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The lab is able to create monsters in complete form with the brain only partially activated, in other words, a body without a soul.

The part of the brain that's activated with the creation of the monsters are the parts that's responsible for the functioning of the organs, the nervous system, and some of reflex movements. During this time, it's vital to keep the brain constantly stimulated until they were gifted with souls from the demon lords. If the soulless monster body left unstimulated for a long period of time, there's a risk that the brain will permanently die and become unusable.

It is the Lab Pets duty to provide stimulation for the monsters...

One day, on a busy day in the lab, one of the lab pets passed out due to fatigue from serving too much monsters. Not only she had worked long hours because the lab has been producing more new monsters, the newer monsters are also getting bigger and stronger, and even with extra anatomy. They haven't been recruiting enough new lab pets to keep up with the increase in monster productions.

When there's no one can substitute the passed out lab pet, one of the lab's director, Dr Celeste, has to take this matter into her own hands (Or rather, into her own a##)...




Gotta keep up on your monster maintenance! Clearly, they don't have enough pets, if they're passing out from overwork.