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0.5.1's main additions have been written and blocked, and some sandbox additions have been written though more might materialize before the end depending on how the rendering/animations go.

It's been a while since I've done any imaging of any kind. The main reason is that the laptop I've been using for development has run out of space. When I bought this thing, I thought to myself, 500 GB isn't too bad. Of course it isn't actually 500 GB. It's 487 GB, and over 470 GB are used.

So... I'm waiting for the new tower to be completed and available for pickup before getting into the rendering and animating. I'm hoping it is going to be later this week.

Next week, my work schedule will free up some more. I hope. March-April is the most stressful time of the year for my office job, and this one has been maximum stress. I have pictures. Fires. Floods. Sewer backups. Break-ins. Not only is it stressful, but it saddens me when situations like this are conscious decisions made by people to cause problems for others.

Yesterday, there was a purposefully clogged sewer drain causing at least 56 residences to be unable to use water of any kind. It was eventually fixed 12 hours later.

Some people suck, yo.

Anyway, sorry for the rant and such. I'm so looking forward to being able to just delve back into ECA fully. The time I've had to write has been spotty, but it's been done. Expect some new preview images soon.


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