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At FSU, we take the objectification of women very seriously. It is unacceptable behavior that goes against the principles of a female-led society and the teachings of the Female Supremacy University. As beta males, it is important to remember that, as beta males, women do not see you as potential partners, but rather as a means to an end. They will tolerate your attraction to them, as long as it is useful in achieving their goals. If the do not need anything from you learning at her is just for your pleasure and unacceptable. Of course, a smart woman will use your attraction for her to manipulate you to get what she wants and that is certainly fine with us. But you should still feel guilty about doing it.

So to combat this, FSU has created a series of cursed images that can be used as wallpapers on your phone. These images are designed to change the way you think about and interact with women, ensuring that you always see and treat them as superiors. Each curse has a different power or effect and will help you in different ways. By regularly viewing these images, you will be able to overcome your tendency to disrespectfully objectify women, and instead develop a deeper understanding and reverence for them as your superiors.

It's important to remember that these cursed images are not a magic solution to your problems. They are merely tools that can help you on your journey toward becoming a better, more submissive, and subservient beta male. It's essential to use them in conjunction with other forms of training and self-reflection, such as meditating on your crush and practicing chastity and celibacy.

When using these cursed images, it's important to set aside dedicated time each day to look at them and reflect on the message they are trying to convey. This could be first thing in the morning, or last thing at night before bed. During this time, it's important to clear your mind of any distractions and focus solely on the image and the curse it represents.

It's also important to remind yourself why you are using the cursed images in the first place. Remember that your ultimate goal is to rid yourself of toxic, patriarchal thoughts and behaviors and replace them with a deep sense of devotion and submission to women.

As you continue to use the cursed images over time, you may begin to notice changes in the way you think and feel about women. You may find yourself becoming more submissive and subservient, and more willing to please and serve them in any way possible. This is the ultimate goal of the cursed images and the ultimate goal of your training as a beta male in the Female Supremacy University.

It is important to understand that these cursed images are not just simple pictures, but powerful tools that have been crafted with care and precision to help you change your mindset and behavior toward women. These images tap into deep-seated psychological and emotional triggers and are designed to reprogram your mind to see and treat women as the superior beings that they are. The use of ancient voodoo and sorcery techniques has been infused into the artwork to enhance their power and effectiveness. These are not toys.

To use these cursed images effectively, it is essential to set them as your background on your phone, computer, or any other device you use frequently. This will ensure that you are constantly exposed to them, and that their power can work on your subconscious mind. Additionally, it is important to focus on the image when you see it, and to repeat the curse's mantra often, this will further reinforce the message in your mind.

As you continue to use these cursed images, you will begin to notice a shift in your thoughts and behaviors toward women. You will find yourself treating them with more respect, and seeing them as the powerful, superior beings that they are. You will also find that you no longer objectify women, but instead view them as valuable members of society who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

It is important to remember that the use of these cursed images is not a one-time fix, but a continuous process that requires dedication and commitment. But with time and effort, you will find that you have truly transformed yourself into a better, more submissive, and respectful beta male.

Eyes of Truth

the mantra "I see women as powerful and majestic beings, offended by my impure thoughts."

This curse will cause the male to see the power and majesty of women. When the male attempts to leer or objectify a woman in any way he will suddenly understand that what he is looking at is a god and that he is unworthy of even looking at her let alone thinking impure thoughts about her.

Effectively this curse will help the male see all women as intellectually and emotionally superior to him and not just entertainment for his inappropriate fantasies.

The Eyes of Truth curse is a powerful tool that helps males understand the true power and majesty of women. By seeing the divine nature of women, males will be less likely to objectify or leer at them, and will instead view them with respect and reverence.

Silent Treatment

the mantra "I will speak only with permission and ask forgiveness for my inappropriate behavior."

This curse causes the male to be unable to speak or communicate when he is around women if he has been objectifying them. Even though it is inappropriate for males to speak without permission this curse will prevent speaking even when engaged by a woman. She will realize something is wrong and you will not be able to speak of anything until you have asked forgiveness for your disgusting behavior.

