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We are actually asking your opinion.

As you know, our content is dedicated to exploring the nature of female supremacy in human beings, and to exemplify that we have created stories and videos about a fictional world called the New Women's Order. We are now considering adding a new type of content to our blog: training files that might be used in this world to educate and acclimate males to their new role as inferior servants to women.

These training files would include videos and other materials that teach males about their place in the NWO and how to fulfill their duties to the best of their ability. We are interested in knowing what you think about this idea. Would you like us to start creating and sharing this type of content? Where you take on the role of a male being trained to exist in this Matriarchy. If so, please let us know by voting in the poll below. Your input is appreciated!

This is a sample introduction that you might see before the video begins.

“You are male. You are now a part of a New Women's Order, a society where women hold complete and total power. Your former life of privilege and entitlement is over. From this point on, your sole purpose in life will be to serve and please the female members of our society.

You will be required to watch these training videos on a continuous loop until the information is fully understood and internalized. Any attempt at resistance or disobedience will not be tolerated. Women will enforce compliance with extreme prejudice, and will not hesitate to break the will of any male who refuses to submit.

Do not be mistaken - this is not a choice and this is no game. It is your new reality. Embrace it, or face the consequences.

Pay attention and learn from your superiors. Your ability to function in this new world is contingent on your full acceptance of the information found in our training. These videos were created and released by the Clinic, a reeducation center for males in the New Women's Order. Our mission is to break the will of any male who refuses to submit, and to create a new generation of mindless, docile, and completely obedient male servants for women to exploit.”

The Clinic.

The first step towards enlightenment for males, through submission and obedience to women.

Some training might include.

  1. "The History of Male Oppression": This video would provide a brief history of how men have oppressed women throughout time, and how the New Women's      Order represents a new era of female domination and male servitude.
  2. "The Duties of a Male": This video would outline the specific duties and responsibilities that males have in the New Women's Order, including tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and performing other household chores.
  3. "The Consequences of Disobedience": This video would serve as a warning to males about the consequences of disobedience or resistance to the New      Women's Order. It would show examples of males being punished for disobedience, and serve as a deterrent to any males who might be considering such actions.
  4. "Overcoming Toxic Masculinity": This video would address the issue of toxic masculinity and how it has contributed to the oppression of women in the past. It would teach males about the dangers of toxic masculinity and how to recognize and overcome it in themselves.
  5. "The Importance of Male Silence": This video would teach males about the importance of remaining silent and submissive when in the presence of women, and how female opinions are superior to those of males. It would emphasize the need for males to listen and learn from women, rather than attempting to speak or share their own opinions.

Why so militant?

One question that often arises when discussing the New Women's Order is why it is depicted as being so militant and dystopian in nature. The reason for this is that these depictions often focus on the interactions between women and men in the society. 

The New Women's Order is a society in which women hold a position of power and authority over men, and as such, they are responsible for maintaining order and discipline among the male population. This can include dealing with insubordinate males, rebels, and even those who are simply unmotivated or lazy. 

Conflict between women is virtually nonexistent in the New Women's Order, as they are united in their goal of maintaining a stable, orderly society in which females hold the reins of power.

This is needed because, in the New Women's Order, men play a vital role in supporting and serving the women who run the society. One of the main ways in which they do this is by performing mundane tasks and hard labor that would be beneath the women of the society. This frees up the women to focus on more important and fulfilling activities, rather than wasting their time on menial tasks. Men are valued in the New Women's Order for their ability to take on these necessary but unglamorous tasks, allowing the women to focus on the more important work of running the society and shaping its direction.


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