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<< Man, re-reading this old thing makes me cringe. So much of it was absolute garbage. I really had no idea what I was doing at the time...>> 

It was a week later when Recruit Parker returned to his company. With his right arm in a simple sprain bandage it was clear the medical team had a talent for healing enchantment. That or they had some very serious high grade medical supplies. The man was quiet and said nothing about the ordeal but he did seem to throw himself into the training. Ridley wrote it off and acted as if nothing had happened either. It wouldn’t do the recruit any good to linger on it and would only serve to foster issues. Determined to get these three companies into battle shape he would have to make concessions for the sake of morale.

Ridley had been questioned about the incident and asked to write a report. Nothing came of it and everything continued on as it had. Truth be told Ridley found himself falling into a routine that made wonder if the paranoia was just a conditioned response from Pit living. Morning inspection and hygiene, first meal spent with Pratt and Saxan, training commenced, second meal with Pratt and Saxan again, personal time, lights out, repeat.

Ridley didn’t let his mind grow soft though. Plans within plans wheeled in his head. Ubel Lew needed to die. Die painfully if he could arrange it. Though without pain would be acceptable if that was the only avenue open to him. Woe be the individual who stood in his way. His name being spoken in the weekly camp meeting brought him out of his reverie.

“Sergeant Norwood, you’ll be conducting the Shadow recovery team for the demonstration. Select three recruits who have officer potential to go with you. Sergeant Regan you’ll be accompanying him as his second, three from you as well. Miller, you’ll be going as the tertiary, please follow instructions. You’ll need to be back within a week as Duke Lew will be arriving at that time to inspect the camp. It’s his money funding this whole thing so-” 

Ridley’s world turned black and everything came to a halt. Mind churning like a raging white water river he felt many of the pieces he was missing fall into place. Only a noble would organize something like this little adventure. Anyone trained here could easily be hired into a house guard or as a mercenary company. Done in the king’s name, paid for by a noble house, hired by a noble house. Being Ubel Lew as the nobleman in question was no surprise. Ridley himself had suffered this entire fate, this ordeal, simply because he had been Lord Lew’s accountant, figured out everything that had been going on, and went to Lord Lew like a fool. Believing that someone was fraudulently spending his lord’s money.

A week to prepare, but he was being sent out to collect Shadows from the Wall for training and demonstration purposes. This would work to his favor, he would just slip away during the mission and lay in wait on the road. The equipment he needed was in the armory and he had free access to it, especially if he had been tasked with an assignment that took him out of the camp. The second or third night then, two days at a trot to make it back, a third day to find a location and wait. There it was. Ubel wouldn’t even know he was here at this camp, if he had known Ridley was alive he would have killed him long ago. 

“it’s his right to inspect the camp. Got it? Any questions? Norwood? Regan? Miller? No? Good, go.” Commandant Ross’ loyal Jr. Lieutenant walked out leaving everyone to their discussion. Ridley drummed his fingers along his knee going through the particulars of his little plan.

“Well, one out of two isn’t terrible. Can’t say I wouldn’t mind spending a few nights out there in the wilderness. Perhaps a late night rendezvous? Oh yes, such fun.” Pratt was sitting next to him, leaning back in his chair, with his arms splayed out behind him staring upwards at nothing.

“With your luck you’d run into a bear only to be saved by a nymph. Ridley doesn’t have your luck. Nor do most folks for that matter. Any thoughts on who to take?” Saxan leaned forward on the other side Ridley, his arm resting on his knees.

“Not really. They’re all still so fresh that it’s somewhat hard to distinguish. I’m open to suggestions if you have any.

“Understandable. Can’t say I’d have any suggestions. Pratt? Anything rattle loose out of that weasel cage of a brain?”

“Anson, Warren, Teal” Pratt was still staring at the ceiling, seemingly uninterested and not paying any attention.

“Right, them then. That’s who I’ll take. Just what I wanted, a leisurely stroll through the country, with recruits. And Miller.”

“Don’t forget Regan.” Pratt chimed in.

“Yes, him too.”

Pratt started laughing at that and looked at Norwood and started laughing harder. “May all the gods protect you Norwood, you are a glorious testament to man.” With a crack Pratt sat his chair down and left.

Saxan merely shook his head and patted Norwood on the back then left, leaving him alone to wonder about the whole thing.


Ridley hefted his travel pack and settled it on his back. “Right, see you then.” 

Pratt and Saxan were sitting on their respective beds.

“Be sure to give her a kiss for me if possible. Maybe a good thrust too if the opportunity arises. If you arise. If she rises to you arising. Arising to your rising arousal.” 

“Fraternization isn’t allowed Pratt, I’m sure Ridley knows this.”

“Besides, she’s just a recruit. It’d be awkward ordering her around afterwards.” Ridley shrugged, turned, and left. 

Covering the distance to the gate only took a minute or two. Signing himself out at the gate he made his way down the road to an open clearing where everyone was supposed to meet. Standing in a loose formation was five recruits and the two other trainers. At least the three recruits he selected were here already.

Walking up to Sergeant Regan he dipped his head in greeting. “Morning Sergeant.” 

“Good morning to you as well Sergeant Norwood.” Sergeant Regan greeted him in return. Standing at five foot six Regan was average for the men of his race. Black eyes with black pupils that were slightly too large, white short cropped hair, and a loose uniform. He certainly possessed an alien beauty to him that made Ridley slightly uneasy. The entire race bordered on pretty, men and women alike.

