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December 25th... Squirts or no-Squirts

  • Please Squirts 64
  • No Squirts 99
  • 2021-12-13
  • 163 votes
{'title': 'December 25th... Squirts or no-Squirts', 'choices': [{'text': 'Please Squirts', 'votes': 64}, {'text': 'No Squirts', 'votes': 99}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 13, 4, 43, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 163}


As we work through the months content we keep coming back to what will happen on on the big day. For those of you who do not know, The Female Supremacy University is having a chastity event until Christmas day. The purpose is to help selfish males focus on women during this time of added stress and anxiety.

On the big day, we will be releasing a file that will give squirts... 

You will be allowed to take care of yourself like never before.

What a lovely gift... Right?

But is this what should be happening. Or should we do something different?

The point of this post is really pure curiosity because we know that your opinion comes from your penis. Because you are male. That thing just short circuits your ability to think about anything beyond what gets you horny.

It's sad.

But then that is how women will take over. Because nature made you slaves to your penis. And your penis listens to women. After we train it.

So even if you say.


We know that it is just because that makes you all squirmy in your pants. 



Well, that is just you thinking about your own pleasure again.


In the comments tell us why you voted the way you did. Really try to think with that silly male brain. Here is a good tip we tell males when we ask them if they should be allowed to make a dribblie squirt. 

Pretend it is someone else's penis we are talking about, and you are on stage for the big squirt / no-squirt debate. You and your opponent are duking it out in front of a room full of women. At the end of the debate, they will vote on the topic to decide if all the males get to dribblie or not.

But if the moderator thinks for a moment that your argument is coming from a place of selfish desire. She will shut you down and give your time to your opponent.

For your opinion to count please start it off by saying "my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is..."

vote and comment now.


Kyle Bush

My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is that I honestly don't deserve any quirts until after Christmas and my birthday (12/26) as I couldn't stay locked the entire month all because I got a sore spot around the ring. I want to be able to go at least a month or longer without having to take it off.


aww. that is a very dumb opinion indeed. Because a cage is never needed, most males we work with do not use them... they just know what is expected of them and they don't squirt. A very silly male opinion about a very silly subject. A perfect start.

manoj kumar nag

My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is that I should not squirt on Christmas and that the chastity period should be extended as it must be every beta male's duty to keep pushing his limits.


but if you want to stay locked up, how is that pushing your limits. It would only be pushing you if you were desperate to be let out. interesting... A very silly opinion indeed. thank you.


My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is that we should not be allowed to make squirts. The main reason is that it simply does not benefit women in any way. We as beta males should always put women first that includes keeping our brains soft and pliable so we are more easily manipulated. Look no further than the words used to start this argument, stupid, dumb, and horny. That is the natural state of beta males. This is the state we are left in when denied squirts. The concept of post nut " clarity is a lie. Squirts only cause confusion in beta males. The thought of being confused about the truth female supremacy is upsetting. If allowed squirts women will once again have to partially retrain our pathetic male brains but women have way more important things to do other than putting us back in our place simply because we greedily let our worthless pee pees squirt our beta goo all over ourselves. On a personal note I selfishly don't want to go through the painfull emotions that come with letting my training penis squirt. I beg you please 🙏 don't let us squirt.


interesting. what a stupid opinion you have. but we like it. it is all about women. But sometimes it is important to drive home what life without our training would be like. We generally have the male do a series of ever-increasingly humiliating tasks that he gleefully agrees to because, well, horny penis. Then when it is all done. He has completely degraded himself. He is destroyed and exposed. We take the horny away with a series of squirts. It is always difficult for the male to see who he really is like this. But it really shows the male how lost he would be if he was left to pursue the will of his penis. Nothing shows more clearly how badly the male needs women to do his thinking for him. So this is really an argument for squirting. hmmm...


my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is...no big squirts just a drip for the women and kept horny and stupid

slave beast

My stupid dumb horny opinion is that I should never be allowed to squirt at all being permanently denied and trained makes my resolve to serve women greater all the time


my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is Please no squirts. at 200+ days locked it will most certainly feel like a punishment. After reading theHIVE's response to majorb87 oink stupid little brain sees how a pitiful squirt will be another jolt to beta's ability to hide it's true self, a tool for Woman to use for their Gain. Thank You theHIVE for educating betas to better Listen and Obey.

Pierre Normandin

my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is no-squirts. Because all beta male squirts for their egoism pleasure and after they are no more energy to satisfy or please her Woman. i really think the beta mal can be horny but NEVER and NEVER sqirts.