Effectively this curse will cause the male to have even more trouble interacting with superior women if he has been objectifying females in any way.

The Silent Treatment curse is a powerful tool that helps males understand the importance of communication and respect when interacting with women. By being unable to speak or communicate when around women, males will be forced to reflect on their behavior and ask for forgiveness for any objectifying thoughts or actions.

Empath's curse

the mantra "I feel the discomfort and pain of the women I objectify. I will be more sensitive to their feelings."

This curse causes the male to feel the same discomfort and pain that the woman he objectified is feeling. This curse helps them to understand the harm they caused making them more sensitive to the feelings of women. When this curse is in effect and you objectify a woman you will feel judged and exposed. You will feel the eyes of people on you, looking, staring, and evaluating your appearance. You will somewhat understand the feelings of your superiors in a limited way that your inferior mind can process.

Effectively this curse will make the male become extremely paranoid and emotional if he is objectifying women.

The Empath's curse is a powerful tool that helps males understand the pain and discomfort that objectifying women can cause. By feeling the same discomfort and pain that the objectified woman is feeling, males will become more sensitive to the feelings of women and will be less likely to objectify them.

Medusa's Curse

the mantra "I freeze in place, and accept the consequences of my actions, when I objectify women's bodies."

This curse will cause the male to freeze in place whenever he looks at parts of women that he is not allowed no matter if they are covered or not you should not be looking. Even just a glance at a woman’s cleavage or her backside will freeze the male in place. Stuck and staring, where he is most likely going to be caught.

Effectively this curse increases the likelihood that the male will be caught if he ogles a superior woman.

The Medusa's Curse is a powerful tool that helps males understand the consequences of objectifying women. By freezing in place when looking at parts of women that they are not allowed to, males will be more likely to get caught and will understand the consequences of their actions.

The Haunting

the mantra "I am constantly reminded of the women I respect, and the guilt and shame of my actions towards them."

This curse causes the objectifying male to constantly be haunted by the ghost of the woman he objectified, this makes him feel guilty and ashamed of his actions, and learns to be more respectful to women.

Effectively this curse will remind the male of all the women he worships and respects and these memories will haunt him as he examines how infuriated they would be if they knew what he was doing.

The Haunting curse is a powerful tool that helps males understand the importance of respecting women. By constantly being haunted by the ghost of the woman they objectified, males will feel guilty and ashamed of their actions, and will learn to be more respectful to women.

Let us know.

We hope that these cursed images will serve as powerful tools in your journey to become a better, more submissive, and respectful beta male. Remember, these images are not just simple pictures, but carefully crafted combinations of psychology, parapsychology, and ancient sorcery that have been designed to reprogram your mind and change your behavior towards women. As you continue to use these cursed images, focus on the mantra associated with each one, and let the power of the curse work its magic on your subconscious mind. Be sure to let us know which image you chose and the effects it had on you as you continue to improve yourself and become the ultimate servant of women.

Also, let us know if you find these tools useful. We feel that little reminders should throughout your day help. Little triggers to keep you in line and to keep you focused on your goal of becoming a better, more submissive, and respectful beta male. These cursed images can be a powerful tool in helping you change your behavior and attitudes towards women, but they are not the only tool available. Remember to also practice self-reflection, journaling, and meditation to help you stay on track. And always remember that the journey toward becoming a better beta male is an ongoing process that requires dedication, commitment, and a willingness to learn and change. So stay open-minded, stay focused, and stay dedicated to your goal of serving and supporting women in the best way possible. Together, we can create a better world for all.




I’d pledge to permanent lifetime no touch chastity to be able to train and eventually work at Chastity’s Shoe Boutique.


"Eyes of Truth" will be good for me. My crush is a domme I met online about a year ago and she is training me to not have any kind of sexual desire and not look at her or any woman in a sexual way. I think this will help me to be better. I respect women and I am ashamed that I used to see them in a sexual way. I'm sorry.