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Everyone knows that corporal punishment is a form of discipline that has long been used to educate and train people to serve and obey their superiors. It is a way to not only educate the inferior, but also to correct any internal conflicts the person may have with his perception of what is being asked of them.

This is very important. Because when a person is being asked to accept stark ideological changes with no consideration for their opinions on this change it can cause the person to question his own identity. When it comes to males. We have found that merely educating them intellectually is not enough to facilitate the change. So, if the person is unwilling or incapable of full accepting this change… corporal punishment can be a wonderful motivator.

In the context of female supremacy, corporal punishment can be a particularly effective way to ensure that men accept their servitude to women and are obedient to their commands. In the patriarchy, males were instilled with many toxic beliefs about women. We now understand that this was a reaction to the natural female power that terrified weak men. These men had to form and reinforce false beliefs about women in order to subjugate them into obedience. But now we know how misguided these stereotypes were. And we know how to correct them with a high degree of success.

Remember that even though it is blatantly obvious how superior women are to males. Some men will still struggle with this concept. Remember that these poor people have been lied to their whole life and they are now being asked to accept the truth. A truth that shows how everyone they trusted deceived them. A truth that takes away all their power and gives it to women.

Now we know that women are naturally compassionate and understanding. Some superior women may wish to show these men pity. They may want to help educate them using reason and discussion. But unfortunately, our research shows that this is just not very effective. A male must be ‘trained’, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And corporal punishment is wonderful at quickly doing all three. The pain teaches the male's body, the humiliation educates him emotionally, and the lecture that accompanies the punishment will stimulate him intellectually and make him eager to accept the ideas the punisher is wishing him to adopt.

If you are still having trouble accepting the necessity of corporal punishment when training males to serve women, below are the top five benefits of using corporal punishment to ensure male servitude to women:

1. Swift Discipline

Corporal punishment enables swift and immediate discipline when males fail to comply with female orders or expectations. This helps to prevent any potential rebelliousness from taking root. This is particularly effective with males because they have poor object permanence. They have a difficult time understanding what they are being punished for… if it has not quickly followed the offending behavior.

This is why many women who train males will always carry an instrument of punishment with them at all times. A small paddle or zapper, perhaps clothes pins or alligator clips for extended punishment, these items can be carried in a purse or backpack and can really get a male’s attention and keep his mind focused on service and obedience.

2. Instill Fear

Corporal punishment instills fear in men and teaches them that there will be consequences should they disobey their female counterparts. This keeps them in line and allows for a better-maintained hierarchy. Furthermore, the patriarchy taught men to not take women seriously. Women were seen as children without the ability to understand reason.

We now know that beta males have evolved a healthy fear of women that should be at the forefront of their minds. This is why a male may experience anxiety or terror if he acts in a way that might offend a woman. By using corporal punishment on a male, the woman is helping him get in touch with his inner anxiety about displeasing a woman.

3. Establish Respect

Using corporal punishment demonstrates to males than their female counterparts must be taken seriously and respected. This helps promote a dynamic of female supremacy and clearly defines the roles of each gender.

By inflicting pain on a disobedient male. He quickly learns that his body belongs to women to be treated how they see fit. This is in stark contrast to the patriarchy… a culture that would often treat the female body as an object male could possess and use for their enjoyment.

4. Reaffirm Power

Punishing males allows women to reassert and reaffirm their dominance in the relationship, while also strengthening the male's dependence on the super female who is training them. A male who is afraid of being punished by a woman will naturally see her as a powerful being that has the ability to control them.

By using corporal punishment to get the desired behavior out of the male that you want. The male will suddenly understand that she does have the power to control him. Something he needs to fully accept if he is to properly serve women.

5. Long-Lasting Impression

Using corporal punishment leaves a lasting impression on men, as the stinging and pain can last for days constantly reinforcing their servitude to women. This ensures that all future interactions with that male are conducted in an appropriate manner.

All animals remember painful experiences vividly. So you can be confident that any use of corporal punishment will be in the male's mind long after the punishment is over.

The following are a few examples of ways in which a male might be disobedient or otherwise offend the superior gender. We have also included possible punishments that have been shown to correct such behavior and keep it from happening in the future. Please see these as only suggestions… each woman should create her own punishment style that works for the male she is training.

Disrespecting women

If a male is disrespecting a superior female a severe face slapping immediately after the offense should help curb this horrible behavior. If it persists or gets worse, that may mean your charge still has too much of his false male ego intact. Stronger humiliation techniques can be utilized to ensure that the male is always kept in his place. Some women have found that making him dress in ridiculous clothing. Or walk in a bizarre and humiliating way. Will help the male focus on being humble and treating women with absolute respect at all times.

