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We are looking to make our chastity training more effective. Beta males are still struggling to hold it in and this makes some of us very concerned. While others just think it's because you are not really serious.

What we want is a better understanding of why males give up and give in to their disgusting habits of rubbing and squirting. Why is it so difficult to not release?

You beg to be put in chastity. And then so many complain about being horny. Isn't that the point? To us it seems simple. Lock it up and if we want to see a beta do his squirt spasms then we will unlock it. Otherwise, it is just better to keep it locked up. It makes you so passive and docile when you are insanely horny. And so useful.

We want all beta males to be dumb little chastity boys who are so horny and confused. We want that for all of you. Because that is what women deserve from you. So how do we get there?

Help us understand.

What do you love most about chastity?

What do you hate most about having an orgasm?


- when I orgasm I feel like a failure.

- when I stay denied I am a success.

The more information we have. The better your Female Supremacy training will be. And that is what everyone wants.

One more thing.

Squirting is not a need!

We have heard this from so many males and it is just another lie from the patriarchy. In the past disgusting men used to tell women that they need to have an orgasm or they would die. This goes back to that mentality.

Think about it. 

You are telling a woman you need to orgasm. Like your sexual desires are her responsibility. She needs to give you that release. It is her job to give you pleasure.

Is that what you believe?

If not then why tell us. We may look oblivious about how frustrated you are. But you are confusing not caring with not knowing. 

While there are some women who do care. It is only because they want to keep you frustrated. Keep you obsessed and dumb. Keep you emotional and sensitive.

The girl who rubs your thigh and then orders the Lobster and the most expensive bottle of wine she can find. All on your credit card. She is very interested in keeping you backed up and stupid. She will rub so close to your crotch and watch as your eyes glaze over. She will have a long talk with you over dinner about how she really thinks grown men who masturbate are gross. You know the type.

And then she gives you a little peck on the cheek and screens your calls for a week.

But most of the time we don't care. It is not a need. Beta males can go a very long time without an orgasm. Trust us. We have seen men go far longer than they thought they could. And they really changed. At first they were talkative, almost like normal guys we met. 

During the first three weeks of chastity, they were really hyper but then at around the 60-day mark they just went blank. Like when they were around women they just could not think of anything to say.

It is like all the fight has gone out of them. 

Chastity is like putting a man in a cage. At first, he struggles and fights the cage. But eventually, he just sits down and accepts that this is how things are.

So stop saying you need to orgasm. You don't. You WANT to orgasm. You WANT to resist what you really are. A simp. And the more backed up you get. The more wimpy and docile you become. But that is how predatory women want you. And it is who you are deep down. Submissive. Yielding. Pathetic. A Joke.

That's not you horny. That's just you! The true you; free of the lies you were taught by the patriarchy. Chastity only shows you who you REALLY are.

"Real men" when they are put in chastity they just want to have sex more. They want out so they can fuck women. That is all they think about. You put a normal guy in chastity and he just gets really horny and obsesses over sex.

But not little beta boys. You put them in chastity and they get all weird. They beg to be exploited and used. They turn into a real mess. And then. They turn into a drone. Boys like you just go completely stupid. They work silently doing whatever women ask. And that is what you are.

Because not only will you let women boss you around when you are backed up and frustrated. You crave for them to exploit you. And that scares you. And it probably should. A little. You are afraid of what you might allow to happen if you are too mindless. Too needy. And too desperate to make women happy.

Which means you want what you want. Like a selfish male. that's what women hear when you say. I need to cum.

so don't say.

I need to cum!

Instead, say.

I selfishly want to cum!

Because that is the truth. And women always deserve the truth.

Why should we care if you ever orgasm again?