No because I am still horny all the time when its nit aloud to squirrel but most of all I can better serve all woman


My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is that FSU goddess should allow us betas to squirt at 12/25 cause it will help our brain penis to stay focused at training, anxious waiting for the losers reward.


I'm sorry for my dumb opinion. I'm just too stupid to have opinions about my beta squirts. My head hurts from thinking so hard about this. Opinions should be left for Women who are much smarter and wiser. I simply can't think on the same level as superior Females. It's a good thing my opinions don't matter.


My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is please squirts but I'm too stupid to think of a reason

SkullCap Black

My fellows betas I respectfully ask you; how can you even think of squirting at a time like this? The Female Supremacy University YouTube channel has less than ten thousand subscribers! This is no less than a travesty that there are so many betas who have not yet accepted the truth of the absolute Supremacy of the female gender. Though my opinion is worthless due to being far below the capability of the superior gender; I respectfully ask the goddesses of the Hive to declare that no one engages in any squirting until the Female Supremacy University has 10,000 subscribers! Victory to the Hive and the New Women's Order

Taioba Gozagraxa

My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is that, well, I guess squirting files are a little rarer than the chastity ones. Also, they tend to be stronger and more impressive, at least to me. There is something special about it. So if there is an opportunity to be presented with such a video, I think we should take it. Its a very generous gift.

inferior male #143

my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is... that males should not have the choice, much less the right to vote on it. It should be entirely the choice of the Female, or Females in charge of the male in question. As Mother Nature intended it to be.


But it's Christmas!!!!!!


quality is more important than quantity.. we appreciate the thought but we are ok. yt is a slow process if done correctly.

Doc Nolan

my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is... I don't plan to vote because I want to do what my crush wants me to do and she wouldn't decide this far ahead. She likes to act impulsively. My vote would be whichever way she told me to vote.


hmm. we are getting some more pro squirts voters.


LADIES of THE HIVE and FSU while oink would love to squirt and dribble it should be by a vote of the LADIES of FSU.

Dirk Cobblestone

I had stated on a previous post that my Crush will decide if/how I will come Christmas day so I've decided to recuse myself from the vote... but, my stupid, dumb, horny opinion is... that this is sort of a trick question, but a valuable one. I don't believe that any man is able to answer/defend their position given the rules you laid out. I think the men voting squirts are being honest, but selfish... and I think the most of the men voting no-squirts are voting that way because they think that's the "right" answer. I think as beta males in training we need to admit that we are unable to make a decision about our penis that is not selfish. I believe the correct answer in this case is that, "it is up to the Ladies of FSU to make whatever choice that pleases them the most, because we cannot be trusted with this responsibility." We beta males should not fool ourselves into thinking we can trust ourselves. We can only trust the Superior Female.


sounds like your crush has really been helping you... but the rest will have to see what we decide


My stupid dumb horny opinion is yes squirts because all men need a release at some point

James Beta

My stupid dumb, horny opinion is no squirts. Don't think deserve the pleasure of squinting.

Joseph Howard

My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is…. “No Squirts” because no squirts keeps the low, weak, base inferior creature pulsating, engorged and compliant. Horny and selfish is the male’s true state and women can use that state to their utility. In form of service and entertainment 👸🏽👩🤲🧬

Joseph Howard

The “right answer” is honesty, that is the only counter to a trick question. “Fortune favors the bold” and life is short 😉

Dirk Cobblestone

@FSU Thank you. She really has! If she and I hadn't have had the year we have I wouldn't have finally been bold enough to support the FSU. She's helped mea accept myself... but I also need to say thank you to and everyone at FSU, because I've taken the training really seriously for about a month now, and the impact it's had on my confidence and day to day relations with the women in my life has been amazing! @Joseph, my point is we beta males are incapable of truly being honest on such a matter. There will will always be a drive of selfishness to our actions. That is why the decision on something like this should only be kept in the hands of Women.

Joe Foster

My stupid horny opinion dosent matter

Joe Foster

I will let you decide what u want me to do.


My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is please let us squirt. We need a goal as a motivation. And if we were good and courteous, a reward. Just like a dog gets a treat if it has been good for its owner.


thank you for this. finally, someone has the courage to ask for squirts with a decent reason as well.


My stupid, dumb, horny opinion is no squirts for Xmas. The thought that I might get a chance to dribble my nasty mess is enough of a Xmas gift/reward for me. Also i will be very busy on Xmas Day serving my superior and I wouldn't want anything that my lesson my effectiveness.