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So, Wuxia is going to go into beta in the next few days after the patreon charges file out.

At the same time, we're moving into SSOSH3.

Here we go!



Yes! SSOSH is back!

Paul Boros

My apologies but what does the beta involve?


Reading Wuxia in it's entirety, and leaving feedback for plot, characters, pacing, plot holes. Anything of that nature. Nothing grammar, syntax, or spelling.

Paul Boros

Also a huge Felix and Vince fan


Any update on the Wild Wastes 3 Audiobook?



Rafnar Caldon

well sorting it out may take longer than normal seams something went wrong with Patreon <a href="https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680</a>

Rafnar Caldon

Well I re listened to SSoSH 1 and 2 just to refresh my memory of the importuned details. I think I ready now


When were you going to do this?

Kurt A

Have the invites been sent?

Rafnar Caldon

I'm going to assume yes and we weren't invited. ☹️ but that really just means we have to wait for the polished product. And now I'm waiting for our teaser of SSoSH 3.... ⏲️

John DeBlanc

Sweet! Glad to see SSOSH3 is on the way!

Rafnar Caldon

I almost feel like I'm being a bit pushy but when can we expect to start seeing SSoSH3 chapters?

Kurt A

When is the wuxi coming out?

Corwin Amber

Is there an approximate ETA on when Wuxia is being released?