It only took a glance to know Regan was of the commonly called Sunless. A race of humans that lived in the Breaker Mountains. They more often than not dwelled in caves or cliff faces but had been called Sunless for the white skin and white hair that was common for them.

Regan stared at him intently, those overly large black eyes making it nearly impossible to truly tell where he was looking. Ridley kept himself at ease as best as he could and gave looked around slowly. He was a pit slave for mercy’s sake and he felt more like a coward as of late. His core gave off slightly jangled feelings but nothing that could be truly pinned down. Finally he looked Regan square in the eyes after having let his eyes traverse the field.

Regan blinked once and coughed, “We’re just waiting for my last recruit and we can be off. Was there any specific instructions you had for us? Anything you wanted to relate to everyone?”

“Not in any way shape or fashion. I’m afraid I quite honestly have no experience with the wilds other than common road trips. I would happily defer to you if you have experience in that area.”  Ridley felt that being honest about his experience was the best way to get someone else to take charge. He had no plans on staying after all so it would probably benefit them now to have someone else leading.

“Alright, well, if you really don’t mind I’ll be happy to lead us there.” Regan seemed cautious about it, like it was some kind of trap. Those large black eyes watched him, seemingly waiting for the hook, the catch, whatever Ridley was up to.

“Yep. I’d prefer it to be honest. In fact…” Ridley turned around and stood at attention with his hands behind his back. Apparently while they talked the last recruit turned up and all six immediately came to attention and lined up in front of him. “Good morning everyone. I’m glad to see you all. While I was appointed in charge of this mission I am formally asking Sergeant Regan to take command for the duration of the trip. I will intercede if I feel there is an issue or a need for an executive decision to be made. I expect your co-operation.” With that he turned back to Sergeant Regan.

Those large eyes just stared at him. A decision was made as the man turned to everyone else, “You heard him. Everyone fall in and make way down the road. We’ll need to keep a normal march to make our time frame. Sergeant Miller, if you would please take point?” All eyes turned to Miller as if expecting something to happen.

Miller looked to Norwood, looking very confused and clearly angry. Time ticked by and suddenly Miller saluted and moved to the front of the small column.

“Three lines, four each. Normal March.” Regan moved to the rear of the column and Norwood took position to Regan’s left. 

During the early hours of the march he caught recruit Anson looking back at him. On the fourth time he made a small circular motion and then pointed to the front. Recruit Anson was clearly the one Pratt and Saxan had been teasing him about. She was very near his height and with blue eyes and striking red hair. With hair and eyes of those colors her lineage was circumspect since that mostly came from Shadowlanders who were allowed refuge. Figure wise she was certainly developed but was on the leaner side going towards athletic. While she was attractive he simply didn’t think it would be wise to indulge.

“You’ll have to forgive her, from what I hear of you they have a certain amount of fear and respect for you. I’m sure they’re wondering why someone like myself is in charge.” Regan spoke quietly from beside him after noticing his little reprimand.

“You’re no less qualified than anyone else regardless of what you are. You have knowledge I don’t. The wise man admits he knows nothing and that if he is sure of something, he is wise enough to consider an idea he believes is wrong.” 

“I’m probably the third highest ranking Sunless? The two above me are just barely Lieutenants. Junior ones. Let alone everything else.”

“I stand by my word. The commandant can piss off if he wants to raise a ruckus. He can put Miller in charge next time if he doesn’t like my choices.” Like it would matter since he didn’t plan on being here past the second night. If he waited for the second night before he left they’d be too far to return without losing their time frame.

“You do realize he’ll hate you forever for putting him below me.” 

“No loss there, I can always knife him in the dark if it makes you feel better.”

“….You mean that don’t you. Are the stories true? Are you really from the Pit?”

Ridley glanced aside at Regan and then looked back ahead. “I’d rather hear where you heard I was from the pit.”

“Camp gossip. Someone in personnel probably read your file. It was right after that broken arm incident.”

“Ha. Damn medic. You break one recruits arm and suddenly everyone wants to crawl on your back. I’ll have a word with her.”

“Who, Addien? She’s the one you gave the recruit to?”

“Looks like she was put together specifically to tempt husbands from wives? If so, yes, her.”

“Yes. Her.” Regan laughed softly at that, a musical sound that would put any human singer to shame. “Such a stunning first impression on the camp Madonna. Good job.”

“Whatever, not interested in her. Women that beautiful tend to be more trouble than their worth. I’ll be happy if I can find a woman that would take a murdering pit slave for a husband let alone an attractive one. Not to mention I kinda have this contract for two years to be in the military first.”

“You could always visit my homeland. A man is judged for what he can bring to the nation rather than what he is or was. I have no doubt that someone would have you as a husband.” Regan’s offer was genuine but felt tentative, cautious almost. His core rang at the suggestion Regan made and it clearly it would be good for him to go there at some point.

“I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Not sure when I can exactly travel but it feels like as good a place as any I suppose. Your women are certainly beautiful. Ethereal and eerie one would say, but beautiful nonetheless. I’ve only met a few of your kind to be honest but seen a number from a distance. The audience was never far you know.” Ridley replied with a smirk looking over to Regan.

Regan shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Why does everyone say that? We’re no different than anyone else. Your own women look strange to our eyes. I will admit yours stray to a more …heavier bust, but for the most part there’s little differences.”

“Judging by dear medic Addien everyone would be a Sunless in comparison. Do you wonder if she has back problems? I bet she does.”

Regan sighed and said nothing more clearly done with the conversation. Ridley smiled to himself. “What?” Tell me you didn’t think it and I’ll happily retract my statement but otherwise i’m probably right.”


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