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Every day should be Women's Day because gender discrimination against women persists in various forms around the world. Despite some progress in recent decades, women still face significant challenges in accessing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, as well as in achieving equal pay, equal representation in leadership positions, and freedom from violence and harassment.

This is because the males who are in power know they are not qualified to make the decisions they are making. In their heart, they understand that only women should lead. But they are cowards and fear the backlash when women finally do rise to the top. They know that on that day. These men. These cowards. Will be in a great deal of trouble. So they continue to undermine the accomplishments of women and label us as weak and cowardly.

We are not. And soon all men will understand this.

Women should be feared and respected. Mother nature gave us the power to control men, and men have evolved genetically to crave this control.

In a world full of greed, war, famine, and countless offenses against the superior woman, we are its salvation. Submissive men who do what they are told. And strong women who dominate every aspect of our society.

If that is the world you want.

Support and serve women, especially those who support and serve other women.

The patriarchy is everywhere so not all women will be our allies. But they are all superior to males.

Act accordingly.

FSU Staff.

Silent no more!

Phone screens.




Yes, women have a long way to go to gain the power and leadership they deserve. But the Female Supremacy University shows the great potential women have and their superiority that makes us men just helpless and unable to resist submitting to them. So I hope it will just be a matter of time until Female Supremacy succeeds all over the world.


Beta males have a lot of suffering to do to make up for the sins of the patriarchy over the centuries. The least we can do is to listen and do as they ask of us... be docile, obedient and be willing to suffer chastity and sexual frustration in their honor. It is their gift to us. Betas will never be perfect, but we can pledge to try the hardest we can, and with the guidance and correction of our Superiors, we will make their lives more pleasurable. This beta male believes that this is something we have to do.


Lovely artwork. The Future is Female will always remain one of my favourite calls to action. I guess I love everything with the word ''Female'' in it. Words hold power. It reminds me that so-called ''femininity'' isn't the same as being Female and that the two must not be confused. Like you say it really does come down to genetics and the evolution of our species. Some people are born superior and the truth cannot be denied forever, by religions nor ideologies. And all of the sex difference research and stats support the excellence of Women, so ignoring that is a willful choice to remain in an ignorant patriarchal fantasy. Just accept it. The Future is Female. There is no escaping nor derailing it. And I will personally work hard and serve Women to keep it on track.