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Someone just asked us if we are still doing wankless weekends. YES!!!

When we discovered how much time males waste edging on their days off, we were furious and disgusted.

But at the same time we felt sorry for the stupid males who spent so much time alone and playing with themselves.

It really is sad how chronic masturbation can really destroy a males life. Spending his days sitting in the dark, looking at images and videos of women who hate them. And edging.

Does that sound healthy?

The 'abuse' we dish out on you is to help you free yourself of that false male ego so you can serve us without holding back.

Without that toxic maleness getting in the way.

But some of you seem to dive into our vitriol and swim around. While we know it can be exciting, and freeing, to be bullied and taken advantage of by the superior female.

We also know that it makes you sexually aroused. But that feeling should move you to sacrifice for us. For our perfection. Your instincts tell you this.

So how will you follow those instincts moving forward.
- volunteering
- leaving cash for women to find
- meeting females and practicing what you learned
- hands free training





I know my attachment to money, it's not my money, is a problem. I've listened to the capitalist track while I sleep to help me. Is it normal that I feel very uncomfortable with the thought of seeing a woman who likes or respects me? It's a transaction, not a relationship.


I guess I'm confused about this one, how could we wank anyways? Were locked up