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Felix smiled and leaned to one side in his chair. Looking from the microphone between himself and the rabbit-eared Beastkin to the camera behind her, he waited for the next question.

“Mr. Campbell, this next question I have is a bit of a loaded one so I apologize in advance,” Erica said, giving him a broad smile, her brown eyes and soft features inviting him to confide in her.

She hadn’t changed since he’d first met her. She’d grown her dark black hair quite long, but otherwise unchanged.

Bright, energetic, and cute.

It was no wonder her news segment had become extremely popular in Wal. Everyone loved to watch her, and she always seemed to get the best stories, and the most hard hitting interviews.

Doesn’t hurt when Legion hand feeds her everything, now does it?

“Please, don’t worry about it. I’d expect nothing less from you Miss Newberg, and I knowingly accepted your invitation to the interview,” Felix said, playing into his role. “Despite knowing your predisposition.”

Erica had proved to be a perfect lightning rod for negative and neutral stories about Legion.

Her counterpart, Jessica Perreira, was where all the positive and political support stories went.

Everyone thought the two women hated each other given that they seemed to represent opposing views.

Personally, Felix found it hilarious. He knew for a fact that they were very close. He’d even say they were each others best friend.

Erica’s smile tightened just a fraction, her eyes going a touch flat. It was obvious to him, as it had always been, that she hated her job and role.

“Recently reports have been circulating that Legion has been contracted to take over more than just acting as backup to the police.

“That your company has been tasked with providing security for all government buildings of Wal in addition to taking over every police precinct,” Erica said. “Is that true?”

Felix wrinkled his nose and changed his posture slightly as part of the act.

Though he had a momentary flashback to Tilen five years prior and a a no-nonsense Detective.

What was her name again… ah! Torres. Detective Torres.

“Well… it is true that Legion has been asked to step in and take over for the police. They’re understaffed, underpaid, and unable to keep up with the workload,” Felix admitted. “But it’s also not true. Legion will be taking over the vast majority of the needs of Wal throughout the country, but the police will still remain employed and working in the same capacity that they were previously.”

“In other words, the police will become the backup for Legion,” Erica said, boiling Felix’s answer down. “Your reversing roles.

“But what about the government buildings?”

Felix nodded his head slowly.

“In the-I can’t remember if it’s four years or five years since we came to Wal but-in the five years since we came here, we’ve supported the government at every turn.

“They’ve asked us to up the security. That includes personnel, technology, and procedures,” Felix said.

Erica lifted a finger up, her ears perking.

“Before you ask for clarification,” Felix said with a smile for the Beastkin. “Yes, we’ll be taking over security.”

Erica raised her eyebrows and jotted something down on her pad of paper.

“I do believe it’s been four years and eight or so months, by the way,” Erica said as her pen glided back and forth.

Felix didn’t reply but merely smiled at the reporter.

“Speaking of security,” Erica said, moving into her next question. “What are your thoughts on the violence going on with our southern neighbors?

“By and large, it seems as if the entire country is shattering apart as of late. The army is embattled on every front, the warlords are acting as faith leaders for their religions, and it seems to be that there is no going back.”

Frowning, Felix reached up and drew a finger along his jawline.

Last he checked through a drone, Skippercity was little more than a giant radioactive crater. Tilen was a corpse of a city. A ruined rotting thing that was beyond hope.

And all Skipper did was move on to the next city. Turning it into a battleground as well.

“I would say that… the government of Wal has done a fantastic job of limiting the influence of the old gods here.

“While I recognize the… problems… caused by outlawing certain religions, worship, and gods created, I can’t fault the results,” Felix said. “By and large, Legion isn’t called in that often anymore, and those found practicing an illegal or warmongering religion, are exiled to the south.”

Barbaric, but… effective. And needed.

There really wasn’t another option given what happened in Skippercity. Saw that one first hand.

“Of course you’d support Wal in their efforts to eliminate dissenting religions. Those are the same people who run against the current governing body,” Erica said, pointing her pen at Felix. “Or do you have a response to that as well?”

