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Continuing similar theme to previous art, tentacle monsters in a confined space. Quite enjoyed rendering shapeless monsters like this since there are no rules on drawing their anatomy correctly. Good subject to practice painting style.

I apologize for only posting one art last month, and for not posting the monthly sketch compilation. This one was meant to be last month's second art post, but a lot of stuff happened since last month I could barely have the chance to draw. Also have been experiencing lack of motivation to draw on top of everything.

I'm changing back to how I used to post on Patreon previously, if it's a heavy rendered artwork, that'll be the one artwork for the month. But if it's simpler artwork (like a character piece without background), I would upload two artwork for the month. It's not realistic (yet) for me to work on two complex and heavy rendered piece in a month, I don't know how other artists do it, it takes so much brain energy and time




There are never enough tentacle monsters in the world.


Looks like it's gonna be my duty to contribute more tentacle monsters for the greater good