems kinda stupid on amazons part to punish some one for being a successful author also thanks for satiating my curiosity busy as I'm sure you are

Osmosis Jones

So basically ff3 dd3 and II in that order?


When will the next book in the VeilVerse be coming?

Josh rush

Awesome and yea having them spread is a good thing anyway it will keep your name popping up..


Thanks for the update : )

Daniel beck

So when might we hear from Felix and crew again..kinda Missing them..but finding DD a good replacement for now..I didn't know what to think at first but found that I have fallen in love with the universe around all three gentleman

Michael Cramer

I thought i read somewhere he was thinking of another 3 book of felix / SSoSH.....i could be wrong tho