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As the month moves forward we know that your cage is getting tight and you may be having trouble focusing.

We felt this was a good time to remind you why chastity is so important. Remember that only beta males have such a need for this type of restriction.

'real men' do not need chastity and will actually masturbate to orgasm a few times a week just to ensure that the plumbing is in tip top shape for fucking women.

But not beta males. Left unlocked you will play with it constantly until there is little else left. You are so weak that you need an actual cage to remind you that your penis is a huge problem for you.

While not squirting can be HARD we want you to find things to distract yourself from those tight swollen testicles. Don't think about all of the sex other males are having with the women you adore. Try not to picture him exploring every part of her naked body in ways you can't even imagine.

And don't wonder how good his penis feels inside her warm wet pussy. How the little wisps of your crushes pubic hair will tickle the sensitive skin of his penis shaft.

Obsess about your crush in platonic ways. Like cleaning, cooking, and giving her money.

That is sex to you.

Your crush training will help.

Think about her all the time. Remember that she is way out of your league and you should never bother her in real life.

But in your mind you can dedicate your training to her. When you get very excited. And its difficult. Say her name repeatedly until the need fades away. Get on your knees and beg her to help you stay chaste longer.

If that doesn't work. Write her a letter apologizing for being a chronic masturbation addict. Be sure to describe any fantasies you have had about her. And apologize each everyone.

If you have many crushes write a letter to each one.

Just remember to leave them alone.

Do not send the letter(s)!!!

They do not want to hear about your chronic masturbation habit. Keep the letters to reread at a later time and maybe to share with a female dominant who will use the information to exploit you.

Keep a chastity journal of things that make your chastity more difficult. Thoughts or fantasies should be thoroughly explored and revisited again and again.

And if you ever find a predatory woman to serve she will find this information very valuable when she wants to fuck you over and exploit you.

So be honest and don't hold back.

And finally. Try out new fetishes that you once thought were gross or unsettling. With every new fetish, you will become more fucked up and unattractive to women. They will be able to see the guilt and shame in your eyes as you struggle to avoid eye contact and they will know exactly what you are.

We have taken very horny and frustrated boys and turned them into complete freak shows just through chastity training.

They went from being slightly charming to completely obsessed freaks.

It's better because it is who they really are.

Chastity only brings out the real you.

The freak, the loser, and the creep. Ready to be exploited by the superior female.

What tips do you have for your fellow loser perverts!




Any ideas on media content aimed towards women? I know some obvious choices, like Cosmopolitan, but it'd be nice to get a bunch of other media sources. I'm so sick of the toxic media of the patriarchy. I'm just going to stop consuming it, and I want to change all media consumption over to matriarchal sources. My media news sites, YouTube channel, Twitter, everything... My view of the world should originate from matriarchal sources. Any specific ideas?


Matt - Some earlier posts indicate that the TV networks LifeTime and Oxygen show media that is geared toward women. WomensHealth is a good magazine to keep up on healthy female trends. The National Organization of Women has good articles on women's rights and increasing women's political power.


Cosmo, Shape and Elle are good mags. Also instead of watching football... try watching figure skating instead.

Real Silverado

I hate the toxic masculinity on most tv. I look out for tv shows with a strong alpha female lead.

Real Silverado

So many great tip from the FSU. Thank you ladies. A chastity journal is a great idea.