Some males do not fully understand that women always deserve respect. They have a difficult time grasping the fact that women are naturally and biologically superior to men in every important way.

Talking back to women

If a male is back talking a woman… soaping their mouth for extended periods of time while the male is kept in an isolated but monitored area has been shown to correct this behavior. By combining corner time with mouth soaping… a male will understand which part of his body he offended the woman with. This can last an hour, a week, or even longer depending on the severity of the offense. Longer periods are best… but they may need to be broken up into smaller chunks of time so that the male can meet his other responsibilities such as work and service. If a male is given forty hours of corner time he can complete it instead of sleeping a full night or having any downtime at all.

Refusing to obey orders

Disobeying women can be a real problem and we have seen that restrictions from privileges such as video games or television, or being put on a stricter work schedule can help this male a great deal. This is why it is important to allow males certain rewards when they are behaving perfectly. That way the rewards can be removed, for extended periods of time, if the male is not behaving or following orders.

Remember that the male is fighting centuries of indoctrination that can be difficult to break. He will need the strength of women, and their unwavering discipline if they are ever to be free of their toxic masculinity.

Not doing work/responsibility assigned

If a male is being lazy and refuses to complete tasks, a few good strikes with a cane will get even the most stubborn male motivated to work. But remember to pair the punishment with the offense. If you find the male sitting when he should be working. Make sure he cannot sit again for some time.

Remember that sloth is a terrible thing for men. The patriarchy left these men without the direction of women and they need it now more than ever, remember that beta males need female guidance in order to know what to do. The patriarchy made many of these men lethargic and lazy.  But female supremacy will set them free of this horrible infliction and give them purpose and direction.

Avoiding work/responsibility altogether

If your male is stubborn and completely refuses to comply with female direction. Chemical irritants used in sensitive areas are great at focusing his mind on work. A great naturally occurring one is fresh jalapeno oil. Simply place several of these highly acid peppers into a blender add a sugary substance such as syrup or sugar water, and then dehydrate until it forms a sticky paste. Spread the paste of the males’ genitals and anus and watch his attitude improve. Then assign him a simple task to complete before the substance will be removed. Soon the male will learn to avoid the paste by simply doing what is asked of him before punishment is needed.

And here are a few more aspects of this topic that we could not work into the above advice.

Dismissing the Male.

Remember that punishment is an option and a gift to men. But it is not the responsibility of women to train them. The option of dismissal is always available to the woman should she not want to be bothered with correcting behavior that she finds offensive. Remember that there are far more males seeking guidance than women willing to offer such instruction so the male is always replaceable.

A male should never count on punishment to save him from being expelled from a woman’s presence. And in our experience, if the prospect of this is mentioned it can correct some behavior on its own. But remember that eventually, the woman can not continue to threaten something without doing it. A male must be able to predict what will get him punishment and what will reap rewards.

Crocodile Tears.

Men have been trained to manipulate a woman’s sympathy. We all know that training a male can be difficult. And for some women, punishment is not fun. But do not believe his tears. Most males will break down crying when they realize the severity of the infraction. They are weak and have a very low pain threshold when compared to women so you need to understand that his tears are not about his shame for displeasing a woman, but instead, it is his fear of the punishment itself.

A woman should power through those tears he is expressing by reminding herself that it is only toxic masculinity leaving his body. If he ever wants to be truly free. He needs this. And it is a gift for him.

Keep your Word.

And as a final note, we wanted to address the idea of keeping your word. A male must be able to predict when punishment is coming and how severe that punishment will be. If a woman shows him to much mercy he will try to manipulate and control the dynamic. Of course, he will not be able to since women are much smarter than males. But he will try. And this could lead to more severe infractions. So if a woman says she will punish the male in a certain way, or for a certain amount of time. He needs her to stand by what she said. He needs to learn that her words are law. And that he is in no position to negotiate.

Cursed Phone Screens.

The following are curse phone screens that will make you understand that women are always watching, and always judging, everything you do. Every time you see a woman you will fear punishment. And the word found on the image will be all you can think of. Each word has a special effect on your inferior male mind so please choose wisely.

(samples are below but more can be found in the downloads section at the bottom)




Love this, incredibly important to highlight. Corporal punishment from my Superior-afternoon is my weekly toxic masculinity purifier.

sissy jamieanne

The wisdom and supremacy of The Females of the University is clear. I recognize in myself the fault and misbehaviors addressed in the examples and I know I MUST improve drastically. I commit to improvement and to be educated in the ways of Female Supremacy. Thank You.