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We know that some of you still touch yourself and we understand. You just never grew up. You are beta which means you are emotionally stunted.

So this is not a problem that can be solved using adult conversation. Because you are not behaving like an adult.

Women have several strategies to help males overcome this disgusting habit.

There is chastity of course.
But you would be surprised how much work that can be for the woman. Locking, inspecting, cleaning, and just talking to the male about his locked up little friend is all so very exhausting!

We can use punishment.
A hard paddle or even a belt can be used on the males backside to help him understand what he is doing is wrong. But it must be applied almost immediately for the beta to realize why he is being punished. Like when a dog piddles on the carpet you must pop him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper right away. Now most dogs are smarter than men. So males do need much harsher punishments.

Or we can use shame.
A lesser used method of correction is to try and make the act of masturbation as shameful as possible. This can also be combined with triggers to help the male revisit the shameful experience throughout his day.

This is especially helpful because it reinforces in the male his inferiority to women. We have a completely different approach to masturbation. For us it is done in an adult and responsible manner.

If you still struggle with self abuse. Try repeating something like the following whenever you diddle yourself.

"I am doing a selfish, childish, and disgusting thing. This is why women hate me!"

Just repeat it over and over. Soon you may not realize you are even saying it but it's programming your brain so the next time you are around women, or even just thinking about your crush. Those words will ring in your ears.

Try it for a few months and let us know the results!

A note on chastity.

We get the feeling that some beta males are proud of their chastity. But really think about what that means. You are in chastity because you cannot control yourself. The cage has one purpose. To keep you from touching yourself.


It's not jewelry, although a woman may call it that to make you feel better. It's a device to prevent diddling.

What if everyone knew that you had to lock up your penis or you would spend all your free time masturbating?

So while it is better than the alternative. It is not something you should be proud of. But it should be a constant reminder of how weak you really are.

A source of shame.


When you train with our files you may stimulate yourself. This is acceptable if you can control yourself and not squirt. Always remember that releasing is an act of defiance against the natural order.

Unless you have permission.

So yes. Diddling while training is not the same as Chronic Masturbation.

To help dumb males understand the difference. Let's look at swimming. As a child you may have enjoyed splashing in the pool or playing around in the water. It was an activity you did solely for enjoyment.

As an adult you may still go swimming. But it is generally a workout. You are not doing it for self pleasure but to improve yourself.

Diddling when training is the same. While it may feel good the purpose is to improve yourself. You train with FSU content to become a better beta male. And touching yourself without squirting can be a useful tool to help program your feelings and emotions making you very submissive and obedient to women.

But we don't want that to be all you do. Which is why we have Wankless Weekends to give you a break from self stimulation and motivate you to be productive.

Hope that clears that up a little.




This morning I was able to get my partner/Mistress to lock my chastity device before she went to work (I am a house husband/wife). Trying to get some extra "play time" I made a pouty face and said "What if I want to masturbate?" She looked at me slightly shocked "You masturbate?" Oh dear, there was no time for further discussion, but I am sure she will bring this up again. At best she will see the benefit of me being locked. At worst her opinion of me will have dropped. What I can say is that I haven't diddled since joining FSU.

Joseph Howard

Very insightful and thought provoking though so simple. Diddling is so very shameful but training is different