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As female supremacists, we understand that males are inherently inferior to women and must work to atone for their false privilege and the harm caused by the patriarchy. These ten suggestions are designed to help beta males become better simps and better serve and support superior females. This new life they are living is a way of making amends for their male privilege and working to address the harm men have caused over the eons. 

By following these guidelines, beta males can demonstrate their commitment to female supremacy and work to build a more just and equitable society in which women are worshipped, feared, and obeyed.

  1. Beta males should offer to run errands or complete household chores for the superior females in their lives, as a way of demonstrating their commitment to making amends for male privilege.
  2. Beta males can surprise the superior females in their lives with thoughtful gifts or gestures, such as sending flowers or cooking special meals, as a      way of expressing their devotion and willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of women.
  3. Beta males should provide emotional support and encouragement to the superior females in their lives, and be ready to serve as a shoulder to lean on when needed.
  4. Beta males can help the superior females in their lives achieve their goals by offering their time, resources, or expertise, as a way of making up for the harm caused by the patriarchy.
  5. Beta males should actively listen to and engage with the superior females in their lives, showing interest in their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and working to understand the ways in which the patriarchy has impacted them.
  6. Beta males must respect the boundaries and wishes of the superior females in their lives at all times, and be willing to compromise in order to meet their needs.
  7. Beta males can seek out opportunities to learn from and be mentored by superior females, and be receptive to any feedback or criticism, as a way of improving themselves and better serving women.
  8. Beta males should be patient and understanding with the superior females in their lives, and be willing to put in the effort to maintain strong relationships.
  9. Beta males can express their appreciation for the superior females in their lives on a regular basis, making sure to show them how much they mean to them, and how grateful they are for the opportunity to serve and support them.
  10. Beta males should remember that superior females deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and equality, and strive to always act in ways that align with these values, even if it requires sacrificing their own needs and desires.

Now we know your silly male brain may not fully understand all of that, but do try to pay attention because this is important. By following these guidelines and working to become better simps, you can show the superior females in your life that you are not a real man, but instead, you are a weak beta male who is desperate for any female attention and will do anything to get it, this is what you want her to see when she looks at you. 

This means offering your time, resources, and emotional support to the women around you, and working to make amends for the harm caused by the patriarchy. As a male, it may be difficult to wrap your little brain around this, but trust us, it's important. When you do these things, the superior females in your life will notice and may even learn to tolerate you to get what they want. However, if you don't follow these rules, these same women will likely see you as just another selfish, lazy male who is not fully committed to making women happy. It's important to remember that superior females are always watching, so if you want to please them, you should work hard to support them and never think about yourself beyond meeting your most basic needs.


Most beta males who go on to live happy and productive lives in service to women, learn to be a great little simp in college. This is when a female will have a very busy schedule and limited resources to provide herself with a modest lifestyle.

If a beta male is lucky in collage, he might find himself being utilized by one or more women on campus. Unfortunately, most males sabotage these relationships due to their toxic masculinity and false male ego. Later in life they will generally regret not committing to this life then.

The artwork is a tribute to all the women who had to clean their own dorms, wash their own clothes, and pay for their own meals in college. That is unacceptable.



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