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Recently we have started adding more erotic artwork to our training files. And some people have begun to ask if this is porn.

It is not!

It is a biological fact, that males who have been denied orgasms for very long periods of time and are then exposed to the beauty of the female body will become dim witted and docile.

This is because your sexuality is about serving the superior gender and not sex. This is why women always rejected you. You were not being honest with them. They could tell that you would be much better suited to cleaning their bathroom than sharing their bed. They just needed you to first accept it.

Your penis has always been a beta male greatest weakness. Every woman knows how easy it is to manipulate males who are backed up with sexual need.

But beta males like you are even weaker than most because many of you have developed an uncontrollable masturbation problem.

You are obsessed with self abuse and spend your days finding new material, more powerful material, to tease yourself to.

So we use this natural drive in beta males to help us program your silly boy brain. By exposing your mind to stimulating imagery and audios. It will form linkages to what we are teaching you.

In laymen's terms.

We're programming your sexuality back to what nature intended. The beta male is supposed to become sexually excited by serving all women. So by sexually arousing you and then implanting certain ideas. These ideas become erotic.

You learn to be sexually excited by scrubbing her floors, washing her clothes, and paying her bills.

The only true use for a beta male.

Our files are not intended to merely arouse you like pornography. No. We are teaching your beta male brain. Undoing the lies of the patriarchy.

Are we objectifying women. No! Males already do that. They are incapable of fully understanding the complexity that is the superior female. So they see women as objects.

What we do is mold you to move away from the sexual objectification our society has taught you. And replace it with an adoration akin to worshipping gods.

This is how you will begin to see women. As gods among inferior males.

And just like the Greeks, and Romans. We use the males sexual weaknesses to bring him to his knees. Just as they depicted great statues of beautifully exposed Goddesses. We also use similar imagery.


Of course you don't. Maybe you can find a woman and PAY her to explain it to you. Because her time is so much more valuable than yours.

We are pussy free to help beta males accept that their not meant for sex. That a beta male penis must learn to be excited by being exploited, used, controlled and bullied by the wonderful female.

You are not worthy of even seeing a picture of the power that lies between a woman's legs.

This part of her is not for you.

Unless she says of course!

But that is extremely rare.




LADIES of THE HIVE. oink goes back in the files and finds one that for some reason oink has not seen before. this simp love loves this post. YOU say YOU are going to do something to our tiny, inferior, pathetic male brain. You give all of us pigs a chance to run away but we all run to YOU and give us the chance to rejoice in our subjugation to the superior FEMALE. Thank YOU!