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One of the biggest challenges males face, is not wasting all their free time running their fingers up and down their horny penises.

Nothing aggravates women more than the thought that unsupervised males are having a little diddle party at their computer while women are working to improve the world.

So we are going to start Wankless Weekends today!

HURRAY!!! Isn't it exciting?

We think it is so exciting and wonderful for you. We know you are just going to love it.


Starting now. Males are not allowed to even diddle on their days off. You can train. But you may not touch that silly thing between your legs.

To put a finer point on it. If you work that day... You may play. Of course without squirts. But if you are off. If you are not working. You need to leave it alone.

No touching.
No stroking.
No teasing.
No tickling.

No nothing!

Leave it alone.

The problem is that you are just so penis focussed that so many of you spend your entire weekend edging to to erotic material. That's disgusting and offensive to women!

Why we have known boys who would wake up on their days off and just lay in bed and play with themselves. Hours would pass as they watched training files or searched the web for femdom content.

They would do nothing useful for women. And that really pisses us off.

The university is not porn for your enjoyment. It is intended to help you become a useful little idiot for predatory women.

Isn't that what you really want?

Not a sad and pathetic life of self abuse.

We know that you spend your work week miserable and dreaming of those days off when you can play. It has become the only thing you live for.

From Monday morning to Friday evening. You grind. Just to have those two days to stroke your genitals.

Which is another reason why we are taking that away.

We want to limit your diddling to days when you can not fully enjoy it. When you have to limit yourself.

If you diddle all night. We don't want you to be able to sleep in. We love watching wankers crawl into work in the morning after spending the whole previous night playing with themselves.

They look like such sad little zombies.

You just have to laugh.

Of course everyone else will be fucking and fingering. Humping and jerking. All weekend long.

Is this fair?


Because beta males are emotionally stunted. As emotional adults. We know how to use moderation. We have other interests and so we are very productive, even on our days off.

We might spend the whole weekend fucking our "real man" boyfriends. Or bringing beautiful women home from the local lesbian bar. But we are responsible adults. And you just look like one. Inside you are a lost boy who masturbates chronically if no one stops you.

We get to get off.
We get to feel good.

Not you.

Starting as soon as you read this.

So your weekends just got freed up for you. Isn't that wonderful. Aren't you just such a lucky boy to have Wankless Weekends.

And please spread the word. Let people know how this little change has improved your life. Made you more productive and happy. A better little bitch for women.

Now you have time to get that second job and give all the money to your crush. If you work 7 days a week, you can play every day. Of course still no dribblie squirts! But you know that.

You could also be spending this time volunteering for women's groups. Or learning about women's studies. Maybe get trained to do pedicures or become a licensed massage therapist.

Whatever it is. It won't be wanking.

What will you do with your extra time?


Create a schedule. Find something to do to serve women. Start a blog. Learn Photoshop and create artwork. Do something!

You can do it!

Reach out to female charities and ask to volunteer. Sometimes you can even help out remotely.

Until you have a schedule you are forbidden to even diddle Thursday through Monday. That only gives you two days. Tuesday and Wednesday. Because you need to be focused on finding a way to serve women. Now you have the time and motivation.

You're welcome!



Anonymous Human

oink had a question. if oink does a bit of cleaning in the oinks house, will it be considered as doing work so that oink can diddle while training?


i want to make out with the little space between Her Shoe and Her Arch