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We are considering doing a shame training file to help our students learn to properly respect the female body.

Our goal will be to turn lecherous pigs who stare at women. Into good boys who appreciate female beauty.

It is really sad how the patriarchy has corrupted beta males into looking at women as objects that exist for their masturbatory fantasies and not GODS that they fear, adore, and obey.

Her backside is better than you. And no you are not allowed to touch it. Nothing makes us more upset then when we see a beta male gawking at a woman's backside. You need to be humble and ashamed when you do something so disgusting.

It's not like any of you are real men that women want to fuck. Sure, it turns us on when 'real men' stare at our ass and get hard. That's hot. But you guys give off such a beta vibe that it's creepy when you look.

Is this something you struggle with that a nice looping file might help with?



chris willians

I stoke to women's asses more than anything! that would be awesome and appropriate! Butts and thighs


This would be very helpful!! Thank you


we used this in our "worship don't leer" file. watch it and you will understand.


Right after making that comment I looped the full "Worship Don't Leer" file three times and internalized everything. I also watched the "Excited Stupid Little Beta Male" file and internalized the message that instead of getting horny, I should be getting dumb and useful instead. I'll stop there for tonight, so I can pace myself and meditate on what I've learned. For the meantime, I've locked up my cock and relaxed my mind so I can get a good night's rest. I'll commit to more training throughout the week!