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It is that time of year again and you are obsessed with the woman you adore. She is so perfect, and smart. So charming, and beautiful. And she is way out of your league.

And as your chastity and no touching training does a number on your stupid male brain, all you can think about is giving her all your money.

We just want to remind you of a few things your silly brain may forget.

1) make sure you can cover your own expenses.
Remember that you want to be able to give to her for a long time because that is what she deserves. So create a budget where all your entertainment and luxury spending goes to an account ear marked for Female Supremacy and tributing women.

2) don't make your crush uncomfortable.
The patriarchy has taught men that they deserve something in return when they please women. So your crush my worry that your gift has strings attached.

So try being creative.

Leave her money somewhere that she will find it and assume it was discarded.

Leave gift cards instead of cash.

Don't make her uncomfortable by letting her know you gave the tribute or gift.

Other suggestions are welcome just be respectful.

3) every woman is your crush.
Remember that you serve all women so don't get blinders on. It's a hard time of year for all ladies so leave a little cash surprise in a woman's wallet or shoe at the department store.

4) give to charity
Your crush generally has charities she believes in. Make a Christmas donation anonymously. She never needs to even know but the money is going to something she supports.

5) remember that her existence is your gift. You deserve nothing more. Don't look for her to even be nice to you. You are probably not real friends.

And be sure to always be respectful and obedient in the presence of your superiors.

Now go out and spread joy to superior women!




Today is day 17 of our No Touch Advent in Chastity towards Christmas… Can you believe you have held it in… and without touching this long? This training proves we beta boys CAN do it, and… our training penis is really not that important. It really doesn’t need stimulation to be happily frustrated! And best of all… We are doing this for our Crush. Today we are going to touch on “gratitude”… Showing gratitude is a wonderful way to express to someone that you care for them, and who they are and what they have given to you personally or to the community. Take some time today to say 'thank you' to someone special… perhaps your Crush, or other Superior Female that has helped you in your submissive journey in one way or another. This “thank you” can be an email, text message, phone call or face to face. A few special ways to say thank you would be recording a video and uploading it to YouTube, sharing your moment of gratitude with everyone. Also, take the time to really detail why you are grateful for someone. Don't just stop at 'thank you'. Much like the complement activity you should learn how to give a strong and beautiful thank you. So let’s share… Who are you grateful for in your submissive life? Why?


I was feeling submissive and wanted to give money to my crush and my Mistress, so i gave her $30.00 on her pay pal. She has not mentioned it and usually thanks me and feels badly if she forgets. I will not remind her this time and hope that she received it and has used it for what she wants.