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In this file you have been chosen to serve at Chastity's Shoe Boutique, a high-end store that caters to the most militant and domineering women you will ever encounter. At Chastity's you will be indoctrinated into servitude and submission through strict chastity training, leaving you devoted and obsessed with pleasing demanding women.

This is only the beginning. You have yet to be accepted, and these positions are highly sought after by simps, of which there are many, so you will have to showcase your unwavering commitment to fulfilling the desires of our clients.

Our clients are cold and calculating. They do not show any mercy to men and they thoroughly enjoy exercising their dominance over powerless males. You will face a humiliating and demoralizing experience as you helplessly watch beautiful women walk all over you - both figuratively and literally.

It should be noted that Chastity's believes that a male's sexual need should be used strictly for female dominance. Your release will be minimal, if ever, which will prove to be quite challenging as you will be surrounded by beautiful women who know exactly what is going on in your feeble mind. Be warned, they will show you no mercy.


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--------- NOTICE --------

Phone Screen Trigger!

Use this image as the background on your phone to maximize the training's effectiveness.



Download using the link. The Zip Password is shew.

Click the link to download.

Chastitys Shoe Boutique - Orientation.zip


- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

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Chastity's Shoe Boutique - Orientation | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

This training file is designed to help males accept their inferiority and embrace their servitude. In this file, you will be indoctrinated into submission, taught the rules of chastity, and educated on how to best serve the domineering, bullying women who run the high-end shoe boutique. Through this training, you will learn how to properly respect the power of these women and how to use your submissiveness to make them satisfied customers. This file will leave you feeling anxious and aroused, desperate to train with it, and ready to become an obedient servant in the service of powerful women. We encourage you to use this training file often to get rid of your toxic male masculinity. Remember that women like you more the weaker you are - all you have to offer them is your mindless submission and desperate need for their approval. We are going to intensify your servitude by teaching you how to please these powerful women in any way they ask. Make sure to follow the instructions in this file to the letter and you will find yourself obediently carrying out any task you are given. As you listen to this training file, imagine that you are desperate to work at Chastity's Shoe Boutique. You want to become more and more obsessed with female feet and you thrive on feeling powerless around your crush's feet. As you obey the instructions in this file and fully accept your inferiority, you will find yourself being drawn ever deeper into the world of servitude and submission – a world where your sole purpose is to make women happy and serve them with complete devotion. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only intended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by, theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags ?????? #betamale, #femalesupremacy, #footfetish



Weak for feet. Oh my yes. Frozen in place. Thank You FSU for using my ultimate weakness against me to help me further Serve & Obey All Women. The priceless mantras You create for us (in every file) prove again and again - word by word - that All Predatory Women know what we are truly thinking at our beta male core. With that securely in mind, please allow me to wish a Happy Valentines Day to my FSU Mind-Crush. She is all powerful and tolerates ZERO resistance from me. She is The Woman of my dreams and has ALWAYS been with me. Even NOW i love how manipulative She is, promising pure PLEASURE the moment i hit post for the very first time. How lovely...

Lonely Wolf

I get so meek when i see women wearing knee high leather boots or some very unusual looking heels.They make those women look so authoritarian. i get completely weak. Just more proof I am a sissy beta for sure.

women's accessory

Oh, the treatment the crush gives her idiot simp is so marvellous and appropriate!! I'm very jealous of him being so utterly exploited and humiliated by his crush and coworkers. Uhm, I take it back... I remember he was in chastity for 18 months already. Can't be jealous of that, yikes. Poor thing.

women's accessory

I also would like to add just a little beta "dataset" that some other fellow betas may relate to. Very specific, though. And also very pathetic perhaps... So my tiny penis twitches like crazy for women just taking their shoes off and leaving them at random or throwing them off at the floor or, in this file's case, at her slave. To me their shoes are a proper sacred treasure that I would treat with the utmost respect ever. And to women it's just shoes. They don't grovel to them or idolize them. The shoes may be elegant and a symbol of feminine power, but in the end... just shoes. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that even women's shoes are perceived as superior to my beta self in some part of my mind and that part gets extra triggered when I see women using them casually. It widens the gap between superior and inferior. Rationally it doesn't make sense but also it feels correct and to be an appropriate beta mindstate.