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This posting is about the New Women's Order fictional Universe. If you want more information you can search our patreon for more postings. Try NWO or New Women's Order.

One question that we want to address in regards to why the ladies at the Prim Cherie Estate are exposing their breasts. This is a very dumb question that we know many stupid males will be wondering. This is because the patriarchy has told you that the breast is a sexual object which exists to stimulate your penis.

This can not be further from the truth.

It's her breasts.

First off the breast belong to the woman. And if they wish to expose them they have every right to do so. If this makes it more difficult for a sissy male to be trained, that is something he will have to learn to cope with. A woman should not have to cover her body to stop males from being perverted.

Female Supremacy Liberation

After the fall of man. When women came to power. The silly notion that women must cover their bodies was abolished. It was seen for exactly what it was, a way to oppress women and make them see their bodies as dirty. Now women often display their breasts as symbols of female power. And after the No-Go virus removed the male's ability to ejaculate they really are very powerful. Males raised in the patriarchy, who were programmed to objectify women, often have a difficult time seeing a woman's exposed breasts. It makes them sexually excited and extremely weak.

Sissies are not Women.

As Prim Cherrie is an emasculation and sissification training facility many of the instructors display their breasts to remind the boys that they are not women. They are failed men. Feminized males. Nothing more. A woman is powerful. And a woman has breasts.


So we often show breasts in our training content. It is a symbol of female power and strength. The idea that "a beta male is not worthy to see a woman's breasts" makes the woman's body still about meeting male needs. While we are pussy free, as much as we can, that was our choice and not about you. Because.

It's not about you! Nothing is about you!

In the NWO women never base their behavior on how it affects males. We are not acting a certain way because of you. This is the first lesson you must learn. FSU is about Female Supremacy, not male inferiority. It's about women, not males. And it is about removing the misinformation you received from the patriarchy that told you everything was about you and your penis.

Here are some more images to help you understand.




I don't even sexualize women anymore. It's still kinda new to me but the way I think now, when I looked at these women I did get excited but my thoughts weren't about sex only about helping them and working for them.

Real Silverado

Yes, in the ideal world for our superiors. Women should be able to walk around naked, if that's what they want, in a world where beta wimps know their place and dont ogle and make our superiors feel uncomfortable in any way.