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The download link is at the bottom of the post.


It is time to rejoice! You are on the path to being a complete suck-up for all women. Soon the ladies in your life will be able to benefit from how docile and weak you have become around them. How FSU has destroyed your false male ego and replaced it with a large empty hole that women can fill up with their demands.

Your very identity will be decided by women. What happens to your body, your life, and your finances, soon these will be in the hands of predatory women who want to use and exploit you.

And isn't that just wonderful?

This training file will help you more readily see your life of inferiority as a gift to be embraced and loved.

You love to be used by women.

You love being rejected by women.

You love any attention a woman gives you.

Any woman.

You will do anything we ask. Anything.


This is your happy place.


--------- NOTICE --------

To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

--------- NOTICE --------

Phone Screen Trigger!

Use this image as the background on your phone to maximize the training's effectiveness.


Download using the link. The Zip Password is hpyboi.

Click the link to download.


- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

For technical problems please visit our TECH POST.

TECH POST: Technical Help and Trouble Shooting.



A Happy Little Beta Drone | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

FSU and theHIVE want you to be a happy little inferior male. We want you to love and embrace your role as our little suck-up. We know that you are unhappy pretending to be a 'big man' a 'real man'. That all you want in life is for a powerful and confident woman to completely break you down and rule your life. You need this. It's just how you have evolved. You don't want to serve women. You need to. It is not a choice for you. Your inferior male brain has evolved to be inadequate without female input. You need women in your life who are demanding and difficult to please. Women who will keep you walking on eggshells and second-guessing yourself. Your brain is thrilled when this happens. When you realize you have been taken advantage of by a woman. You know you should be upset. That is what the patriarchy says. But you are just so happy that it happened. It is the only way you can interact with women. And this is all-natural. This is your happy place. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only intended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by, theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #femdom, #betamale, #femalesupremacy



I am still using this file. It really is working. An excellent job.

Taioba Gozagraxa

What i really loved here is that straight talk right to our core: i really do not want this to never end. im not able to stop. and the more you say there is not possible to escape, that i always will end up training and looping, the more i feel i want to submit all my life to your control. would you emphasize this even more maybe in some file? like, i would love a mantra that make me say that training is the best thing in the whole world, that this is the best thing in my life, and so on and so on...

Taioba Gozagraxa

Exacly! I dont know why, but it really shatters my mind when you talk straight to our core like that, rubbing our obsession in our face. It gets so intense and overwhelming!

Taioba Gozagraxa

Trying to stop and not being able to quit training, always returning and submiting - it is so hot and midfucking to think about this! The beta mind has no way to stand it, even if he tries to reject you, or resist - you are always stronger and always wins, you will always drag him back to you until he finally acepts and starts to thank you.