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Might have to zoom in this time. I started practicing small sketches again since I found out my drawing might have gotten worse because I haven't done small gesture sketches in a long time. For next month, I think I have some idea what kind of world building project I want to start making. We'll see how that goes

Next month I want to try this world-building idea I have without having to try to become a writer (which I can't). Instead of trying to make comic (which is very hard) I got an idea to make contents like in concept art book; Making character design sheets with their details included, concept design with proper presentations like in one of those concept art book, etc. Hopefully it'll be fun for everyone.

Thank you very to everyone for keep supporting my Patreon! I know I'm not the best lewd artists out there I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate the support! 🙏




Some really fun sketches in here -- and that idea for putting together a whole "world concept" book sounds like a lot of fun (without the pressure of a bunch of panel narratives). Can't wait to see what you do with that!