“I would say that I support Wal in it’s efforts to protect it’s citizens. While I don’t morally agree with the actions taken, I can definitely understand why they were taken, and support their implementation,” Felix said.

“In other words, no. You don’t disagree with, Wal,” Erica said, making a point of this.

It was critical for Erica to maintain her status as a counter to Wal and Legion. It helped them keep the focus of the populace on the stories they wanted them to focus on.

Which meant she had to deliberately seem to provoke Felix at times. To which Felix was required to smile, let it pass, and do nothing.

To anyone else though, the response was always swift and deliberate.

Brutal, even.

Economic attacks, character assassination, and blackmail.

That didn’t even cover those who worked in the shadows to cause problems for Wal, Legion, and Felix.

Dimitry had become an essential player to Felix in the last several years in that shadow war. Working as his blade in the dark, keeping the other factions down, or eliminating them outright.

“I see,” Erica said. “Well, that’s the last question I had for you, Mr. Campbell. I appreciate your time today.”

“Of course, Miss Newberg, of course. I’ll always make time for you,” Felix said.

Turning to the camera, Erica crossed one leg over the other and folded her hands in her lap.

“Well, this is Erica Newberg signing out for the evening. I thank you all for joining me in tonights interview,” said the Beastkin. “I caution everyone out there to be safe, be vigilant, and be watchful.


Several seconds passed as Erica stared into the camera. Eventually the red dot on the top of the equipment began blinking.

“Aaaaaand… we’re out,” said the camera man at the same time the dot vanished.

Erica let out an explosive breath and spun around immediately toward Felix.

“I’m so sorry, Felix,” she said, leaning toward him across the table.

“Don’t worry about it. If anything, I should be apologizing to you,” Felix said, standing up from the table. “You’ve taken on a role you hate, for the betterment of Legion. I appreciate you and your sacrifice of your happiness.”

Erica’s ears bobbed as her head tracked him.

“Legion first,” she said.

“Legion first,” Felix replied, bowing his head to her. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Erica. I need to get a leg on. Felicia wants to go over a new iteration of the Warden. She thinks she’s worked out a number of the problems that the magical interference was causing.”

“Of course! Tell everyone I said hi. I should have some free time this weekend. I plan on going to old Legion city.

“If you don’t have any plans maybe we could go to dinner?” she asked.

It wasn’t the first time she’d asked him out.

Simply put though, Felix had his hand’s full with Lily, Andrea, and Adrianna. Having three girlfriends, two of which who could multiply into as many as she liked, was too much.

Are they even what I could call a girlfriend anymore? Andrea and Adriana are more like wives.

Hell, even Lily is at this point.

“As much as I appreciate the offer, I must decline,” Felix said, walking past her.

“Of course you do, but I’m still going to ask,” Erica said. “Maybe you’ll surprise me one day and say yes.”

Waving a hand at her as he exited the Legion secured newsroom at Erica’s employers building, Felix turned his thoughts to the rest of his day.

“You have lunch plans with Kit and I, then training,” Miu said, coming up beside him. Around him several men and women in combat armor and armed with SMGs formed a column.

Glancing to the diminutive psychopath of Asian descent, Felix smirked at her.

“Thanks. I don’t suppose you’ll take it easy on me today?”

“No. I want to see how much of your blood I can take. It also gives me a chance to wrestle you to the ground and touch you,” Miu said, her eyes boring into his eyes. They widened slowly, her cheeks coloring at the same time. Her eyes started to take on that glassy eyed gaze she tended to pick up as her true self started to slip free.

“Control, Miu. Control. You’ve been in control all month so far. Just a few more days and you get your reward, remember?” Felix asked.

Blinking twice, suddenly swallowed and turned her face forward.

“My apologies. You’re too close right now, and you were looking me in the eye,” Miu said. “I’m fine. Now, we should go. I imagine the Elex sisters are bored.”

Sighing Felix could only agree.

“Never wise to let them get too bored,” he said.