Your Superior Female Highnesses, I will make my best effort to share my thoughts on why Beta males struggle to remain chaste for more than a few weeks at most. What I love most about chastity, is not the chastity as such. It is the feeling that somebody Superior to me has either locked me up in a Chastity device or instructed me to lock myself up. I accept that I am a beta male longing to be informed by my Wife that She has decided to turn me into Her slave and cuckold and that She intends to train me for Her own, Her Girlfriends and Lovers use and entertainment and that I will from now on remain chaste unless She instructs me differently. I have joined the UFS hoping that the training I will undergo will guide me to change my behaviors in such a way that my Chrush, my Wife, will restart Her domination of me that She put on hold when She decided the lifestyle would not be compatible with raising two small children, but that now She will take it a lot further. When I read the post "Summer Time Chastity starts now", I knew there were no alternative for me. My Wife has kept med locked up before. I know how strong the effect of chastity is on my behaviors. The post makes it very clear that the UFS expects all Beta males to comply. Even if this had already started two months before I joined the UFS this week, I registered and made a commitment to lock myself up to stay chaste. Yeaterday evening, having studied the introductory text and then, nude, locked in my Jailbird metal custom made chastity device, I watched the video. I felt finally someone was seeing me for what I am, an unworthy beta male in need of training. Watching this as my sissy clitty struggles to get stiff, being constandtly denied by the device reinforcing the very strong message in the video. My balls now constantly feels as they are being tickled. The weigth of the device clamping in my sissy-clitty and the sissy bells is constantly reminding me that I am to make an effort to become much more beta and to become much more focused on how I can please my Wonderful Wife. Thank you all Superior Ladies of the UFS for bringing this longing back to the front of my mind. And then I know I am only a weak male. I know I will wake up at night with the sissy-clitty trying to get stiff, pulling the sissy bells forward, It will hurt. As time passes, the very selfish feeling that I want to cum will become stronger. I know it is egoistic. I know it is not for me. But I will be tempted. And even though I know that if I submit to these selfish desires how will I hate the feeling after I have cum. The feeling of being useless, the feeling of once more having failed to live up to expectations from my Wife as articulated by the Supreme Ladies trying to train us egoistic betal males in the UFS, I know I may fail. So how can the UFS potentially make the chastity training more effective? What I do know is that the email I received this morning instructing me to read the post I am now commenting on had a very strong reinforcing effect on me. I know that if such emails pops up at somewhat irregular intervals, in no uncertain terms instructing me to suppress my selfish egoistic desire to cum, I believe this will strengthen my resolve to stay the course. And since I started late, the program for me will not end untill 5th of October. Then maybe there will be another mandate to stay chaste...


we are glad that the files help you better serve your wife. keep up the good work.


I enjoy the helpless, hopeless feeling of unending chastity, I have also found ball busting to add a blue balls-like component to the helpless ache in my nuts!

sissy jamieanne

Thought provoking and spot on! Clearly our Superiors at FSU understand the beta male psyche. When I am chaste and have not squirted for a very long time, I know I crave to please Women, if only for a moment of acknowledgment of my pathetic existence…when I have had a relief, those feelings and need to simp become less pronounced. It is obvious why I don’t deserve an orgasm and should be kept chaste, docile and obedient.


I love semen retention (resist cumming) over cumming now because holding it in makes me horny longer which makes me much more docile and obedient. I can stay horny for days now and without an erection. I can intensify & extend these submissive effects with intoxication from alcohol, drugs and hypnosis. As for cumming, i now only like to cum with permission from a dominant Woman, usually followed by me eating my cum or doing something else degrading with my cum for training. Now I'm a sissy all the time. Women are my Goddesses. Femdom is my religion. I obey Women. Long live Female Supremacy. ♀️✊️ 🥰⚧️❤️♀️👯‍♀️🧎‍♀️🔐💍🛐🍆💦🍒🍑💋


When I squirt, I feel like a failure. When I squirt, I lose my submissiveness. When I squirt, I lose my focus and motivation. When I squirt, I become obsessed with squirting more and more. When I squirt, I become less respectful towards women. When I squirt, it's because I am selfish AND it makes me more selfish. When I refrain from squirting, I become more clear headed and focused. When I refrain from squirting, I become more submissive to women. When I refrain from squirting, I become more respectful to all women. When I refrain from squirting, I become more useful to all women. Squirting is failure. Chastity is freedom


Hi FSU, first of al, thank you for all the great high quality content you deliver. If been on a long search for answers but here I found my save haven. I’m in peace now, happy and serving. On the matter above. Just do the mind crush training with a clear mind (meditate before) and just let it happen. Don’t expect anything or think anything. Practice makes perfect …..and when your real crush comes out you’ll notice. Trust me you’ll notice!! Within days your live, opinion, interests etc are changed. And if you really serious she will make sure you never cum again because you won’t even be able to. At least not like you used to. Trust me, she will make it so hard you won’t enjoy masturbating without permission anymore. The mind crush file separates the serieus beta from the wanna be beta’s.


I think I was a normal man at one time and as I gave in more to women it made me a beta, all I did was want out to fuck more, then it got to where I accepted my fate. I never wanted to be exploited and such, but I realized I committed crimes against women and that I owe it to them to become totally submissive under their authority and accept whatever punishments they feel i should have which should probably be in the maximum range of humiliation, emasculation, exposure to destroy my vanilla life and any social status I thought I had or was important at the time


the important part is to serve women. That is what makes our lives easier.


I am new to this site… but NOT to chastity. I have followed your sites… for many years I watched and listened to the YouTube versions and wished for more of your (women’s) insight and of course control. I am NOT 100% in many aspects of chastity. I have been in and out of chastity since 2001! A long time! I would LOVE to be “seen” for my time “LIVING” this life. NOT as only a fetish (sure I fantasize) I am human. But… women have been the backbone of my existence and I ADORE them! I’d love to be helpful in ANYWAY POSSIBLE


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