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Sorry beta, but you can stop pretending. We already know. It is like an instinct. Maybe it is in your eyes, or the way you walk. Or perhaps you just give off that vibe that screams. I am a wimpy beta male unworthy of dating. Unworthy of sex.

You see mother nature gave women this instinct that is supposed to keep us from dating a beta. We know that you are here to serve, to work for us. To pay our bills, and clean our homes. To wash our cars. Buy us whatever we want. And work for free.

That is how it is supposed to work. A woman just knows. You are beta and you are here to be exploited.

But the patriarchy game around and it has been trying to cloud the minds of women for years. To gaslight them into not believing what their instincts are telling them. And that is that you are beta, and she deserves everything. That it is your job to give us what we want.

And you have even evolved to enjoy it. You see, it's your penis. Most likely you are become excited just reading all this. How women will reject you, how they will use and discard you. How you are afraid to disappoint them. And you crave their approval more than anything.

Sure you can push to the back of your mind. but a few months in chastity and it is all you can think of. You will seek out the most demanding of women to please. And as she bosses you around, bullies you, and takes advantage of you. Your penis does what.

It throbs. It jumps. And it twitches.

And you want her more. The "worse" she treats you. The more you love her. Because she is putting you in your place. You know you are beta. Your body knows it. And your core knows it as well. Your penis certainly knows it.

And she knows it.

And now, after this training, whenever you interact with a woman. You will know that she knows you are beta. The thought will just keep popping in your head.

"She knows I am beta"

Over and over again. Distracting you. As she giggles. And laughs. And her laughter will get that silly penis all worked up. You will just be so horny. And she will be able to tell.

Your life will never be the same. Enjoy!


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She Already Knows You are Beta | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

One of the most amusing pass times we women have is discussing who we know that is totally beta. We will often sit around and talk about the males we interact with and debate about how beta a male actually is. Generally, it is, pretty darn beta! One thing you boys have to understand is that non-beta males are pretty rare. Let's approach this from the other side. How many males are Alpha? And remember we are just using the terms of the patriarchy. An alpha male is still a male, and therefore still inferior to a woman. It's just simple biology. The only difference is how they are useful to us. Alpha males are for more physical forms of service. While Beta males are more domesticated. They exist to work, and clean, and pay, and do all the things leftover. They are certainly not for romance. All men are tools that exist to please women. But there are certain levels of beta. And if you are here. If you are watching this video. Then you are probably completely beta. There is no part of you that is not beta. So why pretend. From the tips of your toes, to the top of your head. Every inch of you most likely screams beta. And every woman knows. We all do. It's an instinct given to us by mother nature. We can spot a beta pretty quickly. so when you stomp around, and act all "manly", we just laugh and laugh and laugh about it. You look so silly. Like a child pretending to drive a car. Sitting behind the steering wheel making engine noises. Vroom Vroom beta. Everyone knows. That is why they keep shooting you down. Or using you. It is just instinctual for women. When we see a beta, we want to torment him. And make him squirm. It is not fair huh? The mean ladies receiving pleasure from your suffering. Laughing at you, and gossiping. We wonder if you are wearing panties under your fake male clothing, or if you are locked in a chastity cage. And when you walk up to us, and muster up the courage to ask us out. It takes all of our restraint to not laugh in your stupid face. Because you are so clueless. And this is not only dominant women, or ladies who believe in Female Supremacy. No. Every woman has them. So we created this training file to train your mind to think... "everybody knows I am beta" whenever you interact with women. It will be constant, intrusive, and distracting. And it is exactly what you need. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #betatraining, #femalesupremacy, #femdom, #mistress



I so love this one! listening to it every day, even at night! It makes me feel so good<3 Thank you FSU for this wonderful stuff! <333


I always felt there was something wrong with me since I have been pussyfree for over 5 years. The reality is sex is not something I was made for and I want to thank FSU for helping me understand my true role