In silence Miu walked Felix down to the entrance of the building.

Stepping to one side, he waited. He was well trained now.

Miu and a man walked outside, holding the doors open. At the same time a woman slung her SMG around her middle and pressed a hand to Felix’s back. Immediately a small bubble of magical power enveloped him and her.

“Clear,” Miu called from outside.

Letting himself be guided by the sorceress at his side, Felix was escorted outside.

Victoria, Adriana, and Andrea were all waiting for him inside the black sedan parked out front. The Legion banner was painted on the side of the doors, proclaiming to one and all Legion was here.

There were two other cars in the same convoy, with identical markings.

“Felix!” squeaked chauffeur Andrea. Her mismatched eyes lit up with life when she saw him. She reached up and curled some of her bright hair around and ear and under her cap as she pulled open the door to the back of the sedan as she bounced in place.

Adriana was only a bit more subdued than her twin sister, but she at least didn’t call out to him. Opening the front passenger door, the brunette got in the car and shut the door promptly.

Victoria moved around to the far side of the sedan and got in without a word.

She must still be annoyed at me.

“She’s still mad at you,” Andrea whispered loudly. “She thinks you’re overlooking too many security risks.”

Felix got into the car and slid up next to Victoria’s side.

“And you are,” said the swords-woman. “Without you Legion would crumble. You take too many risks.”

Turning her head slightly she glared at him, her dark green eyes angry. Her dark brown curls were cut short as always.

“Sorry. I promise we can sit down over dinner or lunch and go over everything you want to. I’ll listen, and do my best to implement whatever you suggest,” Felix said in a conciliatory tone.

“Lily doesn’t like it when you take other women out to eat,” Miu said, her tone cold and flat as she pushed in next to him. “She’s willing to share you with Andrea and Adriana, and I, but I don’t think she’ll let you have more women.”

Victoria frowned and peered at Miu. “My interest is in his safety, not him. After five years as his personal bodyguard, I can pretty much guarantee I’m not interested in him.”

Miu stared at Victoria blankly.

Reaching up with one hand he pressed it to Miu’s shoulder and eased her back into her seat. “I’ll have a meal with Victoria, and I’ll let Lily know about it personally. Now, let’s get a move on, yeah?”


Felix glanced at the screen that was always open now, hovering just off to the side in his peripheral.

  <<Tables post poorly into Patreon. Sorry>>

“No change,” Felix said after he looked it over for a second. “I’m still being suppressed today.”

Kit clicked her tongue and tapped a fingernail against the tabletop.

“It would seem they’re dead set on keeping our losses from coming back right now,” she said after a second. “That’s two days more than normal given the pattern you worked out. Isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is.”

Felix lifted a spoonful of soup from his bowl and shrugged his shoulders.

“Definitely is an outlier against the pattern. And yeah, I kinda felt the same. I had Victoria alert her people, and Ioana as well to the situation,” Felix said.

Miu was watching Felix eat his soup, her eyes fixed to him like a hunting hound.

“Lily, Ioana, and Victoria all confirmed they received my message,” she said. “Prepeartions are being made already to take care of the situation and any possible contingencies.”

Kit smiled then chewed at her lower lip.

“Spit it out,” Felix said, watching her.

Glancing up at him then back down to her bowl Kit sighed softly. Leaning back in her chair she looked around herself.

She’d let her hair grow long over the years. She kept her dark hair in a tight ponytail now.

In fact, now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her in her Augur outfit since they’d fled. She’d packed it away and promptly settled into a life in Legion HQ in Wal.

“I begin to wonder if you need me anymore,” Kit said, her eyes watching the Legionaires moving around them.

Old Legion city was always a bustling place. It was the only thing they’d left behind in Skippercity and it was so far deep underground that there was no risk of radiation.

If anything it was extremely safe because of what had happened far above them on the planets surface.

“I’m useful as a mind reader, but now you have much more talented people in place. I do little more than manage my team and sit around waiting,” Kit said.

