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My apologies for the long hiatus from an update here. If you've been on Discord and listening in, you'll know most of the stuff here in this post.

March has been a bitch. My "day job" requires a bunch of time and, in general, March is a sucky-ass month for my day job. Mainly because of tax season. Add on top of it a couple work emergencies that required a lot more attention, drop in general illness and such... time goes right out the window.

It doesn't mean I haven't been working on the next update, only that the time I've been able to devote to it has been scant of late. The bigger problem came when I started writing out the scenes for the next update and realized I had painted (written) myself into two or three distinct and constrictive corners.

So I began outlining the entire rest of the story so I don't end up causing any paradoxes, inconsistencies, or other times where you might go, "Hey, wait just a damn minute!" That process is pretty well completed and I'm now working on the actual (new) writing for the next update.

It's still going to be smaller than the last one, focusing on a couple characters that need to get some more story content in, as well as adding some more sandbox content for the developed characters.

I'm anticipating the next update (after this one) will be heavily focused on the girls of Velvet Desires to give them some alternative content.

Onwards we charge... it's time to get back to writing.


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