“Sounds like normal leadership to me,” Felix said, setting his spoon down. “Realistically speaking, if you can be absent from your team, and eighty percent of the time they function as if they didn’t need you at all, you succeeded as a leader.

“You don’t need or want to save the day. You want them to run perfectly without you, and only need you to guide, lead the way, or remove obstacles. That’s the sign of a good leader.”

Kit’s mouth flattened out into a line. She clearly didn’t quite believe his words.

“Micro managers are actually the worst kind of bosses. Their employees don’t grow, and they never get a chance to explore themselves as an independent contributor.”

Kit seemed to consider his statement more now than she had previously.

“And while you’re thinking on that, I had a thought this morning. Back in Tilen, I met a Detective Torres,” Felix said. “I was wondering if you or your team could dig up whatever happened to her. I was curious and-”

Felix’s wrist device chimed, then let out a low buzzing noise and vibrated violently.

Tapping the screen quickly, Felix saw two screens overlaid. One was Legion Headquarters in Wal, and the other was a power usage gauge.

There was a single column that had spiked to the top. It was monitor left in the old Legion HQ building. He’d set it up to watch for a portal opening.

Pressing the button that he’d put next to that column, he heard the chime of his line connecting to someone else.

He’d told Andrea to post a guard there and have her keep a personal device on her. Just in case something like this happened.

“Andrea, come in,” Felix said. “There was a power fluctuation. Did the portal open again? Are there people?”

“Hi dear!” Andrea said excitedly, her voice coming over the speakers in his wrist device. “Yup! They opened the gate and they’re staring at me.”

“Wait, they can see you right now?”

“Yes. I wanted to say hi. I thought if I did, they wouldn’t close it again.

“They look interesting. Though one of them looks a lot like you. A lot,” Andrea said.

“Really? Huh. Uhm… what do they want?”

“I don’t know! Let me ask,” Andrea said. Then she looked to them and smiled. “What do you want?”

“Andrea, I swear to god… Did you put me on speaker phone?”

“Yes?” said the Beastkin. She sounded quite guilty.

“Ok… I’ll just… why don’t… ok. Hello, my name is Felix. Would you be interested in having a chat? I’d like to discuss an opportunity with you.”

“I’ll stay here,” said a female voice. “Make sure it remains open.”

“Red will go with you. Red wants to spar with the house cat, if possible,” said a second more gravelly voice.

“My name is Vince, and I’d be willing.”

The sound of rapid smacks cut through the air.

She’s clapping, isn’t she. She’s actually clapping that they said yes.

“I’ll make pancakes!” Andrea shouted.

Yeah. She was clapping.

Kit and Miu were staring at Vince. Not quite sure of what was going on.

Suddenly on the main screen that he’d been ignoring was a bright flash. There was almost nothing that he could see through the glare of white light

Then there was a rumbling crashing noise that he could hear through the microphone pick up and the video started to short and crackle wildly.

It had sounded like an explosion and looked like one, too.

“What the… shit,” said Felix. “Andrea, Vince, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to cut this one short. I have to deal with something.

“Andrea, give him the pack?

“Vince, I truly look forward to meeting you in the future. Please don’t be a stranger!”

Tapping the button, Felix closed the view and looked to Miu.

She was already talking into her communication device and relaying orders.

Turning to Kit, he found her doing the same while she opened a portal with her left hand.

It led straight into Legion HQ back at Wal.

No rest for the weary.

Here we go again.



*bounces up and down like an excited Andrea* It's started! I feel the sudden urge to eat pancakes. :D


It has begun. . . . Unleash... the pancakes.


I wonder... is this why I had a sudden craving for flour-based, pan-cooked food items topped with syrupy additives?

Rafnar Caldon

Part of me Feels like I poke Felix and now hes staring down at me (for my comment earlier today) and the rest of me is Yay Pancakes and explosions.


Will can you please release the new WW banner? :D


So pleased to be back with Felix and Legion.

Avoid Shisnos

oh this is getting interesting fast